Unbalanced Weapons and Overpowered Builds

Have you ever stopped playing a game, because it was too easy? Rinse and Repeat tactics are boring and clearly superior build options funnel players towards these boring tactics.

Starting with the mildly annoying fact pistols builds can out perform other guns. The build can turn a revolver into a high powered sniper rifle with all the damage and crit bonuses, many of them passive or on hit (whereas the 20 point perk on other guns is on kill). IRL handguns are considered the least lethal gun by a substantial amount. There is a reason they are back up weapons. now I'm not saying to rebalance the game to take away someone's gunslinger power fantasy, but I would say to make it so they have to earn it through skill. Many of the gun perks should depend on shots made without ADS and or shots made in ADS getting penalties for more time ADS; that is to say if you can aim down sights to shoot a target quickly you get the perk, but spending more than a second or two aiming down sights negates the perk, and maybe even adds penalties to damage. This way handgun builds favor high skill cap players. Also, other guns should have head damage modifiers similar to revolvers (no gun should have below a 1X modifier to headshot; meaning a gun should not do less damage when hitting a target's head, this is ridiculous). CDPR, please fix this. There is no good reason to play any other weapon but a revolver with high headshot multiplier. Fix this please.

Now, there is a way to one shot any enemy at any level without having a build, just cyberware. The arm based Projectile Launch System, loaded with tranquilizer rounds can one-hit literally everything. This is game breaking. Tough enemies should require more than one hit. Most bosses should be outright immune to tranquilizers. FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT!

Please add unbalanced and overpowered problems you've observed here.
There is *nothing at all* forcing you to play this build. Turn off aim assist. Max out the game difficulty. "Skill cap" is absolutely hilarious like this is a multiplayer game or something. "I can't control myself, so please nerf a playstyle I don't like because I can't help but use it." Other guns *do* have headshot multipliers (snipers have a 3.0-3.5x one, ARs can get a 2x one). Your proposed solution of nerfing aim sights also completely destroys stealth builds, which you'd probably complain about if you'd seen how that's even more powerful.

This is the same problem that people had with always making stealth archer builds in Skyrim. No need to make demands because you aren't creative enough to have fun with the game. Probably the same type to do the infinite stats alchemy glitch in Skyrim then complain that Bethesda needed to fix it?
Have you ever stopped playing a game, because it was too easy? Rinse and Repeat tactics are boring and clearly superior build options funnel players towards these boring tactics.

IRL handguns are considered the least lethal gun by a substantial amount. There is a reason they are back up weapons. now I'm not saying to rebalance the game to take away someone's gunslinger power fantasy, but I would say to make it so they have to earn it through skill.

Many of the gun perks should depend on shots made without ADS and or shots made in ADS getting penalties for more time ADS; that is to say if you can aim down sights to shoot a target quickly you get the perk, but spending more than a second or two aiming down sights negates the perk, and maybe even adds penalties to damage. This way handgun builds favor high skill cap players. Also, other guns should have head damage modifiers similar to revolvers (no gun should have below a 1X modifier to headshot; meaning a gun should not do less damage when hitting a target's head, this is ridiculous). CDPR, please fix this. There is no good reason to play any other weapon but a revolver with high headshot multiplier. Fix this please.

Now, there is a way to one shot any enemy at any level without having a build, just cyberware. The arm based Projectile Launch System, loaded with tranquilizer rounds can one-hit literally everything. This is game breaking. Tough enemies should require more than one hit. Most bosses should be outright immune to tranquilizers. FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT!

Please add unbalanced and overpowered problems you've observed here.

So if I understand correctly... This is what you meant?

>Game is too easy because I can't help but play the game the same way, with the same choices over and over again despite being handed a LARGE variety of items. ex. I like carrots, so they're the only thing I eat in my salad. There's no variety in this salad so the chef should remove or lessen the amount of carrots so that they'll force me into trying something new.]

