[BUG?] Low GPU usage

Ah...it's one of "those" programs. I always try to steer clear of them, myself. Razer Booster, Geforce Experience, etc. While I'm certain that many of them have the best of intentions in mind, others I find to be highly "curious". (I'm being very political here.)

For example, increasing voltage for hardware beyond factory specs is almost guaranteed to result in some form of stability issue, eventually. Plus, it will seriously impact the overall lifespan of the hardware. For a program to introduce it by default (seemingly without making it obvious) increases my "curiosity" even more. That being said, most BIOS will add a bit of voltage leeway to a CPU (usually +0.1 - 0.2), just in case the CPU needs a smidge of extra juice for something. It shouldn't be running constantly, though. Still, 1.3 seems wildly high. Only when seriously overclocking would a piece of hardware need to permanently increase its power draw.

Hopefully, TW3 will start being smooth-ish again!
Yup it was Gigabyte App. Thanks for all the help, especialy MadCat_me.

Works fine now.
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