Current Card List - Gwentify



  • Eredin.jpg
    35.8 KB · Views: 42
  • Ciri.jpg
    59.6 KB · Views: 48
In case of Eredin, it's his new/reworked/alternate Artwork presented yet on Gamescom I think.
In case of Ciri, this is her Ciri: Dashing Artwork, but Melee instead of Ranged, 8 STR instead of 6, and I can't recall such Ability icon...
Actually, I just noticed something else. The Text names that card as just "Ciri". That's it, as if that's the only version of her as a card.
I don't know why they nerfed ciri. i don't think she was overpowered. But i do like the fact that she only has 1 card now. Not fond of multiple cards for each character (with the exception of geralt).
Ciri:Blink remains unchanged this is just another card even if it doesn't have subname for now maybe we'll know it tomorrow but it's not the only Ciri we'll have when the full game comes out
Ciri:Blink remains unchanged this is just another card even if it doesn't have subname for now maybe we'll know it tomorrow but it's not the only Ciri we'll have when the full game comes out

I looked at the card in kts and i am pretty sure it has the same ability as ciri:blink but we will see.
I don't know why they nerfed ciri.
She might actually be buffed now, it also explains her icon change. Her ability returns her to your hand when you lose a round. Notice the difference?

---------- Updated at 09:32 AM ----------

One thing I noticed, they use different term for card. Hero->Gold, Troop->Bronze.
Most likely, they changed the card border colour accordingly to easily tell from a glance.
Also Eredin has new artwork?

Or was the one on the horse revealed already?

We've already seen the artwork somewhere. I was speculating that it's a new Eredin artwork (old was low quality from W3) and it looks like I was right.
Now we've got amazing Eredin artwork! Leader card artworks look really epic :)
Kinda sad that Eredin on the battlefield is the same as the leader .. It's great but the one before was new and I don't see why they'd change it
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