What are the sun symbols next to some walls?

What are the sun symbols next to some walls?

Just come across a wall with a 'swirly sun' symbol in witcher sense, what do I do?
can we get a screenshot, would be easier to know what you are talking about

edit: well if it is interactable what happens when you interact?
OK since we are on the discussion of witcher sense icons what is the hand? It looks like an armored gauntlet, I'm guessing it means intractable but I found one that is just below the surface of the dirt and I can't do anything about it. Anyone have any ideas?
Probably something that's either positioned sub-optimal or clipped through the surface. Usually it's something you can interact with somehow.

Things you're revealing with Witcher Senses sometimes have that symbol as well. Doesn't mean anything special most of the time though.
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