The Strongest Faction

It's likely that some things seen as too strong on lower ranks are less so on higher, where the meta is different and where people're better at playing around stuff.

I mean.... one faction can fill half their deck with thinning tools able to dump tempo and the other half with cards able to exceed the provision cost reliably. Strong tall counters, engine killers, a decent lock, damage engines, a high provision number, versatility, and the list goes on. The other gets to spam unconditional engines anywhere on the board, unconditional tempo anywhere on the board, has access to decent thin options (which, by the way, also provide the temps), and can arbitrarily stuff random cards in it's builds and still win. I'll allow you to guess which two I'm talking about.

Are other factions competitive? Absolutely. Can they beat the golden children? Absolutely. Are they as strong, in as many different ways? Nope. Every faction has a way to be competitive. The fact remains if you asked me to play one faction to grant the best chance to win, without any knowledge of the match-ups ahead of time, it's SK or MS. I'd probably err toward SK just because it's very strong and can nearly always find the cards it needs. I still think it's a toss up between these two as to who runs the playground.
I still think it's a toss up between these two as to who runs the playground.

Well I agree more or less, I'm just saying it's also a matter of perspective, since winrate doesn't only depend on how strong your deck is overall but also on what matchup you get. I'm sure most people get upset and start to complain something is OP when they get the same hard-counter matchup few times in short succession.

In my very limited experience a lot of different NR decks seemto be doing really well this patch :shrug:.

Also Powel on MO:

They will see some slight changes to bring them down a bit.

:), I kinda wish they woulddn't just nerf them but also buff the Arachas archetype that seems useless. Since that was the only MO leader i liked playing xD.
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@4RM3D I was asking about the strongest faction, not the most popular.
Pff. No. This thread asks which faction is your favourite, so basicly, would be a favourite, if everyone didn't care about win/lose.
The most popular faction is the one what has won faction war, highest number of plays. And main factor was it's strength.
I mean, the word "popular" indicates number of people actually using it... So I said, nay, for what people play is not really what's joyful.
As a side note, I've seen other, bigger polls (2k-3k votes), NR winning at like 50%, second Nilfgaard and ST, third MO, SK.
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Well I agree more or less, I'm just saying it's also a matter of perspective, since winrate doesn't only depend on how strong your deck is overall but also on what matchup you get. I'm sure most people get upset and start to complain something is OP when they get the same hard-counter matchup few times in short succession.

No argument here. You're absolutely right.

In my very limited experience a lot of different NR decks seemto be doing really well this patch :shrug:.

I'd agree but NR feels highly match-up dependent. MS and SK feel considerably less so. Morvran, Meve, Adda, Brouver and even Fila have access to reasonably strong builds. It doesn't feel like any of these are quite on par with some of the Crach/MS decks. At least not in nearly the same number of match-ups.

:), I kinda wish they woulddn't just nerf them but also buff the Arachas archetype that seems useless. Since that was the only MO leader i liked playing xD.

I'd prefer any nerfs targeted at MS reduce the flexibility. More specifically, the flexibility of thrives. They really have close to zero requirements or conditions. I doubt anyone sat there and asked themselves, "How do I make my thrives get bigger?".

Big boys could probably use some tuning as well. Maybe not the big boys themselves but the GY replay of point-slam might need toned down just a tad. Although, if thrives were more conditional and had more counter-play the point-slam units may be alright. Big units alone usually isn't what beats you when facing MS, barring a very short round with a god tier draw on their part. Orchestrating this situation isn't likely to happen from big units alone either. It's big units chain slamming a board with thrives expelling points out their ass like a slot machine.

Of course, as Alexander pointed out it's not MS in a vacuum. Typically when one faction gets knocked down a peg it leaves a void, allowing other strong factions to pick up a bigger piece of the pie. So his concern is certainly valid.
Quote of the year from Restless:

"Orchestrating this situation isn't likely to happen from big units alone either. It's big units chain slamming a board with thrives expelling points out their ass like a slot machine. "

Noice. Veeeeery noice.
I am way, way down the ladder. Imagine my (non) surprise when I came up against tier 1 deck monsters...As a ST player, I have no sunergy, none. I think traps is all we have. I'm ot losing outright, I don't want to give that impression. But it stinks that yet again, ST is the runt of the litter. Having had what...two periods where they were on top before people complained i.e. the dwarve point spam and recently Eithne..which I didn't utilise, sadly. Both decks gone within a week.

But somehow, the tall monsters deck is an option haha

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