[Spoiler Alert] About the endings


Do you want more RPGs with happy endings?

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All the seven ends are really dark and sad. Like really. we need a happy ending.

Edit: What do you think of the alternative endings, all of them are sad, and from what I see that people want at least one a happy one, atleast like a Top secret-Easter Egg, at least to achieve it with legendary clothes and level 50, or at least in extreme hard mode. What would be the best idea to fit?
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I am also dissapointed beacuse it seems there is not even one happy ending where V can live and heal up damage that shard did to him/her.

I mean how can you make 6 endings, not not give even one happy one.... So all endings are meaningless because we either die before last missions, we die during last mission by losing our body or we die few months after winning our body and mind back.


Did CDPR have too many razors in office?
Well, I know IGN said there were quite a lot more different endings available after going back to do 20 hours of sidequests, etc, than when they'd raced through just the main story ..... There obviously might well be more still if you did more than that? As for further details on if some side stuff is particularly important & so on, I don't know but I'm sure there'll soon be guides covering it all if you don't want to keep playing to find out
Well, I know IGN said there were quite a lot more different endings available after going back to do 20 hours of sidequests, etc, than when they'd raced through just the main story ..... There obviously might well be more still if you did more than that? As for further details on if some side stuff is particularly important & so on, I don't know but I'm sure there'll soon be guides covering it all if you don't want to keep playing to find out

There are guides already.


V dies in every ending. It's only a matter if you die before final mission, during final mission or few months after final mission.

That's it. Rest is cosmetic choices, but basically your choices doesn't matter- you die anyway.
CDPR - seriously - you had too many razors in office? Too much edge?

You gave us 7 endings. SEVEN. SEVEN.

And you couldn't fit ONE HAPPY ending so I can actually feel like I can make a difference in the end and all that effort and side quests actually matter?

Because right now I have basically 7 endings in which my V:

1. Dies before FInal Mission
2. Dies (loses mind/body to Jhonny) during Final mission
3. Or after are God Darn struggle to get rid of that idiot of V's head - V dies few months after Final Mission.

So in short- 7 endings - you die in all.

There is no point of trying them all. Outcome is the same for V.

SEVEN ENDINGS. Not even one happy end. Really, CDPR, really?

Because the best ending currently is just shooting V in the head- at least it's fast and merciful.
There are guides already.


V dies in every ending. It's only a matter if you die before final mission, during final mission or few months after final mission.

That's it. Rest is cosmetic choices, but basically your choices doesn't matter- you die anyway.
OK ... & have those people done EVERYTHING in the game? I haven't got that far into mine yet & I certainly haven't seen detailed guides to all the side-jobs, etc. But the whole idea of a 'hidden' ending is for it to take some finding & it might depend on so many different things, I don't see how anyone would know for sure they have found them all already
OK ... & have those people done EVERYTHING in the game? I haven't got that far into mine yet & I certainly haven't seen detailed guides to all the side-jobs, etc. But the whole idea of a 'hidden' ending is for it to take some finding & it might depend on so many different things, I don't see how anyone would know for sure they have found them all already

Yes, because only the last bit of the game decides endings. From certain point of the game you have couple of different choices to make for different endings. 90% of main story does not have any influence on ending, only very particular part. So all you have to do is save game before it, get one ending, then load, do another one etc.

Also people datamined the same so it all adds up.
Now I lack of interest and motivation to continue playing.

I thought I can change Jackie fate because they purposely spoiled it, so I spent time to play stealth and non lethal route. Nope, Jackie still die, and even worse T-bug and Dex just die like that.

Fine, base on previous trailers I thought at least I can decide my fate and put a mark on the world even though I am not savior of the world. And in trailers they mention black wall and rogue AI, I thought I can become immortal digital god like Deus Ex. Nope, just die like a nameless person.

It is a great game, but it make me feel everything I did is pointless.
Ironically, the game is missing the one profoundly obvious ending choice that often defines cyberpunk as a genre.

It is missing the Ghost In the Shell (original) movie ending - the classic outcome where V and Johnny's consciousnesses merge into a new combined being that is simultaneously neither and both of them.

