Why IMO, The Witcher 1 is the best in the series - As fast as possible

I have not finished the books myself but, I have yet to come across any sections where Geralt is being a Kings lapdog like what happened in TW2..
End of TW1...
End of TW2 is quite the opposite.

I absolutly LOVED TW2 (especially TW2 Act I, which was the best IMO). I'm discovering the first half of TW2 (lvl 14 ?)

The Red Baron is an awesome character, like only very few game compagnies can portray. The Velen main quest have the same structure of TW2 Act I and I absolutly love what I saw yesterday, aka mind-blowing "omg wtf, no fracking way..." when the story reveals.
"this one guy links to this one guys who did that to this one guys... omg that why that other guy act so strange and... OMG I just understood it all"

TW1's structure is a classic hero journey. Gerald got a problem, then solve a problem and create others until he meets the end of the journey.
In TW2 and what I've seen of TW3, Gerald is left in a middle of a disaster situation and uncover parts of it until everything lightens. In TW1, part 1 + the story in Wyzima was a little like this but still a journey. Stages after stages, the story had not a real metaplot like there was in TW2.
I absolutly love this "serpent nest" narative structure. That is way better storytelling to me.

Now sex cards vs TW2/3 romance or GFX... Whatever dudes, who cares. That is not the main points.
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End of TW1...
End of TW2 is quite the opposite.

Can you elaborate? Is that with regards to princess Adda? If so, if my memory serves me, you enter a contract with Foltest and agree to a price of 8000 Orens or something, so I disagree that you are being his lapdog. I can't remember any other parts that you may be referring to.

I like the end of TW2 and TW2 is an amazing game. Just my least favorite out of the three,

sex cards vs TW2/3 romance or GFX... Whatever dudes, who cares. That is not the main points.

It is a valid point because individually you cna argue that from a technical perspective, TW1 is the worse game but the greatness in TW1 is the sum of it's parts. They all come together to make a truly memorable, well thought out RPG experience which the other two, while outstanding do not accomplish to the same degree.
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The witcher 1 have a lot of highpoints one of them is the great side quests and atmosphere, but it had a lot of drawbacks one of them is the amount of models, one merchant, one old lady, every tavenrkeeper look the same and so on, i constantly seen the same faces walking on the streets of vizima, it was an incredible immersion breaker for me (one that i got used to in time) the witcher 3 have a lot more models, and i can see less repetitiveness (the witcher 3 is not deprived of this problem of course).

The witcher 1 had a lot of backtracking quests, a lot of kill X creatures of type Y and give it to NPC Z, chapter 2 swamp with an amount of enemies only seen in MMOs.
Regarding the crypts, the witcher 1 used a separate world for them (same as you see in skyrim) while in the witcher 2 and 3 the crypts and dungeons are part of the main map in order to prevent map loading, this is why we can see a lot less of them.

No,I think it was definitely better, IMO of course :) For example, when you go into their homes after dark, they are in bed sleeping. For the most part, they don't do that in TW3. They either vanish or are standing in their homes like it is the middle of the afternoon. Some characters never leave their homes in both games but in TW3 they are always doing the same thing, in TW1 they go to sleep.

I don't agree with you here I've seen plenty of NPC that go to their homes to sleep, some sleep on beds some on the floor. seen and old NPC sitting smoking pipe and taking to himself, i see it as an incredible addition of someone that have insomnia and waiting for the morning to come (the time was about 5 am when i entered the house)
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I don't agree with you here I've seen plenty of NPC that go to their homes to sleep, some sleep on beds some on the floor. seen and old NPC sitting smoking pipe and taking to himself, i see it as an incredible addition of someone that have insomnia and waiting for the morning to come (the time was about 5 am when i entered the house)

That has not been my experience.

TW1 has many flaws and limitations but as I said before, it is very much a game that shines with the sum of its parts. This is just my opinion though, we all have one :)
Outskirts and Lakeside are the best gaming experience in my life.

Witcher 1 soundtrack is a bloody masterpiece.

I've said enough.

YOUR COMMENT DESCRIBE MY WITCHER 3 COMPLEX ahhhhh.... I waited for this game only beacuse CDPR (that I hate them and love them in the same time) said that the The Witcher 3 teturn to its roots so my imagination go wild... very wild!
The game without doubt is fantastic game but i wanted something more... something like The witcher 1 the Music! The Atmosphare! the sadness and the hope! the intimate story of Geralt maybe its beacuse he lost his memories and its felt like frash start... the 3 Games are awasome! but I think the more touching one was the first... than the third and at last the second
English for my sorry mates!
I think every game in TW series has a unique feel, and that's what makes them great.
In case of TW1 for me it was a True Detective like investigation in Act II (man, I loved it so much!), Act IV (loved a sort of country side break between the acts), a weird combat system (which I really liked), and... those lady cards :D. It also had a functional GUI (I'm looking at you , TW2!).
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