Yennefer of Vengerberg (all spoilers)

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Yennefer of Vengerberg (all spoilers)

Yennefer of Vengerberg

Update 9th August 2015:
-new stuff

Geralt and Yennefer – The Beginning

selected general opinions about Yennefer
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Finished the game yesterday. Got the best ending possible: Ciri as a witcher, Geralt with Yen, Radovid is dead (Temeria restored). I didn't played The Witcher 2 neither read the books, but i think that she is the way to go. She is one of the most interesting characters ever, never saw such care and portrayal in a female character in any other game before. Sometimes i just feel that people have failed to comprehend her personality and choices, and i feel that the personal experience and age might influence this.


How Geralt and Ciri changed Yennefer


Was thinking about the big triangle of witcher saga: Geralt-Ciri-Yennefer, about their personalities and how they grow throught the story. How they bonded together so well ? It was chemistry ? Destiny ? I think the bond was developed so fast, because every each of them suffered a family tragedy. Geralt and Yennefer never had a family relation with their parents, Ciri lost her mother, Pavetta, and grandmother Calanthe. Actually if you think about it, every one of them never new how it is to have parents that love you.

Ciri grew up with Pavetta and Duny, but it was only for few years. After the Sedny tragedy, Calanthe tryed to raise her but then Nilfgaard atacked Cintra. Geralt never new who his father was. Geralts mather was a mage, she actually helped him recover once, but other then that, witcher never had a family. People here were typing about Yen past, about her father, who wasnt a really good person. Even with her past, Yennefer grew up as strong, independent woman. The tragic past didnt destroy her, the same goes with Geralt and Ciri. I really like that. You can see the conection between all three of them.

This is one of the reasons why Geralt-Ciri-Yennefer relation is so strong. That bond was created because of their tragic past from childhood. Now finally they can create something that they never had: a familly with father, mother and dauther, where love and care is really strong. Overall witcher universe isnt a pleasant place to be in, but its nice to see once in a while a good thing happen.


Now lets take all that enthusiasm for witcher series and go to Witcher 3. Finally i can see Ciri, Yennefer, Emphyr, all those characters that were so important in the books. Lets go finally to Yen, person that i always wanted to have in witcher games (next to Ciri). I dont know why but every single time when Yennefer is saying something sarcastic, it makes me smile. Dialogues between her and Geralt are really well done, they fell so, i dont know, natural for me. When they talk to eachother, about anything, i fell like i see a couple that knows everything about themselves. Their strenghts, weaknesses, hating teleport travels, unicorns. The flow of their relation goes so smooth. I dont know how to describe it. Maybe i have this sence because of the witcher books saga, but they were just made for eachother.

Its such a shame that we have only one game with Yennefer. She is such an interesting, deep character overall. I bet that people would like her more if she had the opportunity to be in previous games. Just needed to write this small text. Sorry about that but i needed to express how much respect i have for CD Project Red. Because of them, i have the pleasure to play in witcher universe, see and interact with all those fantastic characters. Im not a person who likes to write anything on the forums. I liked Mass Effect series, Dragon Age, KOTOR. All those games were really good. But only Witcher managed to make me create a forum account and forced me to type what i fell about the game. Good job CDPR.

"Are Geralt and Yennefer made for each other?" by @ajiehb




I should start by saying that I have read all the books. I love Yennefer, in the books and in the game. I think she is a very misunderstood character by non-book readers. She might come off as cold and bitchy, and sure she bosses Geralt around a bit, but in my opinion this is just a facade and a defense in order to hide who she truly is.

My opinion of Yen, after having read the books, is that she is a very insecure and sad person, because of the tragedies that has happened to her in her life. The biggest of all, perhaps, being a hunchback, unloved and beaten as a child. And generally, sorceresses are treated quite badly by normal people, and that certainly adds to the facade she puts on. Another fact that adds to her sadness is her infertility. Yen has always wanted to be a mother, but she couldn't. And she tries desperately to reverse her condition, but can't. And during this time when she is trying to have a child, she and Geralt are living together in Vengerberg, but Geralt just ups and leaves her without explanation or goodbye. And people claim Yen treats Geralt like shit!?

My interpretation is that Yennefer....


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Book quotes (beware spoilers, duh)
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"Some of my favorite Yennefer of Vengerberg "quotes", but mostly passages from the short stories." by @Wasaabii28

Yennefer's childhood

Ciri asking Yennefer, when a woman is ready for...