I mean - I agree it's ALSO missing a happy ending where V manages to eradicate Johnny and live a full happy life afterwards, but more importantly its missing the merge/evolution ending that is usually the staple of cyberpunk. Such endings are the logical conclusion or punchline to the genre, fulfilling the post-human potential of 'digital souls'. I'm staggered that the writing team didn't include this ending, it's so obvious as a story branch I have no idea how they missed it.

To be honest, it kinda makes me wonder how much they even understand the cyberpunk genre or what gives it artistic significance.
Ironically, the game is missing the one profoundly obvious ending choice that often defines cyberpunk as a genre.

It is missing the Ghost In the Shell (original) movie ending - the classic outcome where V and Johnny's consciousnesses merge into a new combined being that is simultaneously neither and both of them.

I mean - I agree it's ALSO missing a happy ending where V manages to eradicate Johnny and live a full happy life afterwards, but more importantly its missing the merge/evolution ending that is usually the staple of cyberpunk. Such endings are the logical conclusion or punchline to the genre, fulfilling the post-human potential of 'digital souls'. I'm staggered that the writing team didn't include this ending, it's so obvious as a story branch I have no idea how they missed it.

To be honest, it kinda makes me wonder how much they even understand the cyberpunk genre or what gives it artistic significance.

I remember Mike Pondsmith mentioned something like he like small story of individual among everyone live in city. So his Cyberpunk is not large scale story such as saving world. But I thought CDPR will gave us some choice to go for bigger scale story.
The problem is the main plot quickly writes itself into a very dark corner, with no realistic option possible that undoes the damage V sustains.

The player's situation is written as unsalvageable. Their brain has been half-destroyed by nanites, can no longer survive without the chip connected and any 'escape route' (e.g. creating an engram of V and copying that to the chip, another brain, or the internet, etc) will only rescue a new COPY of V, with tthe original oragnic-brained version still dying.

All roads lead to the destruction of V's 'soul'. The only way around this would be to have a miracle doctor appear who can somehow repair V's brain, reversing the 'artificial dementia' V is suffering from and allowing the chip to be removed plus Johnny's engram deleted.

There's just no way to introduce a happy resolution like that without it feeling like a 'magical' plot twist that breaks the rules of how V's predicament is set up.

In short, the dark endings are just symptoms of a very dark premise. If V's situation had been explained differently - i.e. their organic brain is still physically fine but its autonomy is just being usurped by the chip's connection, then the writers would have had a lot more wiggle room to include happier endings.

In the end, the plot is very similar to The Fly. There's no winning path for Dr. Brundle's original self, only for a viable copy or hybrid that leaves the doomed original behind.
Sad ending does not just mean MC die, but also mean MC death is insignificant, meaningless, lack of satisfaction.

I'm not reading the plot details as I've not played it yet and don't want to be TOO spoiled. but what you said sounds appropriate to Cyberpunk yes.
I love when things have the balls to make a sad ending. I have full respect for any medium that goes against what the mainstream demand is a satisfactory conclusion. I guess that's why I love movies like the Mist etc as well. So seeing this thread has been the biggest selling point for me lol (skipping the actual story related stuff ofc).
Honestly it feels like Mass Effect 3 all over again. The developers promise us choices defining our story but deny us the choice because they are so hung up on telling one type of story. Why offer us choices if you aren’t going to implement them.

I'm not even sure what the writers were going for. It almost seems like their 'canon' ending is where Johnny takes over V's body, whilst V vanishes into the internet. But I donn't see any worthwhile 'message' in this resolution, there's nothing noteworthy or meaningful about V dying so the engram can continue in V's body. It's just very morbid and bleak.

More importantly, that ending just highlights the game's massive elephant in the room that never gets addressed. Johnny's engram is NOT Johnny himself. The real Johnny was born, lived his life and then died. The engram imprinted on V's chip is just a copy of Johnny, therefore killing V so that copy can live out a new life is an incredibly dark ending - the original Johnny would have hated to have murdered V in such a way.

It's very odd how the story is written as if Johnny's engram is Johnny himself back from the dead, instead of acknowledging that it's just a copy that's acting as random neuro-malware and killing an innocent person.
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