we imagine what the First Gameplay trailer will be like.

we imagine what the First Gameplay trailer will be like.

Okay so FCR2 came out and they're servers are getting overloaded and I need something to do while I wait.

In this thread we imagine what the first gameplay trailer will/should be like and what our expectations are.
What would be the perfect trailer for you? Try to be really descriptive of what exactly happens that'll really get you fucking hyped.

So I'm imagining something like a trailer for each class right now,for the Solo trailer there would be two trailers. One is a very stealthy infiltration through a level (like an office building or whatever) for an assassin job while the Second is a quick guns blazing assassination.

The stealthy trailer would be really careful not leaving evidence behind but The player doing the trailer will pretend to accidentally fire his suppressed gun at the wall for laughs.There would be some social stealth and conventional stealth with some awesome unique tech but the Solo wouldn't kill anyone except the target.

The guns blazing trailer would be really quick. It wouldn't be a Rambo style trailer but a quick in and out there's still some planning involved like where the target is going to be and where you're going to exit after you kill several bad guys. The player shoots 5 guys and the target, one guy is crawling away bleeding, the player ignores him and escapes.

After each trailer there's a cutscene with the police and detectives investigating the crime scene. The cutscenes and their analysis would depend on what evidence the player left behind during the two trailers. The detectives would observe the accidental shot the stealth player left behind and tries to deduce it's meaning. If you left one of the bodyguards alive he's quickly rushed to the hospital and will be interviewed later.
guipit, I linked a mirror d/l for FCR2.


Presuming it's legit. Pulled it off RPS comments. I'll know in 18 minutes.

I'm imagining three trailers: one for Solo, one for Runner and one for Corporate or Rockerboy. each will detail playing the same mission or mission area as either Combat, Tech or Social. Also, not being descriptive right now because busy!

Edit; Yeah, it's legit. installing now...OHMYGODNOITS
Wandered in to remove that unauthorised link and replace it with the authorised link, slapping down Sard in the process.
Realised that it WAS the authorised link.
Slapped Sard anyway. Because.
Wandered back out again.
Full Combat Rebalance - it's a mod for TW2, made by a guy who created a very well-known and similar mod for TW1, and who now works for CDPR.

CDPR normally use edgecast for patches/updates but this is classed as a community mod, so it was hosted on the main CDPR site, which it's currently killing. Hence the edgecast mirror (and I think they're probably rushing to get it up on The Nexus and Moddb, just to ease the load, if they haven't already).
It's cold, it's dark and it's raining...

The scene opens with the view of a large pair of combat boots walking down a street, neon lights refected in the puddles, Bit's of trash are scattered around; screamsheets, take-away wrappers and the occasional shell casing. Sirens and general street chatter permeate the atmosphere.

A phone rings, the feet stop and a cigarette stub drops into a puddle next to them. The phone is answered by a man with a deep, gruff voice.
"Yes." A brief pause. "Fifteen, plus expenses." Another brief pause. "When." a final brief pause... "Deal."
The call is terminated, we hear our man rifle through his pockets. An old fashioned petrol lighter is struck, the glow reflected in the wet street around the boots. The feet resume walking...

The scene cuts to a rear, over the shoulder view of our man. He's at a work bench, cleaning weapons and filling magazines. A bluey haze of monitors and data-pads cast our man in silouette. A dialing tone is heard, his phone is on speaker. The phone is answered by a hyperactive sounding female voice, young, but jaded.
"Hey baby! It's about time you called! It's been too long. So, so long... So, is this business or pleasure, 'cus I could use some interface..."
I got a job for you. Your going to like it.
Yeah? How do you know that? The last few jobs were too easy, barely had to use any of my software, let alone my new toys...
This ones big. Lot's of ICE, most of it's black.
A brief pause then she respond's, "You've got my attention honey."
I'm sending you the details now. He put's down the magazine, presses a button on a data-pad and he let's his hand rest on the table next to it.
A few seconds later she exclaims "ARE YOU SERIOUS? You must be kidding me! You can not be serious!"
I am serious. The team are all preped and we go weapons hot at twenty three hundred hours. You in?
"Of course I'm in! I've been waiting for this one and you know it."
"Alright. twenty three hundred it is."

