[Spoiler Alert] About the endings


Do you want more RPGs with happy endings?

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This is actually very common. Again, see Fallout: New Vegas, one of the most popular open world video games of all time.

Common among instanced RPGs like Mass Effect and Dragon Age (except Inquisition)? Yes. Among open-world ones? I'd disagree.

We can look at Skyrim and Fallout 4. IIRC, the former scores higher than New Vegas on user metacritic, and the latter roughly equal. I do admit that New Vegas is superior as far as narrative/role-playing choices go.
I understand your point - but they were under pressure so that happened. I would rather even another year to get the polished product.

And if there will be fabular DLC with continuation of V's story I will be behind you in queue for it. Without fabular expansion I do not feel to play the game in long time..
Exactly, at this point I don't care about it arriving in stages, so long as it arrives.
O yeah why fuck up only our day lets fuck up day of people we love :D great move :D
And we can't even roleplay sociopathic douchebag with no friends, because we got no roleplay freedom and main plot makes V friend of several people.
At some point i even wanted to replay the game as such sociopath, so no one would be upset by his death(
Ironically Disney surely made more people cry tears with their many movies than any grimdark piece of hopelessness...because Disney knows one thing: You do the sad and "hopeless" part midway and early, and bring on the happy ending catharsis later for the viewers, for maximum feelgood - making Bambi and Lion King beloved classics to this day ...

And now back to the therapy session - seems to make good progress!
Not to chastise yo mate, but Disney also killed several fanchises in ways far worse. Cyberpunk is with some exceptions still a good game. But.. ooh lets say SW franchise.. dead, buried, faded.
I think you're peeling back the onion too much in a situation where suspension of disbelief is supposed to kick in. I'm not a neurobiology expert and I doubt the writers are. They probably did a cursory level of research and threw in some Gibson techno-babble for good measure.

The tech exists to help V but they definitely don't have 700k in eddies to burn through each week. Even Saburo would have had to wait for a new body if his son wasn't around.

I am not a neurobiologist either. I am an humble lab technicia, who researched maybe half an hour.

Suspension of disbelief is not an excuse to write bullshit. I could have swallowed it, if there were not ingame concepts and lore that would contradict the whole situation.

My suspension of disbelief broke when hellman told V that the DNA was rewritten by nanobots and that the bodies were not compatible. Why did my sod break? Because a few minutes before that, Saburo proclamed that be inherited his son's body. A body that is only bald of his DNA. That's actually not very much.

Suspension of disbelief is a deal that involves involves two things. First, the player/reader dies not look too deep into it and second, the writer does not overstretch it.
The plot cancer overstretched it by quite a bit. Not only, because the ingame lore and concepts contradicts the whole situation but because it's the second time the game tells me that I am going to die.
My reaction was along: "really? Again? Oh ffs. It does not even make sense."

Once you start questioning the plot and narrative the dam is broken.

You can write bullshit, as long as the bullshit makes sense.
I don't mean that have to be DLC, but for example sequel?
LOL that would be so bad. I mean needing DLC that would be rehasing the "omg you are dying save yourself" plotline is bad enough. Having a CP2 where the plot is "omg you are still dying save yourself", uh no. Fool me once and all that.... :rolleyes:
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I will be the first one to buy the DLC that offers a cure for V.
Meh if its free, maybe. Should have been in the main game to begin with. If they want me to pay for it? Nope, I'm out at that point.
From my point of view, Disney makes even more pointless shit games. The same fallen order, for example.
The boy is trying to revive the Jedi Order, but we know even before the launch of the game that he will not succeed, we watched the movies. Why is this necessary at all? For whom?
It’s bad that cdpr went along a similar path, but at least until the end in this game there is some kind of intrigue.

Disney does not make any games, you know...

Well, neither Cal Kestis nor Merril dies, or are said to die in six months due to Force Poison in their brain from D-Vader ... and I loved that another character also does NOT die, even though they for a split second tried to show me that.

Of course in the end it is kinda pointless to think that Cal can rebuild the Order. At least EVERY SW fan knows that. No surprise or suspense in that. But at least it does not end with Cal realizing his quest was futile, and he throws himself into the lava with D-Vader laughing or something. The entire crew survives, ready for another adventure

And hey ... almost everyone cannot wait for Fallen Order 2, to see Cal and his friends all again...

With CP? The same pointless quests, though unlike with SW most if not all people had no reason to beleive it was useless. And the payoff in the end? Instead of speculating WHEN we will see the main protagonsit again...we discuss hundreds of pages how it could even be possible to do ...

I think Respawn knew better than CD Red how to approach their story and their own future with the franchise they are allowed to work with...
Disney does not make any games, you know...

Well, neither Cal Kestis nor Merril dies, or are said to die in six months due to Force Poison in their brain from D-Vader ... and I loved that another character also does NOT die, even though they for a split second tried to show me that.

Of course in the end it is kinda pointless to think that Cal can rebuild the Order. At least EVERY SW fan knows that. No surprise or suspense in that. But at least it does not end with Cal realizing his quest was futile, and he throws himself into the lava with D-Vader laughing or something. The entire crew survives, ready for another adventure

And hey ... almost everyone cannot wait for Fallen Order 2, to see Cal and his friends all again...

With CP? The same pointless quests, though unlike with SW most if not all people had no reason to beleive it was useless. And the payoff in the end? Instead of speculating WHEN we will see the main protagonsit again...we discuss hundreds of pages how it could even be possible to do ...

I think Respawn knew better than CD Red how to approach their story and their own future with the franchise they are allowed to work with...

How Trilla was completely paralyzed by terror and we hear his breath...
How Vader casually swiped Cere like in Tinder...
"You would be wise to surrender" - and then no "surrender" button)
She definitely touched our hearts. And V's... other body parts.
But seriously, for me the cut of entire Militech questline seems evident. Meredith and Takemura are too symmetrical for a mere coincidence. We heard so much about Militech and Arasaka past and current rivalries, and then... nothing. Meredith's line abruptly ends in No-Tell Motel, and Militech vs Arasaka conflict has no impact on the plot.

I wonder if this is because Militech quests are cut or because they decided that letting you kill/betray Meredith made writing for her too hard.

Because Meredith's survival is like Mass Effect and determinate.

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