Ciri asking Yennefer what is there between Geralt and her

Trying to explain why Yennefer couldn't decide between Istredd and Geralt

Trying to explain what Geralt sees in Yennefer at the Last Wish

funny moments with Ciri and Yennefer

Triss asks for forgiveness by Yennefer

Geralt and Yennefer utter their love for each other

Yennefer and Ciri (and Geralt) - their relationship in the progression of the books

Geralt, Yennefer and Ciri back together again after a very, very long time

The wedding of Yennefer and Geralt, writing by Sapkowski himself, but it is non-canon

noteworthy links, stuff or just funny things:

You want to read the books, but not all of them are officially translated in english? check out the fan translation here!

[SPOILERS] Suggestion: Yennefer and Triss Romance DLC to address the lackluster Epilogue

Notable Sorceresses (including Yennefer) in the Grimoire

The Perfect Yennefer

"The Last Wish" Dilemma

English voice actress for Yennefer, Denise Gough

More Yennefer emoticons

By the way, the director of TW3 Konrad Tomaszkiewicz was in the Barcelona Gamelab convenction two weeks ago and he was asked this question...

"Triss or Yennefer?"
and he answered "Always Yennefer".

Here's the link

Curious, eh?

Hey! Do you want to read a very very good fan fiction based on the books and the games 1 and 2? Of course... it is Geralt x Yen but it's not only focused on the romance. Not at all, the story has battles, blood, love... hate... and we can see characters like Ciri, Eredin, Emhyr, Iorveth, Saskia, Shani, Philippa, etc etc.

I had very much fun while reading it!

The Witcher 2. The whisper:
Beautifully written by A-D-Aether on Deviantart.

And a little spoiler... Yennefer gets a friend

And a little fragment...

Ciri brightened as she counted the coin. She eagerly and clumsily strapped on her scabbard and sword, and the woman saw the worried looks in the eyes of the witcher and the sorceress: they were hoping she wouldn’t have to use that sword.
The girl practically bounced out the door, ashen hair streaming behind her.
“And don’t let me hear that you ordered vodka and rum again!” the sorceress called after her. She moved to stand but almost squealed when the witcher caught her by the waist and pulled her down on the bed with him.
“No, I have to shave your face before --” the sorceress protested.
“Stop fidgeting and lay here with me for a moment,” the witcher whispered.
The sorceress said something back. Their words were becoming so soft and intimate, the woman had to drift closer to the bed to hear what her dream-self and the witcher were saying.
The witcher kissed the sorceress on the head, somewhere above her eye, and pulled her close as he whispered, “I wish we could stay like this forever, you, me, and Ciri.”
“I know. But I have to go to the Lodge.”
“Or . . . you could ignore those bitches.”
The sorceress laughed softly. “Geralt. You know we can’t ignore them.”
“You’re right. Not any more than we could ignore Vilgefortz.”
They fell silent and both seemed to brood for a moment.
“Let’s never say his name again,” the sorceress said after a pause.


^Here's a nice Polish article about Priscilla's song

Aleksandra Motyka, the author of the lyrics, says (more or less, this is my lame translation) :" Transforming Geralt&Yennefer's love story into a ballad was a very ambitious task, but I approached it with an enthusiasm of a hardcore book-fan, as I've just read the whole saga all over again. I was optimistic that I would be able to describe this extraordinary feeling that tied the witcher and the sorceress -just like Jaskier(Dandelion) would.if both of them decided to confide in him openly"

Aleksandra was also responsible for most of Priscilla's lines. When she was writing the song's lyrics, she didn't take into consideration the fact that it's going to be translated into English and other languages - which helped her a lot.

Hey guys, if you haven't already, I warmly recommend reading the interview with Andrzej Sapkowski in this thread. It's very insightful about what we're talking in here.

I think this part in particular brings it home as to why people dislike Yennefer:

Interviewer: "The short story The Last Wish (Ostatnie życzenie) is a long metaphor about being very careful what you wish. The way to reach our desires at all costs can be full of dangerous Djinns, meaning unscrupulousness. Here we meet for the first time Yennefer of Vengerberg, who can also be a very dangerous sorceress. Love is born between the two but don't you think it's really too dangerous for Geralt to keep craving for a woman we find out to be not that reliable?"

A. Sapkowski: "Ha! That's what makes the story interesting, don't you think? Being a huge fantasy reader, sometimes I find boring or disgusting the stories where the hero can have sex with any woman, because those women can't wait to have sex with him. In those stories women are the hero's prize, the warrior's reward, and as such they have nothing to say, they can only moan and faint in the hero's strong arms." <----- I recognize a romance option from the game in this description

"I am convinced that only with contact with the other sex - wether it is cause of attraction, care, confrontation or opposition - a hero can fully grow. When I created Yennefer's character I wanted Geralt to fully grow, but then I decided to make things complicated. I created a female character who refuses to be a fantasy stereotype. To please the reader."

Wallpaper Collection by @edwinkyr

A short insight of @CatchTheBreeze fanfiction

"In my opinion," says Tomazkiewicz, "There is no Geralt without Ciri and Yennefer."