>IRL handguns are weak, so they must be weak in a fantasy RPG game where bare fists can hit harder than a shotgun. Nerf pistols because SHOOTING THE HEAD ON FAST MOVING, BULLET DODGING NINJAS REQUIRE NO SKILL, SO LETS MAKE IT HARDER BY INCREASING ADS TIME. OH AND ALSO NERF THEIR DAMAGE BECAUSE.

>Only revolvers can do more damage with headshots. ???

>Tranq rounds insta-knock things out.

Regular rounds suck and don't scale with higher level enemies. Yes this needs to be fixed, I agree but don't just nerf the non-lethal round, buff the others please.
No need to make demands because you aren't creative enough to have fun with the game. Probably the same type to do the infinite stats alchemy glitch in Skyrim then complain that Bethesda needed to fix it?

I do not think that the creativity of the player is a valid point as an excuse for something that is not balanced and it seems to be more laziness of the developers than anything else.
A game should impose the need to be creative to face a challenge, there should be an evolutionary curve while you play that allows you to avoid obstacles and not a situation where you have to force yourself not to take the optimal route to solve a problem.
For example, the AI is incredibly silly and I have to force myself and pretend that I am also a fool to have a little risk and excitement using only katana because otherwise, I crouch behind an "x" cover at a safe distance I use the sniper that goes through everything, I shoot each one in the head while it is static believing that they are safe and I avoid the sporadic grenades.
The sense of progression in the game should be to give you tools to get past those obstacles and obstacles make sense if there is no universal and tribal solution to them.
You are pouring the creative work that the developer should do to the player.
Just gonna throw this in here...

First of all it sounds like you just came from The Spiffing Brits latest perfectly balanced video and decided to complain about it...

Secondly, I am playing on Hard and I am at max level with a pretty much bladed melee/sneak build, I can do upwards of 25K damage on a sneak+crit hit. However if I get spotted, no matter how good my gear is I get dropped in a few hits if I am not careful and react quick.

Sounds like you are playing on easy or normal and are still lowish level doing the lower risk tasks. try getting into a high level conflict and see how your OP revolvers treat you then.
You guys are confused. It's not about me. And it's not about CDPR needing you to defend them. It's about balance and making the game better. It's a development thing. You need to think like a developer, not a 'defender of the things you like'.
Oh I am not defending either case, I was just saying if you felt it was easy as is try a harder difficulty.

Right now the game is plagued with much worse issues than balancing skills the player can choose not to utilize.
While it may not be top priority like fixing the game crashes and huge list of bugs, balancing will need to happen eventually (a few weeks or a month) and this thread is meant to collect the observed balance issues.

I didn't see Spiffing Brit's video, I read the handgun perks...and I don't drink Yorkshire Tea.
Is it just me or are some weapons OP? I crafted an SMG and mods and the dam is over 1300 on a SMART GUN! Also, my armour mods are OP too with a rating over 2500.


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You can always increase the difficulty. If you are trying to min-max then normal difficulty is not suited.
You all should be happy, that you're intelligent enough to choose good skills and develop your character to be overpowered.
Original poster expresses a valid concern regarding the game's weapon balance, puts effort into explaining the issue and even offers some constructive suggestions, all the while being polite and emphasizes that he's not trying to take away a particular way to play the game.

The internet proceeds to go livid and put him down for being choosey, unskilled, stupid, lacking in self control, uncreative, and whingy. Invalidates everything he says in the most unhelpful, toxic way.

*deep breathing*
Every builds OP tbh, maybe by design, maybe not, personally i have no problem with that.

Ppl tend to focus on pistol because you can 1 - 2 shot, with hacking i can wipe entire areas out without moving or putting myself in danger then just casually walk over an collect the quest item, shotgun an body i can bounce/slide about 1 tapping enemies, body/melee i can, again, bounce about 1 tapping ppl, Snipers 1 tap, AR constant CC, see where im going?

Pistols aren't the most OP build, hacking is, but Pistols with cold blood and some slow motion?? Sure is fun
Yes, I can't enjoy the game and have shelved it for at least 6 months.

