State of the world and side-quests after the ending. No spoilers please.

State of the world and side-quests after the ending. No spoilers please.

My question is, will the world be changed a lot after finishing the main story ?

Being 15 hours into the game, for the sake of roleplaying, i feel like Geralt wouldn't delay his tracking on the trail of Ciri for almost any of the side-quests i've encountered so far. Thus i generally decline or ignore them.

But i know these quests are well designed and full of surprises. So my question is simple. I've read somewhere a year ago, towns & folk, therefore available quests/adventures might change depending on our actions during the main storyline.

So would I lose much if i prefer to focus on the main story until the end, and roaming the world for adventures after the ending ? That's what i need to know from someone who finished the game.

Even more so, given i don't know the ending (and have no desire to be spoiled so no spoilers please), would it MAKE SENSE for Geralt to roam the world for possible jobs and adventures considering his state of mind after the epilogue ?

Thanks in advance.
You'll loose all quest with major NPCs (Friends etc.), Contracts and other sidequest that don't involve major NPCs are not affected by this, that means all quest you find on notice boards should be unaffected
Thanks, if i may ask another;

In Witcher 2, game would give you some breaks on the main questline by some triggers. You would have to wait for an information or such, so you'd take the time on side-questing. It felt really logical for Geralt to explore the region when his hands were tied and he had some spare days on the main storyline.

If W3 will not offer me such logical timeouts for sidequesting, i should not break the immersion and "go find someone's missing husband" or even "take on a not-so-urgent contract" when only thing Geralt could think of is
where the witches of crookbag bog are and what information they might be holding about Ciri

Is there such a problem later in the game ?
yeah you have to decide for yourself if you want do to main quests and leave the sidequests out or if you do sidequests since you're already in the area and you're a witcher that normally helps people with monster problems
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