“Geralt has changed his priorities,” says Mateusz. “He has regained his memory, so he remembers that he had a family once, he wants to find his long lost love – Yennefer, the sorceress.

I'd like to add a little part of a Sapkowski's nice interview made by FantasyMundo in 2008, taking advantage of one of author's visits to Spain.

Fantasy Mundo

Seeing the 'triangle' compounded by Geralt, Yennefer and Ciri, I can't help seeing in them the scheme of the 'Western traditional family'. Did you have already preconceived the pseudofamiliar development for these characters or the idea came up slowly?
Andrzej Sapkowski

The first thing I did was fighting against stereotypes: the typical hero who seeks a reward, saves the world and has everything all women want from a man. And I've changed the myth, this is about a hero who says 'fuck you and don't bother me anymore'. Putting this hero into different situations, such as being with a woman who also doesn't comply this stereotypes, can be very hard, but also very interesting. Cherchez la fêmme!

PS: You can find the whole interview here > Fantasymundo

For more funny comments, click here.

Critical and worrying posts
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Suggestions, ideas and hopes
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If CDPR decides to take on 0.1% of our suggestions and implement it, it doesn't translate the game will be better for 0.1%. It can easily improve it for 5%, 10% or 50%....

Yennefer of Vengerberg in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt ~~~ Part 1 - Introduction in White Orchard by @Wasaabii28

Yennefer of Vengerberg in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt ~~~ Part 2 - Discussion in Vizima by @Wasaabii28

Wasaabii28's detailed analysis as pdf

Scholdarr's detailed analysis as pdf

We can leave CDPR to browse through endless pages of this thread and hope for a miracle, or we can make an effort to bring the core of our discussion to them, in an easily understandable, readable and reasonable form.

1. Class One = requires minimum work, with no consequences for doing so in the rest of the game.
2. Class Two = requires some extra work, with minor consequences for doing so in the rest of the game.
3. Class Three = requires a lot of work, with major consequences for doing so in the rest of the game.

Class One

- Bring back Yennefer instead of Vesemir in the dream sequence, looking lovingly at Geralt and Ciri training.

- Implement more caring words between Yennefer and Ciri in the existing dialogs. For Yennefer: "Daughter, (pretty) ugly one", for Ciri: "Mother".

- Implement more caring gestures between Yennefer and Ciri, in both existing and possible new content. A hug or a gentle caress, or even just an arm around waist or shoulders.

- Implement more subtle gestures and emotions between Geralt and Yennefer when they first meet in game, White Orchard and Vizima. A longing look or a hug, maybe a sigh. Something to improve Yen's first impression and outline her importance to Geralt. They could be having the same business like conversation, but their body language should be telling a story of it's own.

- One line of dialogue with Yen, where she can show appreciation for Geralt not giving in to the obsessed redhead, for players who chose not to romance her in the previous two games

- Implement a reaction comment from Ciri, depending who Geralt decided to romance. Approving and happy for Yen, disappointed but supportive for Triss. Doesn't even have to be a dialogue, just something she can say to him when appropriate.


click here for the full post

just few of many great artworks, click on the spoiler for more and/or visit the fanart thread:

source made by @JusAnor25

just few of many great screenshots/gifs, click on the spoiler for more:

In the 1st game, Triss almost felt like the Yen we have in Witcher 3.
If you wanted someone more nice, cute and sweet - Shani was there for you.
In Witcher 2 we only had a nice, cute and sweet Triss.
Witcher 3 brought back the nice, cute and sweet Triss. Adorable at heart. But who i am to resist Yen? Even if she reads my mind, nitpicks about my clothes, calls me an accesoire to bolster her Beauty?

Also whoever decided to kind of change the game model for Yen deserves a medal

Yennefer is like the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in a game - she looks even better than I imagined her when I read the books. I just can't believe the talent at CD Projekt

Hands down the best conversation in Tw3

Maybe one of the best cosplay in my opinion:


The Wolven Storm - Priscilla's Song [clean polish version with english subtitles]

The Wolven Storm - Priscilla's Song - Multilanguage

Polish English Japanese German French Russian Portugese

Yennefer & Geralt - The Wolven Storm (Priscilla's Song) - fan edit

Yennefer & Geralt - Priscilla's Song - rus fan edit

Dialogue at the end of The Last Wish in POV

You are the guy from the ballads?

