Cut down Rounds to 2

How about we play no rounds at all, the coinflip decides who wins? more RNG isn't possible

Nah, it would be another Hearthstone then. However, it would be perfectly balanced: everyone would have 50% winrate over a large number of games. Except Skellige, of course, because they will be able to resurrect a coin 9 times until they get the result they want.
And sometimes I do play into round 2 and it is the reason I win. It is a key way to beat control decks.
So you win after 2. round? So the 3. wasnt nessasary? Thats what i said.
This would only increase the number of ties by a HUGE amount
Thats true. But so what? just give the players both a victory for each round one, like now and nothing will change drastically.
Why only made round 1 harder when you can made it become the hardest round, let cut both round 2 and 3 so every game become a win or lose just in 1 shot, save some time aye :D. Let's say: Each player start with 4 provision and 3 cards, gain 5 provision and draw 1 card each turn, sound familiar...
just give the players both a victory for each round one, like now and nothing will change drastically.
Wouldn't change the fact that losing round one would mean one could not win the game anymore. Which would still be discouraging, even if ties did go back to rewarding both players.
May not seem like a big deal, but it's a psychological thing -- and I'm not saying it would be the same for everyone, just many people.
Would be super discouraging; lose round one and the best you can get is a tie -- meaning zero rounds won for you. (Unless I'm misremembering and a tie does give the round to both players. Obviously cannot check right now since the game is down.)

A tie does give both players a round. Which is why, if you win round 1 and then tie in round 2, you win the game.

Btw, I think there's a fair level of sarcasm in this thread lol
Yeah, but the OP said twice that they were not being sarcastic with the suggestion. Which is why I've only replied to their suggestion. :p
Thx and her eis the third one: I am serious about this suggestion. Even if some are not.

I see the point with disencouraging, but i think we have this right now two. The One who wins round 1 have an advange the next to rounds by defining the tempo at round 2 and being 100% second round 3. its the same road downwards, but now you can se it more clearly.
You've won me over. I did not see the genius of it at first.

We should really aim higher though. First player to twenty points wins. Really expedite shit.
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