Character Romance Discussion

did anyone of you guys play hotline miami?
it had a very nice suble romance sideplot to it.. there are basically no conversations between you and her, but after you rescue this girl she moves into your apartment and after each mission there are some minor changes in your house (it gets cleaner for example and later in the game the two beds you and your girlfriend sleep in are moved closer together)

i thought it was cool and a nice change from the typical "conversation 1 - conversation 2 - conversation 3 - sexscene" formula
Hotline Miami was so good in so many ways. That "romance" wouldn't satisfy anyone who prefers more in-depth style gameplay, but it was pretty elegant.
It would be cool say if I was some low life gang member that married the daughter of the C.E.O. of Arasaka, or at least had regular sexual relations with. :eek:
It would be like Romeo and Juliet except in the future.
It would be cool say if I was some low life gang member that married the daughter of the C.E.O. of Arasaka, or at least had regular sexual relations with. :eek:
It would be like Romeo and Juliet except in the future.

I think there should be many, well written, romance/marriage options. If you can somehow convince/manipulate daughter of the C.E.O. of Arasaka to date and/or marry you (with speech checks or by doing the related side quests) Then it shouldn't really matter if you are a low life gang member. (Maybe it should be harder or easier depending on statue of your character but other than that it shouldn't really matter)
well Cyberpunk art is excellent
It would be a waste if there is no romance involved,
especially with those lovely dangerous cyborg.
Cyberhookers... like regular hookers.. but cyber... :D

Danger is imminent.

Cyber is like the adjectivized use of the noun ninja.

Okay, experts in cybernetics in CP2020, what's there for the cyberhookers? Cyberwrists? Cyberspreaders (something for, you know, flexibility, maybe sports utility but repurposed...)? Boobytraps? A neural link to share the sensations (like in GITS)? Sexual organs with bumps? Credit card slot?
Cyber is like the adjectivized use of the noun ninja.

Okay, experts in cybernetics in CP2020, what's there for the cyberhookers? Cyberwrists? Cyberspreaders (something for, you know, flexibility, maybe sports utility but repurposed...)? Boobytraps? A neural link to share the sensations (like in GITS)? Sexual organs with bumps? Credit card slot?

a credit card slot would be usefull :)
Cyber is like the adjectivized use of the noun ninja.

Okay, experts in cybernetics in CP2020, what's there for the cyberhookers? Cyberwrists? Cyberspreaders (something for, you know, flexibility, maybe sports utility but repurposed...)? Boobytraps? A neural link to share the sensations (like in GITS)? Sexual organs with bumps? Credit card slot?

Off the top of my head...

By cyberhookers I am assuming you mean Prostitutes with Cybernetic enhancement... the options for which are many... the most notable being Midnight Lady/ Mr. Studd implants, Contraceptive implants, biosculpting and exotic modification catering to fetishists.....

Cyber wrists... well... other than quick change mounts, rotating mounts, and double jointed enhancements, not much can be done to the wrist because due to reasons of mobile necessity, the wrist has to be able to maintain its dexterity. Besides, it's not the wrists where the action takes place for a handjob, it's the elbows...

Cyberspreadcers........ I am completely baffled as to how something called a spreader would relate to flexibility.... maybe it's a translation error on your side... Something that would create elasticity mgiht be possible if thats what you meant... a memory foam bajingo if you will.... for those nights when you really want to use the broad end of a bowling pin in a way not recommended by the bowling league...

Yes, you can add bumps, if I recall correctly, someone out there even added a "barbed penile enhancement" which lets your dong emulate a cats. Card Readers are available, as is the nueral link...

And yes, there are booby traps, and vaginal traps, and penile traps, and anal traps.... most aren't official canon, but they are available....even in the core books there are prehensile retracting "cybersnakes" that can be places in "any" orifice..
Off the top of my head...

By cyberhookers I am assuming you mean Prostitutes with Cybernetic enhancement... the options for which are many... the most notable being Midnight Lady/ Mr. Studd implants, Contraceptive implants, biosculpting and exotic modification catering to fetishists.....

Cyber wrists... well... other than quick change mounts, rotating mounts, and double jointed enhancements, not much can be done to the wrist because due to reasons of mobile necessity, the wrist has to be able to maintain its dexterity. Besides, it's not the wrists where the action takes place for a handjob, it's the elbows...

Cyberspreadcers........ I am completely baffled as to how something called a spreader would relate to flexibility.... maybe it's a translation error on your side... Something that would create elasticity mgiht be possible if thats what you meant... a memory foam bajingo if you will.... for those nights when you really want to use the broad end of a bowling pin in a way not recommended by the bowling league...

Yes, you can add bumps, if I recall correctly, someone out there even added a "barbed penile enhancement" which lets your dong emulate a cats. Card Readers are available, as is the nueral link...

And yes, there are booby traps, and vaginal traps, and penile traps, and anal traps.... most aren't official canon, but they are available....even in the core books there are prehensile retracting "cybersnakes" that can be places in "any" orifice..

Wisdom, the brain of the Afterlife Forum, has spoken!
It isn't a mystery why people like RPG romances -- good, deep, well-acted characters with personality inside of a well-written story are apt to engender some admiration and affection from any player who immerses themselves in the story. It is a mark of good writing that people become attached to them like their favorite characters from a book and, since in a video game you control an agent within the story, it is natural that some people would like to see their character pursue a closer relationship with their favorite characters. I think that romances can add quite a lot to a game, and I think it is important to include them and pay them more than lip service. Make them significant, make sure there are plenty of touching, or passionate, or even frustrating or anxiety-inducing situations. It provides a major emotional link to the story.

I also feel that it shouldn't be integral to the overall plot of the story. It shouldn't be forced, it should be an optional component for those who pursue it because it increases their enjoyment of the story or simply because they like the way the relationships play out.

After being on BSN for some time & seeing how certain people react to the idea of romance, I must say, keep it at a minimum or completely out of this game. Some people (if not most) are too obsess with the romance feature, giving the impression they'd rather have a sims game with rpg elements.

MOST people are too obsessed with the romance feature? What do you base that on? BSN itself is a tiny minority of people who play BioWare games and probably not even a majority of THEM are "obsessed" with it. Besides... so what? Let them whine. Well-written character relationships add too much to a good story to let some basement-dwelling, date-sim playing weeaboos dissuade the writers.
Let them whine. Well-written character relationships add too much to a good story to let some basement-dwelling, date-sim playing weeaboos dissuade the writers.

Wow. You know, I've never played a dating-sim. Other than Dragon Age Origins, of course. ZING.
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