Cerys wonders about the deal with Yennefer

Giving Yennefer her Crystal Skull back

Giving Yennefer Philippa's megaskop crystal

Talking about the past with the Wild Hunt

Yennefer is flattered

Wrecking the Laboratory as family

Eavesdropping on Ciri and the Lodge

Philippa's view on Geralt's relationships

Yennefer's soundtrack from the polish tv series

Q&A with composers of The Witcher 3 Soundtrack

WITCHER 3 SONG: Wake The White Wolf by Miracle Of Sound

Yennefer 'The Last Wish' Romance Theme Extended

'The Last Wish' Theme Extended

The Witcher 3 Disabled Kaer Morhen scene
thanks @Sarcen

The Witcher 3 - Skellige Fortune Teller

The Witcher 3 - Skellige Widows

My original first post with my first impression, click here
Do you want all texts in one pdf? Then just click here, 499 pages

My (and many others) appeal to CDPR:
In the last few days I went through the whole thread with almost 700 pages now and picked out any comment by any user, which either had a lot of thanks/points and/or seemed interested enough to be seen by others and especially by you, the developers.

I sorted the comments in categories, but some comments could be used for more than one category, but that shouldn’t be such a problem anyway.

First I want to show the various opinions about Yennefer, the one in the books and the one in the game. What people think of her, what people think about your work, about your game.

Then I have collected quite a few worries and concerns about the whole situation with Yennefer, what wasn’t so good, what could have been better and so on.

And the last will be suggestions, ideas and detailed analyses about how one could maybe improve the game, show Yennefer the way it should be.

I can’t expect that anyone reads everything posted here, 700 pages and counting, so I did, twice and several times to correct mistakes and errors.

So even if you can’t comment on anything related to the Yennefer and/or Ciri content @GingerEffect

Would it be possible to hand over these documents to those who can, to those who can change something, to those who we can reach with our worries, concerns and suggestions?
Despite selecting only good, informative and emotional comments, it’s still a lot, but I tried to make it easy to read and even if one doesn’t read everything, I think it would reassure a lot of people to know that this arrived somewhere, where it could change something, maybe.

Probably best to download and view it then, it has bookmarks too.

At this point, today, I feel the need to say that I am very satisfied with the amazing work CDPR has done portraying Sapkowski's character Yennefer of Vengerberg. She is a very difficult, deep, strong and complex character and she's been incredibly well represented in this game, so my most sincere congratulations to the team. However, me and many others fans of the books and games, are not so satisfied with how the devs have represented her relationship with Ciri in the game -considering it nonexistent and sad- and we've discussed about it through a looooot of pages on this thread. I really wish developers come into this topic and take a few minutes to read all the work @Kallelinski and others have done collecting all kind of information about this issue and other things: good/bad opinions, complaints and suggestions.

I think I cannot contribute anything more to this thread or Yennefer, I just hope when other fans come into this thread to know more about the character (her background and past, her love story with Geralt, her relation mother-daugther with Ciri, her influence in the books and games, etc), they can find useful and valuable information -as I did the first time I visited it-, and also discover this wonderful character.



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I'm taking my time with the game so I haven't finished it yet. Just wanted to say thank you because holy shit at all the Triss threads. :p

I love what they've done with Yennefer so far and I can't wait to get through the rest. :D So happy we can FINALLY choose Yen after all this time. :D
Triss, Triss, Triss, everywhere Triss threads....let's talk about the woman with the violet eyes and the dream of raven locks entwisted, stormy, Yennefer of Vengerberg.
holy shit at all the Triss threads.

So how about Yen's friend Triss, isn't she awesome? ;)

But seriously, I also really like Yen. I think CDPR did Yen justice in this game and she came out great. This game is, for a change, filled with very good female characters that actually have their own personality and will. I'm loving it!
I also really, really, really love that song, it so awesome! Putting it on repeat again right now :).
She was handled delightfully, I think. Loved the constant bickering and the emotional ties with Geralt. Her quest was awesome as well; even though it still ended up with them together, I felt like I didn't want Geralt's Last Wish to be taken back.
Team Yennefer here. Yennefer is like Morrigan and Miranda Lawson. Raven haired Ice Queen bitches with a soft heart that you just can't help but fall in love with. I know Yen's tough and mean sometimes but you still love her because she does so much for Ciri and she compliments Geralt's personality really well. The length Yennefer goes to save Ciri reminds me of how overprotective Morrigan is of her child, Kieran. When it comes to the romance arc, there is a lot of chemistry between Geralt and Yen, more fire and passion. And stuffed unicorns. I feel a deeper sense of connection with Yen and Geralt, like they don't have to walk on eggshells. I also love the playful teasing dynamic they have going between them. Anyway, I cannot wait for the new free DLC with alternate Yennefer outfit to come out. Yen looks stunning in it ! Like it was even possible to make Yenn even more gorgeus, CDPR gives us this. Gimme!
I still think it's missing more dialogues with both, Triss and Yen, but more with Triss, takes to much time to encounter one or another, and when you find the dialogues is too superficial.
More quests with Yen and Triss maybe will help, don't know.

