Horse controls, mount and blade style or two-speed?

Red Dead Redemption horse mechanics > Mount and Blade Horse mechanics

I really don't like kicking the horse repeatedly; like they do in RDR and SoTC. Witcher 3 should discourage hitting a button repeatedly but still get that same feel of riding a horse. It shouldn't behave like a car; like M&B. It should feel like you're literally controlling an animal.

It would be cool if they actually do realistic riding positions.

I am not sure I understood your post correctly.

Yes RDR was king when it comes to the "animations" and "look" of the horses (even showing their muscles moving under the skin in amazing detail), however "mechanics" wise Mount and Blade was much more realistic in terms of the actual controls and how you controlled the horse.

Basically how it worked was W went up a gait, S went down a gait. You could simply tap either one once (and let go) to move up or down one gait. If you pressed and held either, it would move into the highest gait or quickly stop the horse.

RDR, like many games, was more "gamey" with it's focus on repeated button mashing (to gallop) and not having individual control over every gait of speed.

If they could take the animations/details of RDR and the control scheme from Mount and Blade that would be perfect imo.
Can't believe no one has commented this yet, but anyone else noticed the different speeds we will get when riding horses? It's there in the E3 gameplay footage. I think we'll get the all the four speeds. Yay! :laughing:
Can't believe no one has commented this yet, but anyone else noticed the different speeds we will get when riding horses? It's there in the E3 gameplay footage. I think we'll get the all the four speeds. Yay! :laughing:

Yes, i'm surprised no one has mentioned it. I did like the riding in the E3 footage. Geralt's riding position was spot on, which is a huge plus! You hardly ever see it done right in games. But the way the horse moved was off. It went too quickly from one pace (or gait) to another. Although yes, this is possible in real life, in the footage it was just too sudden, both up and down. And both the canter and gallop strides were rather short and fast. Felt like Geralt was riding a pony, when for me, he really should have a larger horse with a longer, more natural stride.

Some people mentioned the AC games I agree, but only AC1 and AC2. The horses felt natural enough (there was a pause between walk an canter for eg), you had all 4 paces, and the controls worked well. I'm talking about PC, mouse and KB.

Also, what's up with the no reins thing? Everything i've seen with horse footage, there are no reins.
Yes, i'm surprised no one has mentioned it. I did like the riding in the E3 footage. Geralt's riding position was spot on, which is a huge plus! You hardly ever see it done right in games. But the way the horse moved was off. It went too quickly from one pace (or gait) to another. Although yes, this is possible in real life, in the footage it was just too sudden, both up and down. And both the canter and gallop strides were rather short and fast. Felt like Geralt was riding a pony, when for me, he really should have a larger horse with a longer, more natural stride.

Some people mentioned the AC games I agree, but only AC1 and AC2. The horses felt natural enough (there was a pause between walk an canter for eg), you had all 4 paces, and the controls worked well. I'm talking about PC, mouse and KB.

Also, what's up with the no reins thing? Everything i've seen with horse footage, there are no reins.

Yeah, I actually enjoyed how controls were handled in AC series, and also I think animations look great. The reins...well, are you sure? In most videos I've seen Geralt is in the way and I can't see the reins. In-game cinematics seem to have reins on horsey, but some pictures are unclear. If this is true then I hope the devs will handle it, and as always, I have faith that they will. :happy:
Okay from what I see... the horse controls are very similar to RDR, this makes me happy!
They are different buttons, but this is the lay out:
RDR Horse call D-pad up / TW3 Left Stick Click
RDR Mount and Dismount is Y / TW3 is B, I think..?
RDR Cool horse animation / TW3 Nothing, I guess and why? I like this a lot :(
RDR Horse Stroll and Gallop is A / TW3 Horse Stroll and Gallop is A <~ This is great news to me if it's the same as RDR e.g We Hold (A) to Stroll and Tapping (A) to go faster or full Gallop :)
RDR Horse Brake is tap RB to slow the speed of the Horse down or hold RB to stop the horse in it's tracks. / TW3 no horse brake?..and why? RDR's perfect, RB should be horse brakes.
RDR Horse jump is also X / TW3 no horse jump? and why not?
RDR Right Stick click is back camera view / TW3 it's lock ot target?
Horse combat is going to be a trip I bet :)
Square is probably the Horse brake/reverse (The controls post only says Boat, but I assume it's the same function).

If there's a jump, it'll probably be Circle since that's the on-foot jump. It would be ridiculous to implement a Horse in an open world without a jump ability, just depends on whether or not it's only contextual or we actually get an assigned button like RDR.

I don't know how that translates to the Xbox layout, but if there's a horse jump & it's Circle then that'll be fine (It's Square in RDR but as long as acceleration is X it's much the same), and Square/X are next to each other so acceleration/de-acceleration should be as smooth as X/R1 is in RDR.

Also, Cool Horse Animation? What do you mean?
Square is probably the Horse brake/reverse (The controls post only says Boat, but I assume it's the same function).

If there's a jump, it'll probably be Circle since that's the on-foot jump. It would be ridiculous to implement a Horse in an open world without a jump ability, just depends on whether or not it's only contextual or we actually get an assigned button like RDR.

I don't know how that translates to the Xbox layout, but if there's a horse jump & it's Circle then that'll be fine (It's Square in RDR but as long as acceleration is X it's much the same), and Square/X are next to each other so acceleration/de-acceleration should be as smooth as X/R1 is in RDR.

Also, Cool Horse Animation? What do you mean?
RDR, When you sit still on your horse and push X, it stands on it's two hindlegs and makes it's loud horsey sounds! lol....It's cool, I wish TW3 had this neat little animation just to have it. My guess is they have all this new combat on horse so they cut it out maybe idk?

---------- Updated at 06:54 AM ----------

Left-D-Pad should be draw/sheathe Steel Sword, Up-D-Pad arm Gabriel/Crossbow, Right-D-Pad draw/sheathe Silver Sword, Down-D-Pad Healing Potion/Swallow etc..
On horse aim crossbow with left trigger and fire with right trigger. Clike Right stick for slow-mo since it's in the game.:)
RDR, When you sit still on your horse and push X, it stands on it's two hindlegs and makes it's loud horsey sounds! lol....It's cool, I wish TW3 had this neat little animation just to have it. My guess is they have all this new combat on horse so they cut it out maybe idk?

There is... I don't know which button activates it, but that doesn't just look like some randomized idle animation.
There is... I don't know which button activates it, but that doesn't just look like some randomized idle animation.
Yeah, you're right, I forgot about this and it doesn''t look random. Also, Geralt put the brakes on that horse pretty fast somehow?
I just hope it was RB like RDR, but if devs think their way is...and feels better for their game, I hope we like it too! Now where is the horse jump, I hope it's at least on par with RDR's horse jumping animations or even better I hope. Because Skyrim's horse looked like two people in a fucking animal costume! HaHa it's jump animation was so stupid, it made the horse look like a 5-pound stuffed toy leaving the ground. Skyrim, AC, DAI, have nothing on RDR's horse animations, and so far to me.. it looks like TW3 nailed them perfect. I think it's even better than RDR so far!
Thanks Red Team, such talent ;)
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