Your Fears For the Game - Combined Thread

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Suhiira;n10469112 said:
You forgot dead after the last "whap".

I know -- they can use trans-dimensional energies to bridge the membranes between different realities...but they haven't come up with railings yet.
That the game will be Witcher 3 with a Sci-Fi theme. Dont get me wrong the Witcher is a good game but I really did not enjoy it and am really hoping that Cyberpunk will be a cRPG and not an Action/Adventure RPG like the Witcher.
Suhiira;n10472322 said:
Works for me! Or maybe GREEN Points since that's the opposite of red ... and nicely confusing ... Red=good, green=bad.

Black points? It would be difficult to see on this forum background, though.
One fear I have is that the only weather we see is rain/acid rain. If Night City is set in Northern California, I'd like to see some snow here and there, even if it was only in certain parts of the city.

If CDPR doesn't add it in themselves, I hope the modding tools (assuming they release any at all) allow players to do it instead.

Rise of the Tomb Raider, as much as I despised that game, absolutely nailed snow. It looked visually phenomenal, the performance impact of the "Pure Hair" technology was minimal because AMD isn't a total jerkface like NVIDIA (And it's open source) and it just felt great.

EDIT: I realize my name makes this entire post sound like a joke. It's not.
Snowflakez;n10472522 said:
If CDPR doesn't add it in themselves, I hope the modding tools (assuming they release any at all) allow players to do it instead.

I would guess it is mainly not the snowfall itself that is difficult to implement, but realistically covering all the environment with snow in a dynamic way. Although good looking wet surfaces in rain are not that easy either (with the rain drops visible on them, and interior environments preferably remaining dry), it is still a "flat" effect that can be a shader on textures and is done well enough in games from 2015, while snow has dimensions.
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sv3672;n10472652 said:
I would guess it is mainly not the snowfall itself that is difficult to implement, but realistically covering all the environment with snow in a dynamic way. Although good looking wet surfaces in rain are not that easy either (with the rain drops visible on them, and interior environments preferably remaining dry), it is still a "flat" effect that can be a shader on textures and is done well enough in games from 2015, while snow has dimensions.

It doesn't need to be Tomb Raider level interactive snow. I just want it to be there. A simple shiny (but realistic) wet texture is satisfactory for me as far as rain goes, for example. And CDPR could just add a footprint texture (instead of actual footprints, again like Tomb Raider) to the snow as players run about.

You're right overall, though, technologically speaking it will be tough to implement. They do have that weather system, however... Remember that? Mike mentioned it in an interview at one point, where he said CDPR showed off their dynamic weather generation system, or "season system," or something to that effect. Could maybe use a variation of that.
Did the car just bounce? Because I think this thread got bumped!
Now that we have proper information on the game, I suppose my only "big" fear is that the game will either avoid natural areas entirely or that there's no opportunity to truly screw up the system. That, or you get to fight for anarchist revolution the whole way through only for the story to stop short right when you're about to or right after you pop the Big Bad, leaving only a lukewarm Occupy-friendly "Fight the Power!" story with no consequences.
If I can't systematically execute all Corps, throw their families into a cyber gulag, and establish Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism, the game's basically unplayable /s

In all seriousness, I do feel that there is an opportunity to tell a unique and meaningful story with what we've been given. There are so many topics at play that it makes your head spin. Like, there's no better excuse for having crowds of homeless vagrants than because machines took all jobs. Why not explore that avenue? Maybe there are some gangs who go around smashing robots. Why has nothing been done to alleviate the underclass's plight? Is it possible that many Corps are sympathetic but are prevented from doing anything due to mob lords and corrupt elites who profit off the disparity? Can you get robots to do your bidding?
If it's 2077, certainly the global climate must be completely, catastrophically out of whack. I can only imagine what the weather would be like and how extreme the anarcho-primitivists have gotten.
If cybernetics are a thing, then certainly some people have not stopped at getting a single cybernetic arm with a neon side-shave and called it a day. Certainly some have taken it so far that they are no longer biological at all. And in a world where artificial intelligence is a thing, isn't that the only way to stay competitive? Or has artificial intelligence been deliberately stunted to prevent it from overthrowing humanity? Isn't there a danger of the Powers That Be using cybernetics to stunt the masses' ability to revolt if we're able to do it to machines while also possessing cybernetics?
Won't there be people who see that I'm not fully biological and immediately call me a demon while there are also self-proclaimed transhumanist bodhisattvas who have created an entire New Wave religion around cybernetic transcendence?
If I genuinely fought for revolution, would I get something going or would the typical happen and I wind up attracting the rich peoples' rebellious kids and a few street urchins while everyone standing around flaming barrels for heat calls me a communist moocher?

My fear is that we don't get anything other than a paint-by-numbers "find the perp" or milquetoast "fight the power" sort of plot.
I've been pretty pleased with most of what I've read so far, the only thing that I can say has actually disappointed me is that we are only going to play Solo, Techie or Netrunner, but it is hard enough implementing the other classes in a normal PnP game so I can understand their decision. And maybe this way the progression systems will be a lot more focused and in-depth.
Yeaaaah..about this thread. Kinda too general now with lots of info out. It'll get either swamped with TPP issues or become another place to talk about more Roles or better graphics or brightness, since we have those, going to lock this one.
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