What's the point to release this dlc ? i dont get it,i have already finished the game so how can i suppose to find her,its ridiculous.
For the first half of the game I found the content for both Triss and Yen to be more or less perfect. I was surprised at how involved Yennefer was in Skellige and how often we got to do quests along side her. The problem as I see it starts at Kaer Morhen. After the battle is done Yennefer runs off to unite the Lodge and her content after that is pretty poor. Seems once Ciri shows up she gets the interesting co missions and Yennefer is a bit left at home/Inn.

I wouldn't want Ciri to have less content but I would have loved for all three of them to have some moments together and also for Yennefer to have a few quests of her own toward the end. It feels a bit like the Last Wish is the end of their story and it comes mid game, what's far too soon in my opinion.

---------- Updated at 07:02 PM ----------

For the first half of the game I found the content for both Triss and Yen to be more or less perfect. I was surprised at how involved Yennefer was in Skellige and how often we got to do quests along side her. The problem as I see it starts at Kaer Morhen. After the battle is done Yennefer runs off to unite the Lodge and her content after that is pretty poor. Seems once Ciri shows up she gets the interesting co missions and Yennefer is a bit left at home/Inn.

I wouldn't want Ciri to have less content but I would have loved for all three of them to have some moments together and also for Yennefer to have a few quests of her own toward the end. It feels a bit like the Last Wish is the end of their story and it comes mid game, what's far too soon in my opinion.
I'm taking my time with the game so I haven't finished it yet. Just wanted to say thank you because holy shit at all the Triss threads. :p
I love what they've done with Yennefer so far and I can't wait to get through the rest. :D So happy we can FINALLY choose Yen after all this time. :D

Yeah, and your welcome :D
So how about Yen's friend Triss, isn't she awesome? ;)
She is and i think the role she played so far in the game is nothing small, she helps and rescues people from their certain death, when opposed to public.
I always had the feeling that Triss never really could do what she wanted in the books and games, she was always a pawn in the game of others and couldn't do much, but this time it looks like she finally found her place, where she also can achieve something.

She was handled delightfully, I think. Loved the constant bickering and the emotional ties with Geralt. Her quest was awesome as well; even though it still ended up with them together, I felt like I didn't want Geralt's Last Wish to be taken back.

Yeah, that's really interesting as she insists on it, while Geralt can have doubts, but she needs to know the truth at last. The issue about love also appeared in the book chapter A Shard of Ice, where she
needs to figure out, whether she really loves him and whether it is worth it, as she never felt that before.

As i said, it looks so trivial, but it is questioning an essential element from the books, fate, just like in the ballad.

Team Yennefer here. Yennefer is like Morrigan and Miranda Lawson. Raven haired Ice Queen bitches with a soft heart that you just can't help but fall in love with. I know Yen's tough and mean sometimes but you still love her because she does so much for Ciri and she compliments Geralt's personality really well. The length Yennefer goes to save Ciri reminds me of how overprotective Morrigan is of her child, Kieran. When it comes to the romance arc, there is a lot of chemistry between Geralt and Yen, more fire and passion. And stuffed unicorns. I feel a deeper sense of connection with Yen and Geralt, like they don't have to walk on eggshells. I also love the playful teasing dynamic they have going between them. Anyway, I cannot wait for the new free DLC with alternate Yennefer outfit to come out. Yen looks stunning in it ! Like it was even possible to make Yenn even more gorgeus, CDPR gives us this. Gimme!

Yup, i still like those few lovey-dovey moments, but it is those short moments where they just say a few words to each other and you feel that it just fits.

When you arrive at Skellige Isles and meet her again at the speech, Geralt says "you look beautiful" and all she does is saying "thank you, nice seeing you again", like she didn't expect anything else. Even if she criticize him, the chemistry is just right.

I still think it's missing more dialogues with both, Triss and Yen, but more with Triss, takes to much time to encounter one or another, and when you find the dialogues is too superficial.
More quests with Yen and Triss maybe will help, don't know.

Yeah, as i said this is a little bit bothering me too. Sure, every dialogue is exhausted at one point, but even if there is time to talk, the game doesn't let you have a more intensive conversation. I had sometimes longer talks with some random NPC than with her, but at the same time about what do you want to talk?

When Triss is being mentioned at Kaer Morhen, Yen quickly finishes the talk about it, saying the past is the past and so be it.

You can talk with her about the Wild Hunt, so that's also done.

When we were discussing how CDPR is gonna implement Yen and her backstory, i loved the idea to replay certain moments from the books, but that would also mean a shitload of work to do for CDPR, but a man can dream big :p

---------- Updated at 11:56 PM ----------

What's the point to release this dlc ? i dont get it,i have already finished the game so how can i suppose to find her,its ridiculous.

Well, first of all the free dlc is good PR and second not few will play the game more than once or at least certain parts, since this will be the last Witcher game for a very long time.

