Yennefer of Vengerberg (all spoilers)

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Disagree i think it's excellent that they put in meaningful choices that lead to seeing different interactions.

Agreed. What's the point of allowing player choice if every scene unfolds exactly the same way for everyone? Usually it's considered a good thing when developers say that you can't see everything on one playthrough ...

There's more than enough Yennefer content in-game to give an insight into her character, regardless of the decisions that you make. If someone is intrigued enough, they can go back and try out different dialogue options and explore her relationship with Geralt further.
Meaningful? Haha, good joke... :D

And then again the interactions should be connected with the choice itself. Whether you as Geralt accompany Ciri in that scene or not shouldn't change anything in the relationship between Ciri and Yennefer. So it's unreasonable to show such a scene between them (Ciri and Yennefer) only in one occasion. You just defraut a portion of your players of being able to explore their relationship for no reason at all. Bad game design.

No it's not bad design to have different interactions being visible via different choices.
No it's not bad design to have different interactions being visible via different choices.

Read again. Different interactions would be ok if they were connected to the choice at hand. The relationship between Ciri and Geralt changes because of these decisions, not the relationship between Ciri and Yennefer. So showing this scene only in one path the devs literally punish everyone who decides differently on a different topic. That IS bad game design because nobody gains something by it, but some people lose something. Why not making such a scene between two NPCs accessible to everybody?

---------- Updated at 05:24 PM ----------

Agreed. What's the point of allowing player choice if every scene unfolds exactly the same way for everyone? Usually it's considered a good thing when developers say that you can't see everything on one playthrough ...
Usually? Says who? I say that it depends and in very cases it's imo bad. If at all it should concentrate on the direct consequences of the respective choice and not things that aren't even really related to it.

If someone is intrigued enough, they can go back and try out different dialogue options and explore her relationship with Geralt further.
This is not about Ciri's or Yen's relatonship with Geralt. That's the point. It's about the relationship between Ciri and Yennefer. And you wouldn't even know that this would change in a different decision because it has nothing to do with the choice itself. It's just an arbitrary, yet important scene that happens to just appear in one path. And playing the game again with different choices for getting to see such scenes for the first time makes no sense at all because you "needed" that knowledge for your first (the arguably much more important ) playthrough already...
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Read again. Different interactions would be ok if they were connected to the choice at hand. The relationship between Ciri and Geralt changes because of these decisions, not the relationship between Ciri and Yennefer. So showing this scene only in one path the devs literally punish everyone who decides differently on a different topic. That IS bad game design because nobody gains something by it, but some people lose something. Why not making such a scene between two NPCs accessible to everybody?

---------- Updated at 05:24 PM ----------

Usually? Says who? I say that it depends and in very cases it's imo bad. If at all it should concentrate on the direct consequences on the respective choice and not things that aren't even really related to it.

This is not about Ciri's or Yen's relatonship with Geralt. That's the point. It's about the relationship between Ciri and Yennefer. And you wouldn't even know that this would change in a different decision because it has nothing to do with the choice itself. It's just an arbitrary, yet important scene that happens to just appear in one path. And playing the game again with different choices for getting to see such scenes for the first time makes no sense at all because you "needed" that knowledge for your first playthrough (the arguable much more important one) already...

It's the same situation as it is with Skjall- you get a nice little scene between Yen and Ciri ONLY if you behave like a total idiot and choose the wrong option. And considering that 99% players will never refuse Ciri in that scene (because it's senseless), a rather small amount of people are "rewarded" with an interaction which resembles any kind of family dynamic between certain characters.
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Ciri cares about Yennefer just not showing that when she is with her

“You need me…” She lifted her head, though it cost her a lot of strength. “To have a child with me. Everybody wants that, you do too. Yes, I am in your power, I came here on my own… You did not catch me, though you chased me halfway around the world. I came here on my own and I give myself to you. For Yennefer. For her life. Does this seem ridiculous? Then try to take me by force, take me the hard way… You’ll see how fast you lose the urge to laugh.”

From Lady of the Lake
Of course she shows her love in the books. They hug a lot, for instance. Or that scene when she begs her not to leave her because Ciri doesn't want to be alone ever again.

In the games? no f*cks given
Yeah that is sad , like she is not her mother, but
you know that encounter with wild hunt can cause memory loss so maybe Ciri has amnesia and don`t remember who her mother is
Yeah that is sad , like she is not her mother, but
you know that encounter with wild hunt can cause memory loss so maybe Ciri has amnesia and don`t remember who her mother is

Geralt rode with the Hunt and Yennefer was kidnapped by them for a long time, Ciri's interactions with the Hunt were nothing like this, it makes 0 sense for her to have any type of amnesia.
But Ciri should remember moments like this
The tops of the hills were crowned with menhirs and dolmens. The sight of them reminded Ciri of the stone in Ellander, where Yennefer had taught her magic. Oh, that was a long time ago, she thought. Centuries ago…

Well, she must remember. The thing is - she doesn't show it at all :D And thus, people unfamiliar with the books (which is the majority of players) have no idea
Ciri remembers Vesemir pretty well. And obviously she likes him much more than Yennefer (at least that's how it's displayed in the game) which is an obvious contradiction to the books.

And Ciri remembers Yennefer as well, of course. She mentiones her in an accessory clause in the scene on the Isle of Mists with Geralt. But sadly not in a way that implies that Yen was her beloved mother figure and that Ciri very much cared about her but rather that she was some woman who just happened to be Geralt's partner... :wacko:
Read again. Different interactions would be ok if they were connected to the choice at hand. The relationship between Ciri and Geralt changes because of these decisions, not the relationship between Ciri and Yennefer. So showing this scene only in one path the devs literally punish everyone who decides differently on a different topic. That IS bad game design because nobody gains something by it, but some people lose something. Why not making such a scene between two NPCs accessible to everybody?


Interactions are directly related to the choice at hand and the words she shares with Yen upon leaving quite rightly reflect Ciri's state of mind whether accompanied or left to face lodge alone.
People are rewarded with full knowledge of lodge meeting on one path and with Yen frantic spying on the other.
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