Count Reuven's treasure question

Can someone explain at what point Ciri and the rest of the "team" lost Reuven's treasure?

1. Dudu is kidnapped and tortured by Junior because the crew failed to deliver the treasure.
Ciri and Jaskier come to help. I understand they don't have the treasure right now because they could have given it to Junior according to the deal: the treasure for helping with the phylacterium. Why didn't they do it right away and Dudu was kidnapped?

2. As the game progresses, the treasure goes to Menge of course. I understand this is after Dandelion was captured on Temple Island (when Ciri teleports from there to Skellige) after they recaptured Dudu.

1st and 2nd are kind of biting each other. If Menge takes the treasure from Jaskro after the capture of Dudu, it means they had it from the moment they captured it until Dudu was kidnapped. Why didn't they keep the deal with Junior?
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I could be wrong, but from my understanding, they not "lost" the treasure at all :)

- They stole the treasure for Whoreson, the condition to repair the Phylactery.
- Whoreson, something that Geralt learn it later, "work" for the Redania (Radovid).
- So Dandelion/Ciri simply gave the treasure to the Witch Hunters outside the sewers (Caleb Menge) who are Redanians. Caleb Menge guys simply waited Jaskiers on the canal with a barge. Or Menge who are aware of the heist by Radovid, simply stole the treasure to Dandelion :)
After his release from Junior, Dudu leaves a letter for Ciri (at the hideout, Henkel's former home) in which he writes that Menge has imprisoned Dandelion and taken the treasure.

If they'd given it back after it was stolen, that letter wouldn't have made any sense.
Ok, so most probably Radovid was aware of the heist and "betray" Whoreson (he suggested to Menge to steal the treasure. Treasure which is pretty much what both kings want from Novigrad).
Thx for Your interest in topic:)

But from the plot (e. g. this letter left in the hideout) it follows that Menge took the treasure already AFTER Dudu's release.

So until Dudu was kidnapped, the crew had the treasure. If they had it, why didn't they want to fulfill the contract with Junior?
To be honest I didn't dig to much about this quest, but now you point it out... If Menge took the treasure after Dandelion was captured, the question is why they had to free dudu.
I hope someone will have an answer or at least a clue, I would like to know :)
A few years ago, when I was going through the game first time, it kind of didn't catch my eye. But now I’ve done it more carefully (and I’m going to do it again) and I can’t figure this treasure out :)
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