He ends the call, picks up the magazine...
Close up side view as he loads it into a handgun, chambers a round and brings the slide forward again.

The scene cuts again to the street. It's quiet. A car turns the corner, coming towards the camera. Nothing fancy, simple and to the point. It's windows are blacked out. The camera stays with the car, the view from the end of the bonnet, looking back at the windscreen.
Slowly, nondiegetic music fades in, building tension. The car takes another corner, then the driver floors it.
The music keeps building, the camera remains over the bonnet, locked facing the windscreen.
The car hits some steps, gets a little air time, then crashes through a window. The camera is still locked facing the windscreen.
The cars door's open, the camera begins to pan back as four heavily armed individuals get out. Two men, a woman and a full borg. The camera pans around and gameplay footage takes over.

The cahracter is a solo, long coat and sunglasses, the classic look. His team take position around him and start taking out guards on the ground floor. The car crashed through a window of a corporate office. The place is trashed. A firefight ensues. The team takes cover, apart from the borg who laughs maniacly as small arms fire ricochets off his metallic skin. He sweeps the room with a pair of assault rifles fed by beta-mags.
The lift opens and a team mate sends a 40mm grenade into the guards inside, wiping them out in a single shot. The team rush the lift, grabbing an access card from one of the bodies and they punch the button for the penthouse.

Scene cuts to guards on the penthosue level covering the lift door. A high ranking corporate is being forced down behind his desk by bodyguards.
View moves inside the lift, facing the doors, as it reaches the penthouse and the guards open fire. Ten guards dump their magazines into the lift.
But the team is not in it.

The scene cuts to the team, kicking in the door of a sublevel basement from the stairwell. The leader goes to town with an autoshotgun, taking out the guards. It's a lab. The other male gets to work with the computers while the borg starts setting claymores. The woman starts bagging gear droped by the guards and various oddities from the lab. The leader heads to a wall.
"Here?" he ask's.
"You're on the money babe. Right there." The NetRunner replies over comm's.
The leader takes a can from his belt and sprays the contents in a circle on the wall. He takes cover behnd a terminal and shouts:
"Fire in the hole!" and detonates the spray charge.
The blast reveals a hidden cache. A strongbox.
The full borg grabs it and hefts it onto his shoulder. The team move out and head down the stairs.
A couple of flights down, the comm's chime in again.
"Next flight down. Cente of the wall."
The leader stops at the spot, sprays another charge onto the wall. The claymores above detonate. The woman sarcasticly says
"Let's blow this joint."
The leader blows the charge and the team jump down into a sewer.
The woman and the full borg continue down the sewer while the leader and the other man set charges around the hole. They head after the other two and detonate the charges, collapsing the section of the sewer behind them.

The scene cuts to a manhole cover in an alley. The team climb up and out of the manhole and get into a parked car. They then drive down to the harbour and into a warehouse.
A fixer is waiting tehre for them. He is wearing some seriously outlandish clothes, but they look funky as hell.
The team exit the car and bring the box over to the fixer. He opens it. With a satified look on his face, he throws the leader a package. He leader opens it, nods and the team get into the car. The team drive away. The camera locks onto the rear of the car, focusing on the windscreen. The Man asks.
"So, who wants chinese?"
The full borg replies "I could go for Pizza."


You asked for descriptive...
I know it's not all gameplay, but I went with what came into my head at the time and it sounded alright to me...
I liked the last line. "I could go for Pizza."

The rest is pretty 80s action, "the Expendables" stuff. Also, seeing a full borg right at the start, i dunno about. Bouncing small-arms fire will give the (hopefully) wrong impression of combat in 2077.

Seeing the borg charge in, taking hits and leaking fluid as he chops his assailants to pieces would work for me, though. Especially with a giant leap - or firing a grapple fist into his target's face, then jumping into the air and reeling himself in as he breaks the guy's spine.

Something to make the characters stand out from being stereotypes. Something eyegrabbing. A female Solo, or maybe the above scene starting, the Solo going down, then rising in a frenzy, shooting and slashing as the ops goes to hell. Meanwhile, the Psycho Squad stops whatever they are doing and turn to look at a map of Night City, a flashing neon red light just starting...
All good points and additions. I don't miond a little constructive criticism.