For the first half of the game I found the content for both Triss and Yen to be more or less perfect. I was surprised at how involved Yennefer was in Skellige and how often we got to do quests along side her. The problem as I see it starts at Kaer Morhen. After the battle is done Yennefer runs off to unite the Lodge and her content after that is pretty poor. Seems once Ciri shows up she gets the interesting co missions and Yennefer is a bit left at home/Inn.

I wouldn't want Ciri to have less content but I would have loved for all three of them to have some moments together and also for Yennefer to have a few quests of her own toward the end. It feels a bit like the Last Wish is the end of their story and it comes mid game, what's far too soon in my opinion.

That's a pity to hear, so the Last Wish was indeed the climax, even though it was a huge one in my opinion.


So, apparently many are asking now for more content primarily for Triss in the form of DLC, as i haven't seen the end (and different endings of course), do you think it is also necessary for Yennefer? Especially if you ask for more moments of those three (Geralt, Yennfer and Ciri) together?

The books weren't
really happy end-ish, but complete, hard to explain. The ending of the books didn't feel open, it just left a little sour taste knowing that Geralt and Yennefer are indeed happily together, but Ciri is still on the run, alone, well, necessary alone alone, but you know what i mean, she isn't at her family.

And come on, i need more, i don't want to go back already to the Triss threads :D
Well, first of all the free dlc is good PR and second not few will play the game more than once or at least certain parts, since this will be the last Witcher game for a very long time.
WHat are u talking about man ? I think u should read my comment again,this is not the answer to my question.
WHat are u talking about man ? I think u should read my comment again,this is not the answer to my question.

Well, apparently you can't find her after finishing the game, that's why i said that you need to load an earlier save game to see her again or start a new game.

---------- Updated at 06:31 PM ----------

The official The Witcher Youtube channel just uploaded a multilanguage version, it changes the language every 20-30 seconds and has all available subtitles:

news post is here

i also editied in the first post.
Well, apparently you can't find her after finishing the game, that's why i said that you need to load an earlier save game to see her again or start a new game.

Oh really ! thank you so much i didnt know it.LOLYou're kidding, right ?
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I want to like Yennefer, so bear with me. In fact, that's why I'm on a pro-Yennefer thread; not to start trouble, but for some discussion on the character - whom I would like to like. Unfortunately, everything I've seen so far points to a simply horrible person whose relationship with Geralt is toxic at best.

I did not pursue a relationship with Triss, because - well, book Geralt loves Yen, so I figured I'd give it a shot as cannon. I showed up on Skellege a little down for having broken off with my personal favorite, but ready and willing to meet up with Geralt's inseparable, fated love. I had high hopes, but her consistent put downs just began to grate. I didn't mind that within minutes of meeting, she told Geralt to dress up and wouldn't take no for an answer. I didn't mind that their first date was grand theft larceny. I was quite supportive of using necromancy, even though it destroyed Freya's garden. I thought, Bonnie and Clyde, we're in it to the end. I was a smidge concerned that the last wish of a Djinn was used to erase Geralt's last wish, rather than something like... peace in the north or finding Ciri, but again - I can deal with that. That's fine, "I love you".

But then came Kaer Moren and the Uma arc and it all came to a head. Yennefer treats Geralt like crap and everyone notices it. Geralt himself comments on how her "pleases are never a request, but a command". He comments on how she's quiet around the emperor, but demanding with him because he's a "lowly witcher". His witcher friends, whom he's known for many dozens of years, comment on how she treats him poorly. And after all that it's come here and I'll give you a "romance scene". But by then, do you really even want it?

I guess I have trouble with Yen because she's definitely not the sort of person I'd want to be with. A little niceness goes a long way. As it stands, she treats Geralt like crap and rewards him for putting up with it with sex. That's not a healthy relationship. That's abuse.

I want to be wrong. I want Geralt to wind up happily ever after. But just like real life, it's better to be alone than be with someone who treats you poorly. At least that's my opinion. Does Yennefer turn out to be "nice" in the end? Does she explain why she puts Geralt down all the time? Am I just surly because the most fleshed out romance in the game has been Keira Metz?
I am loving this thread it is really feeding me a lot of background into all characters that make me feel completely different about them.
I have not read the books so I am getting most of information from people who share it, but I want to make a sort of important "disclaimer" of sorts that plenty of people dont seem to share with me about the whole books vs games Yen vs Triss relationship thing:

