Welcome Thread [Archive]

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hi im james im a student from ireland training to join the army and i think the wicther is one of the best games ive ever played 8) 8)
Hi Folks I am Mike, though I use the logon names of REDOX, or REDOXREIGNS, everywhere, so I dont have to remember to much, but I prefer just to be called Mike which is my real name, my Avatar is Rhylynn, my OBV char, she is a Tabaxi, using TFF body mod, name come from combination of my second name Rhys, and my good wifes, Lynnette, I am from South Africa, any other SA people here? been playing games for ages, and got converted to RPG by a very good friend of mine in Indonesia, his coruptive good influence, kekekekekeke^^ before that I was a ardent FPS / RTS fan, I belong to two other Forums on which I am also very active, and hope to become active here also because I like what Ive seen so far, so Hi folks and every one. have a :beer: on me, Thanks Mike.P.S. No spell checker, aaawww, so you are going to have to put up with my dislexic spelling errors, ;D
welcome Mike (or REDOXREIGNS) ;) :peace: ... i see you've found the tavern and the Girls' chamber ... all the important threads! :wave:
Hiya, :wave:I played the Witcher demo last month and was totally hooked, so I bought the Enhance Edition. Just finished installing it and am about to embark on, what I have to say is my first, RPG! Man am I looking foward to it!! ;DAny advice before I start my journey? I read something about an "uncensorship" mod?!? Are there any recommended mods/pathes before I begin? I played the oringal STALKER though before I found the Oblivion Lost mod...oh how I wish someone had told me to mod it!Cheers, :beer:Narxx
Well come narxxBeing this is your first RPG you picked one of the best ones As a Mod here I cant tell you where to look but im sure there will be some one pm you to help you out ;)
Cheers for the heads-up Seeker.I have finally managed to get TWEE installed! Had the 'Feature transfer error' problem on install. :'( Read around a bit and it seemed to be a LG drive problem so I updated the firmware on BluRay drive and it worked...w'hoo...forums rule! ;)Anyway I have the UK edition of TWEE ( Do I need the un-censorship mod? From what I've read the UK version is uncensored. Narxx :peace:
narxx said:
Anyway I have the UK edition of TWEE ( Do I need the un-censorship mod? From what I've read the UK version is uncensored.
The UK edition is uncensored, so you're good to go! Enjoy the game. And welcome!
Name is ziggy from the US But i am a Polish-American and proud of it!. Just want to say that Balder's Gate,Neverwinter Night,and this fantastic game...THE WITCHER are the top 3 games I ever played.!!!!!! :) Simply outstanding!!!!!!!!!
abbeycatter said:
Name is ziggy from the US But i am a Polish-American and proud of it!. Just want to say that Balder's Gate,Neverwinter Night,and this fantastic game...THE WITCHER are the top 3 games I ever played.!!!!!! :) Simply outstanding!!!!!!!!!
Witaj Ziggy! Miło słyszeć, żeś dumny z Polskich korzeni! :beer:Welcome on forum, I hope You will find here any answers You seek, solve any problem and meet new friends :)We all hope You will enjoy time spent here :)If You get tired during wandering in this sea of threads, come to our tavern, the Hairy Bear and have a beer.Welcome! :beer:
Vatt'ghern, I am very proud of my roots. I can speak polish pretty well but cannot read it very well. Learned to speak polish before English when I was just a little guy.Thanks for the welcome ;)
Just picked up The Witcher EE a few days ago, gotta say I'm pretty impressed. I've played computer games since I was old enough to hold an intelivision controller, enjoy just about every genre but RPG's are at the top of the list. Still on my first playthrough, decided to take the game in slowly instead of my normal focus of burning through all the content. This adventure is unique and the storyline just sucks you right in, wish I had noticed this gem sooner :peace:
You won't regret if you don't rush through the game because there is much to discover. Even players who played the game the 2nd time or more missed a few surprises though not all of them are important for the plot.And... welcome :beer:
Thank yah for the welcome :wave:I'm finding those surprises around every turn. Like today I was wandering around Vizima's Temple Quarter, its raining and I've already noticed how people actually try to get under overhangs to get out of the rain. I hear a little old lady cackle and say "The neighbors laundry's gettin wet!" Well that lil ole lady set me to cacklin as well. Its the sum of all the little things in my opinion that add up to make a great game, at the moment this one is adding up very well. I'd love to see this style of rpg applied to other stories, although now I've started looking for the novels that inspired the game.
Yeah, every time I play the Witcher or read the novels I find something new. In novels it´s something written in fith book that is mentioned in the first book, and in the game it´s the new conclusions made by your decisions.Well, my introductionI´m Wasseker (and I don´t like the W missing) and I´m just a student of high school. I joined 3 days ago to this forum. I first met the Witcher in a TV serial when I was younger and I quite liked it. After a few years I read the first book it was great. Howewer it took me quite a time to connect the TV serial to the book. When i read about the Witcher game in a games magazine (SCORE) I was really happy, because by that time I was a fan of the Witcher already. And after 4 years of waiting I bought TW:EE, tried TW versus, registered on the forums and I´m here.
A warm welcome, WASSEKER! The Witcher not only is a great game, it has a great community as well! And i 'm happy to see this community growing bigger every day! :wave:
Hey,I bought the Witcher back in 2007 although I only recently discovered the boards. I'm wondering how hard modding for the Witcher is and whether the D'jinn editor is easy to learn. I've done some modding for Oblivion, and am probably going to do some for Fallout 3 as well, but it might also be nice to expand my horizons beyond the first person modding perspective of those games (dialogue is a battle to make it look good with the editors for those games). Anyway, cheers.
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