I have suggestion, and really would like to see that coming to the game. Something really simple - let me explain.
Most of the days I spending time playing with my friends together and there are many of us.
Of course we will play Gwent against each other in friendly games but what I was thinking is TOURNAMENT. Some lobby where I can create some small tournament (something really simple to create - number of people in the tournament and choose what kind of tournament is this - knockout stage, where you winning and you going to next round or one big group, where first in the table winning tournament ) and invite to this lobby my friends from the list.
When they want to play tournament game, they just entering that lobby, inviting to the game table and playing the opponent that was drew by the game or if this is group stage players play one match with each opponent.
Of course we can such things record on the piece of paper but would be very nice to have that option in the game. I saw that kind of option in few games already...I think last one we play it like that was FIFA.