Did a lot of stealth netrunning early on in my current playthrough and found it to be fairly forgiving. Yes, being traced sucks but as someone said earlier it makes sense given you're on the same digital network as the goons. Once you're mid-level and have access to the wider range of skill progression rewards in netrunning, self ICE cyberware, Sonic Shock quickhack (available early on), quickhacking through security cameras, and skills under the Intelligence attribute you should be ok. Using Sonic Shock first on almost every enemy gets tedious but it's definitely possible.
It sounds like you don't want to do any combat at all, which I get because stealth netrunning is fun and more importantly, it's what you were used to and had built your playstyle around. That's obviously and understandably frustrating.
Even as someone who loves a katana build I can't solely rely on that, I have to be more versatile to get through different enemy types and environments. Same thing with shotguns, I usually have 2 or 3 different ones at all times, but they can't be my only weapon. So even if you mainly stealth netrun you may also have to incorporate traditional stealth to get to certain enemies and minimize your chances of being traced.
I do agree that there should be some way to counter a trace though, that's fair. Even then it should only be available at the mid game. Or like someone else said if you just want to be OP then lower the difficulty.