>>The books come first, and the first game picks up after Geralt escapes (unknown how) the Wild Hunt, and as such the characters changed, it doesnt really matter if its the game creators painting a different brush on the characters as they were in the books or not, as there are no "cannon" from the books for the games, for all intents and purposes Yennefer, Triss and Geralt ALL changed, especially Gerald and Triss since Yennefer isnt nearly fleshed out in the games and is presumably mostly the same as in the books.
Triss is no longer an envious and selfish curious sorceress who used tricks to get Geralt to be with her, she proves that with the events in witcher 2 by showing genuine affection and respect, even tho its clear she still hes huge insecurities and fears of losing Geralt.
Geralt is no longer the same man completely devoted to Yenn and rejective of Triss, by losing his memory and interacting with a "changed" Triss he developed Genuine feelings for her too as shown in wichter 2 and witcher 3.
Yenn I dont know how changed she is or not since I didnt finish the game yet I just know she wants to know the last wish isnt the sole cause for her enduring and turbulent relationship with Geralt.

so I'd like to make a simple ups and downs about each relationship that accounts for the fact that the books are what happened to the characters (past) and the games are the present and what have changed (many changes based on player choice tho) in their relationships.


++ Loves Geralt
this is confirmed by completing last wish and she stating it beyond doubt that the Genie spell wasnt the cause for their feelings, tho it may very well be the cause for their long term relationship as Yen tends to leave Geralt even be with other men before returning to her (possibly because of the wish).
So feelings are true, but any mature person knows that isnt enough and feelings we get for many people, and the genie wish could be what made them come in contact after Yen's constantly taking off to do her thing.

- - Much less invested in the relationship
that much is obvious both in the past (books) and the present as she says herself in witcher 3 she didnt bother to get in contact with Geralt and just goes do "her thing" once again.

++ Has a "waifu" kind of relationship with Geralt and mother type relationship with Ciri.

- - Personality clashes with Geralt
when she does decide to be with Geralt they often clash, the typical relationship description is "Toxic" or "Turbulent" (in what way I do not know).
and like said above, feelings are not enough for a relationship, only fools and teens believe that, and our characters are in their early 80's and late 90's (maybe even over 100 dont know), opposites attract, sure, passionately so, but so what so do non opposites.


- - her affections started for the wrong reasons and using the wrong circumstances, using magic to satisfy her jealousy and curiosity at the expense of both her friend and Geralt.

++ Loves Geralt, undeniable that in both books afk and in the games.

- - Loves Geralt a bit too much, some say even in an "unstable" way
but honestly if you knew you fracked up before the relationship even began and that it was your friend's man who was so deeply in love (at the time of books at least) wouldn't you be clingy? ok ok...-> immensely insecure/afraid ?

- - ++ dont know if its good or bad, I admire this trait but it also has a flaw side to it.
Is a bit "cold" or sacrificial of the relationship when it comes to "higher" ideals or goals.
Like the lodge incident, even tho she unwittingly participated in a morally downgraded conspiracy, she wanted to serve a "higher goal" of protecting mages/non humans by creating a kingdom, that was independent and could harbor them, at the expense of her relationship with Geralt (or potentially).

+ + changed for the better in recent events (games) and with that change so did Geralt (losing memory I am sure had a big part to play)

+ + is much more emotional/passionate and invested in the relationship and even willing to sacrifice her love to let him be happy with Yenn
I mean I think its beautiful how sad and down she is when you meet her in witcher 3, and even confesses to have taken advantage of his memory loss to get another chance with Geralt, and how she tries to be strong during her quest to save the mages while clearing showing she still loves him and even does something she couldnt do in witcher 2, sacrifice her "greater goal" to be with him (by not leaving with the mage refuges and help them)
a good mention to how gorgeous, I find, the game portraits their relationship in witcher 3 compared to the much colder "lets see what happens with no genie wish" thing of Yennefer.

- - while both Gerald love for Yennefer in the books is pretty much undeniable, Geralt does not love Triss in the books, only in the games and its a player choice if he still loves triss in witcher 3 or not.

Not sure I have all that info right or not, feel free to correct, maybe that helps players choose (I did it to help ME choose).
My take on it, is I see no reason to pick Yennefer over Triss at all, especially considering the books, I see people using arguments from the books mostly as a reason to pick yennefer but I thing those points are moot because they ONLY factor the books and not the events from the games, and if anything the books show how much the characters grew/changed, Triss matured and truly loves Geralt and even admits to doing wrong in the past.

"but triss tricked Geralt in the past/books" yes and that was a scummy thing to do, doesnt change the fact she more than made up for it and genuinely loves Geralt now, their relationship didnt *really* start there, is mostly started in the first witcher game when Geralt lost his memory anyway.

"Geralt loves Yennefer and not Triss" its true he loves Yenn, even in the game that much is clear regardless of player choice, but while he didnt love Triss at the start (books) he surely does in wichter games (tho w3 seems to be 100% player choice if he still loves or not) also the fact they are "bound" by a genie spell can very well mean that even tho they love each other they were not "fated" to be together without the last wish especially considering Yen's personality and constant breakups.