That idea was all on the fly anyway. Not polished.
guipit, I linked a mirror d/l for FCR2.


Presuming it's legit. Pulled it off RPS comments. I'll know in 18 minutes.

I'm imagining three trailers: one for Solo, one for Runner and one for Corporate or Rockerboy. each will detail playing the same mission or mission area as either Combat, Tech or Social. Also, not being descriptive right now because busy!

Edit; Yeah, it's legit. installing now...OHMYGODNOITS

Dig all this, though I would imagine Fixer instead of corp or rocker.... just to keep things street

Although it would be interesting to see dichotomy in each trailer... as in, each trailer detailing 2 roles, like a cop solo trailer, each are brutal and violent roles, one operates by the law, the other operates outside it. Coporate and fixer, the seedy lowlife making deals and hustling on the street, the well dressed execuitive in his glass and steel cage making boardroom deals and handling his business by phone. The Netrunner running his hacks across a digital ladnscape, the nomad driving his mean machine through the streets of the real world...
Chris, just wanted to say I really enjoyed reading your trailer ideas. That's great work. If your mind had a camera....
Chris, just wanted to say I really enjoyed reading your trailer ideas. That's great work. If your mind had a camera....

Cheers. It just flowed. Proabably watched too many 80's action movies...
(I did art at college when I was a kid, so I know perspective is really important.)
Agree with Sard in that the first trailer should show several class types gearing up for a night on the town, then punctuate it with some high tech violence at the end.
Yep. And some sex. What?! It sells.

I picked Rockerboy/Corp for a reason - it shows a very unsual option in roleplaying games, especially these days: the nonviolent, ( less violent), charm based character with external resources. Not just the ability to Fast talk/Persuade like a Fixer, but the ability to call in serious badass backup.

Lots of people, I think, would love to see and play the gal/guy who dresses sharp, is on the ball and when upset, you see a half-dozen black armoured AV4s descend from the clouds behind them, minigun turrets whining ominously as they sniff for target. Power and style, all in one.
Lots of people, I think, would love to see and play the gal/guy who dresses sharp, is on the ball and when upset, you see a half-dozen black armoured AV4s descend from the clouds behind them, minigun turrets whining ominously as they sniff for target. Power and style, all in one.

Corporate on a rooftop when a black market deal goes bad. All the better if it's my ruthless and leggy female Corp.

....please, for the love of god make this happen CDPR.

Get that "in the game vibe."

I I'd enjoy seeing a hyper capitalistic satirical commercial/trailer, 80's style.


Though my first preference would be Chris's idea..
Well lets see. While no where near as well thought out as Chris's example, my first thoughts would be something like.

We start in a rundown looking part of town with a solo in a safehouse loading up a rifle. He stuffs it into a bag and walks out the door with the bag. As he walks down the road he moves past an alleyway where a fixer and a couple of his guys are completing a deal of some kind. The camera leaves the solo and moves down the alley to this new scene. The goods are exchanged and the fixer and his guys get in their car and drive off. The camera follows the car down the road as we see various goings-on of the people in the background. The rundown area give way to an area with a slightly better look to it and the car passes a gathering of people cheering and yelling. The camera pans over the crowd to a rockerboy on stage playing and pans around behind him to show the crowd from his view. The camera continues to move around and up off to the side until it becomes a video feed of the concert playing on a monitor in an apartment filled with various computers and other tech. We move back to view a netrunner typing away on a different computer, hacking some files of some kind. The view through the window behind the netrunner would show we have again moved into a nicer part of the city. The netrunner sends a message that they have the files and the camera follows the netrunner as they look out the window and then moves up to the sky where it comes back down again to an very nice office. A corprate in a suit flanked by guards steps out of the office and receives the message that the netrunner sent. They take a few steps with the guards following before being struck by a bullet, the gunshot ringing out after. The camera changes to a view from a scope and then draws back to show the solo from the beginning as he stands from the position where he fired and looks out over the city. The camera settles behind him ending with a view of the city stretched out in the distance.

I apologize for the very rough idea here, I'm not very good at moving ideas from my head to paper. Basically I'd like the video to show several different roles just doing their stuff and moving throughout the city. It would be nice to see different parts of the city and the various states that those parts are in and ending with a shot that shows the scale of the city.
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