3rd Greatest Day of My Life

I went to the 2023 Indy PopCon with one goal & I got it!

So, let me backtrack a little, if you will indulge me. After playing TW2, when it was Free Games with Gold on my XBox 360 back in early (February, I think) 2015, I fell in love with the Red Head....sorry..... the game is what I meant to say. I was pleased, after looking it up, that there was going to be a 3rd one released in a few short months. since then, I have been on the path. Read & bought all of the novels, have a few of the Graphic Novels (need to get the others), bought the Medallion (Official) with the red LED eyes, Dark Horse Geralt (Starting Armor), Triss and then my shift has been getting the Collector Series of all 3 games & that will cost me a lot of money, to be sure.

Living in the States, we didn't get a physical copy of TW3 for PC, which that is terrible. Whoever thought that we didn't want that should be thumped upside the head like testing a melon to see if it's ripe. Anyway, last year I found a factory sealed english version of TW3 GotY Edition for PC for a very good price on eBay. I always said, after getting it, that I would love to get this autographed by Doug Cockle but never thought I would have the chance because I didn't think it would happen.

Until...........the announcement of celebrity guest for the 2023 Indianapolis PopCon! Doug was going to be there all weekend signing autographics! HOT DAMN!!! Pre-purchased the tickets for Sunday session (I was off work that weekend) & waited for that day to arrive. Day of, I looked on the website to see if he was doing just autographed pictures or personal items sold or brought, the website gave very little information, not even prices for autographics (I need to email the event hosts to voice my frustrations over that). Anyway, they did list the times that the celebs where going to be out signing & Doug was at 2:10PM. Me & my 2 sons (the youngest being a fan, just not as much as me) left the house to get parked & inside no later than 1:30. I had my eldest son take his back pack to carry my PC version (it was still sealed) and last Christmas I bought my youngest the Dark Horse Mini Geralt in Viper Armor teal colored, and he took it. I was only there for the autograph, but to have a chance to talk to Doug as well. All 3 of us wandered over to celebrity row, found Doug's table around 1:35-1:40 nobody was in line yet! I know that the event organizers stated that the lines were open no earlier than 30 minutes before, but I was expecting at least a little bit of people walking near his area, but no one? Good news for me & my sons, 1st in line!!!

Doug's assigned assistant came out from behind the curtain to let us know that if Doug is late it is because of the VIP signing going on (another thing not mentioned on the website!) but he will be here. So, I asked her if Doug would sign personal items that were brought in to which she said that he would. Turning to Jr. (eldest son) I said let me have my game. I took off the wrap and took the game jacket out of the case sleeve for Doug to sign. Looking at the prices, there were very good but I would have paid more (not like I have a lot of extra money, it's because of my love of the Witcher Universe that I would have paid more). My youngest son said he would ask Doug to sign it with one of his favorite line Geralt said in the game:

"Wait, did you say Geralt?"


"Geralt who?"

"Of Fucking Rivia!"

I laughed & said that I should have thought of it (flash forward to him getting the autograph, Doug signed it "Geralt of Fucking Rivia". I'll have to take a picture and post it here later). Anyway, looking at the prices, I decided to get a autograph & selfie with Doug & a White Wolf coffee mug with limericks on it that I will write the words on the mug in the 2nd post to keep this long one a little shorter (too late for that, isn't it? I'm glad there isn't a word limit on posts.). Doug came out from behind the curtain about 15 minutes later (5 minutes late, no big deal) & I was 1st. Walked up, he shook my hand & we started talking about the game. I mentioned about getting the good ending, which he asked which one did I think was the good ending. I told him that it's not the one where we think Ciri died, I told him I think that the Empress Ciri is the good ending. Doug asked why I thought that way ( I didn't want to come right out and say Ciri can't be a Witcher because she didn't take the potions. Just because she can scream and "Blink" in time & space doesn't make her a Witcher), but I did say that with Ciri as Empress, I think she could be a change for the better in Nilfgarrd. Doug asked why I thought she could & I said that if one chooses to help Cerys to become a Queen that unites all of the Islands, why can't Ciri make the south better? He liked that answer, I then told him how I know the books are Geralt & Yennefer, but I still always pick Triss. He said that he always picks Triss. After that he asked if I wanted the cover personalized, I said my name was good & what ever else. He signed it: To Matthew, Winds Howling... Doug Cockle aka "Geralt"

He then stood up and I walked next to him for a selfie from my phone (my youngest took the picture), put his arm around my shoulder for the picture. After, he shook my hand again, we both thanked each other & as I was about to walk away, I said that I hope they use him again for the remake & I hope they use Triss & Lambert voices from TW3. Doug agreed and said he hoped so as well. I walk away very happy and waited for my youngest to get his signed (see the above flash forward). my son also had a good conversation with Doug.

In case you are wondering Jr. turned 24 this year & my youngest turned 21. They are the 1st & 2nd Greatest Days of my Life! And I dislike pictures of myself, but it's who I'm standing next to, that makes the difference.

Bad Wolf


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I found it funny how you called it autographics.
I am imagining you let a futuristic A.I. scann his autograph and produce endless witcher 4 and 5 and 6 series in a matter of seconds. hahaha.

Witcher 9.23
Witcher 10.4572

I need to get micheal morhaime's autograph and A.I. produce WoW 2 in unreal engine 5.
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I found it funny how you called it autographics.
I am imagining you let a futuristic A.I. scann his autograph and produce endless witcher 4 and 5 and 6 series in a matter of seconds. hahaha.

Witcher 9.23
Witcher 10.4572

I need to get micheal morhaime's autograph and A.I. produce WoW 2 in unreal engine 5.

What are you going on about?
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