- police/gang chases + vehicle combat , this is the big one everyone has been asking for of course ,this mod does A LOT , police and gangs now chase after you and shoot at you from their vehicles (and not just cars , motorcycles too !) , you can shoot at them from your vehicle (similar to the scripted chases we already have ) , MaxTac now come after you when you piss off the police too much , enemies can call for backup (which comes in vehicles) , the mod even adjusts the health values for different vehicles , armored vehicles now have more health than unarmored ones !
the mod author's implementation of these mechanics is almost perfect really , should probably just copy and paste what he has done while also fixing the small quirks it has that only the devs could fix. - cyberware customization , mods like ARASAKA CYBERARMS and CYBERARMS LIBRARY and many more let use cosmetic cyberware that NPCs have which we don't have access too , these are already in the game files and there's so much diversity to them , it's about time we get to use them on our characters !
- Metro system : the opening scene for the 2018 reveal trailer literally has v in a train , why can't we them then ? this mod changes that but I'd like to see it implemented in a more official feeling capacity , we should be able to physically walk into the metro station take the metro and have other NPCs be on board too.
- vehicle customization no one is expecting forza level of customization , and the devs should absolutely not pour their resources into making one, BUT there are tons of variations for each vehicle , we should absolutely be able to switch between them , like how this mod allows us to.
- enemy netrunner quickhack diversity correct me if I'm wrong , but I believe even as of 1.5 , netrunners only use two types of hacks on you , position reveal and overheat , this mod is mostly just restoring cut content anyway , we should have this back as it makes combat that much more interesting
- wall hang , we know the devs can't add wallrunning , but why not this ? just slap some E3 style animations over it and call it a day , it's a minor thing but it will make a lot of people happy.
- pocket radio , the radio in this game is way too good for us not to have this.
the new patch is amazing , definitely a huge step in the right direction , but I hope they don't stop there.
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