Unless I am getting something wrong in my information or interpretation I am going with Triss.
If witcher 3 fleshed out Yennefer more, gave a chance for closure with Triss and ability to talk/experience a fleshed out relationship with Yen that showed a different Yen than the books and what the games describe of their relationship (toxic/turbulent) I would consider Yen, but based on this summary... I dont see Yen as more than a deep love of the past that must be put aside to give Triss the chance I feel she deserves.
Oh really ! thank you so much i didnt know it.LOLYou're kidding, right ?

You don't get to see Yen, Triss or Ciri apparently after completing the game, regardless of the ending you get. It is yet another huge thread about making the game feel empty after beating it. Hard to keep questing when several major players are missing....
Oh, I haven't noticed this thread. Seems like a lot of my posts lately, which has been about Yen, could have been posted here. I guess we can treat this thread as a collective thread for Yennefer, where we can write what we think about her.

I should start by saying that I have read all the books. I love Yennefer, in the books and in the game. I think she is a very misunderstood character by non-book readers. She might come off as cold and bitchy, and sure she bosses Geralt around a bit, but in my opinion this is just a facade and a defense in order to hide who she truly is.

My opinion of Yen, after having read the books, is that she is a very insecure and sad person, because of the tragedies that has happened to her in her life. The biggest of all, perhaps, being a hunchback, unloved and beaten as a child. And generally, sorceresses are treated quite badly by normal people, and that certainly adds to the facade she puts on. Another fact that adds to her sadness is her infertility. Yen has always wanted to be a mother, but she couldn't. And she tries desperately to reverse her condition, but can't. And during this time when she is trying to have a child, she and Geralt are living together in Vengerberg, but Geralt just ups and leaves her without explanation or goodbye. And people claim Yen treats Geralt like shit!?

My interpretation is that Yennefer thinks she doesn't believe she deserves to be loved. She doesn't believe that anyone would be able to love her for who she really is, because her parents didn't love her for who she truly is. And, therefore, she puts up this facade in order for people not to see her true self. It is only Geralt who sees through the facade, and learns to love her for who she truly is. So, I believe that the love between them is very real and great. But, fear keeps them apart for so much time. Geralt is afraid of emotions, thinking he doesn't have any, and Yen of course believes she can't be loved, despite the fact that Geralt loves her for who she is.

And many of the occasions when Geralt and Yen meet in the books are after break-ups. And, therefore it's just natural that she would behave a bit cold towards him at those occasions. But, there are many moments, for example, at the end of Lady of the Lake, where the two have nice and romantic moments.

Another thing that people criticize Yennefer for, in the games, is the fact she didn't look for Geralt after he lost his memory. But, at the time she was looking for Ciri at the command of Emperor Emhyr. She was basically a prisoner, and I doubt Emhyr would have allowed her to leave. But, when Geralt asks her why she didn't look for him she responds kind of coldly. But, that is really like her. I don't think she meant it as hurtful. Yennefer is a very proud person, she would never admit being a "prisoner" of Emhyr's. So, she kind of scolds Geralt, saying that he was with Triss. But, to me, this was just a defense mechanism in order to hide her feelings, which were that she was hurt that he had been with Triss.

Another thing before I leave. Yennefer loves Ciri, and would do anything for her. She does this in the books, she risks everything in order to find her, and is imprisoned and tortured for it. And in TW3, a lot of people criticize her necromancy, but it was necessary to find Ciri, she didn't feel good about it, but it was necessary.

Puh.... those were some thought and opinions I have of Yennefer. My favorite character, together with Ciri.
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I should start by saying that I have read all the books. I love Yennefer, in the books and in the game. I think she is a very misunderstood character by non-book readers. She might come off as cold and bitchy, and sure she bosses Geralt around a bit, but in my opinion this is just a facade and a defense in order to hide who she truly is.
Oh this reminds me of the 2nd book "A time of Contempt" when Geralt and Yen meet in Thanedd. When Geralt and Yennfer are talking to each other while Ciri and Dandelion are watching them, and when Yennefer yells at Geralt who is standing there with his head down, and Ciri asks what is the meaing of that and Dandelion just says like "Oh thats easy now she's apologizing to him"

That made me laugh and yeah I think your description of her is very accurate.
Oh this reminds me of the 2nd book "A time of Contempt" when Geralt and Yen meet in Thanedd. When Geralt and Yennfer are talking to each other while Ciri and Dandelion are watching them, and when Yennefer yells at Geralt who is standing there with his head down, and Ciri asks what is the meaing of that and Dandelion just says like "Oh thats easy now she's apologizing to him"

That made me laugh and yeah I think your description of her is very accurate.

Yeah, I love that scene. It does say a lot about her personality.
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