It's not really about the build, because I've tried several of them - and they all start being vastly OP after around level 5. It gets worse if you're ranged and use stealth (sniper, hacking, etc.)

Lots of people have no clue what the balance is like, because they don't care or don't really notice that they're killing everything with ease.

But on Very Hard - the game is a complete pushover even against Very High threat enemies - starting at low level (as low as 5 or 6). You don't even need great gear, either.

Balance is a travesty.
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Honestly though this game does feel perfectly balanced though ... for total PvP mayhem that is.
I think there is a resounding push from the community to make very hard harder. At the core of seemingly all of these arguments is the ability to one-shot enemies. I think there are some conditions that should allow this with the proper build.
1. Snipers with a headshot
2. Stealth builds with a headshot from sneak
3. Melee either from sneak or when fully cold blooded and berserked
4. Loading 3 hacks onto the same person
If you get kills like this, you've earned em.

I'd say the problem lies more with being able to one-shot enemies with a revolver center mass mid combat against the hardest enemies on the hardest difficulty. There's also the problem where every automatic weapon that isn't a smart weapon gets undervalued because it is genuinely not as powerful as those builds mentioned earlier, especially where wall-hacks are concerned.
Honestly I think increasing the health pool of enemies would be a great start, maybe along with a buff to automatic power weapons to match it. This would at least start to eliminate the the bias for breezing through the hardest difficulty, but builds that are fine tuned (which takes some work and grinding without cheating methods) are rewarded by having an easier (but not easy) time still.
Yes, I can't enjoy the game and have shelved it for at least 6 months.

It's not really about the build, because I've tried several of them - and they all start being vastly OP after around level 5. It gets worse if you're ranged and use stealth (sniper, hacking, etc.)

Lots of people have no clue what the balance is like, because they don't care or don't really notice that they're killing everything with ease.

But on Very Hard - the game is a complete pushover even against Very High threat enemies - starting at low level (as low as 5 or 6). You don't even need great gear, either.

Balance is a travesty.

Did it ever occur to you that it is the way it is BY DESIGN? That maybe, just maybe, the devs didn't want the game to have Borderlands combat where every rat takes 2 clips? Look at the trailers, they are always oneshotting enemies with headshots.
Did it ever occur to you that it is the way it is BY DESIGN? That maybe, just maybe, the devs didn't want the game to have Borderlands combat where every rat takes 2 clips? Look at the trailers, they are always oneshotting enemies with headshots.

No, I don't think they meant to make Very Hard trivially easy, no.

Maybe I'm wrong, who knows.
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I think there is a resounding push from the community to make very hard harder. At the core of seemingly all of these arguments is the ability to one-shot enemies. I think there are some conditions that should allow this with the proper build.
1. Snipers with a headshot
2. Stealth builds with a headshot from sneak
3. Melee either from sneak or when fully cold blooded and berserked
4. Loading 3 hacks onto the same person
If you get kills like this, you've earned em.

I'd say the problem lies more with being able to one-shot enemies with a revolver center mass mid combat against the hardest enemies on the hardest difficulty. There's also the problem where every automatic weapon that isn't a smart weapon gets undervalued because it is genuinely not as powerful as those builds mentioned earlier, especially where wall-hacks are concerned.
Honestly I think increasing the health pool of enemies would be a great start, maybe along with a buff to automatic power weapons to match it. This would at least start to eliminate the the bias for breezing through the hardest difficulty, but builds that are fine tuned (which takes some work and grinding without cheating methods) are rewarded by having an easier (but not easy) time still.

I don't really know where you're getting this from.

I have no problem being able to one-shot enemies. I have a problem not being challenged in any way whatsoever.

You SHOULD be able to oneshot enemies to a certain extent, especially for cannon fodder enemies.

You SHOULD NOT be able to clear a dozen enemies through walls without them responding effectively, however. Same goes for stealth hacking.

I don't care what happens on Normal difficulty. If people enjoy no challenge, so be it.

But Very Hard needs to be a little challenging, in my opinion.
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