Cyberpunk 2077 PC Crash Issues

Same problem, although mine crashes when I hit the RedEngine logo. Took the same steps to solve it as well. In addition I turned off any overlays that I have, even though they weren't an issue before this patch.

All in all very irritating especially since I had no crashes 75 hours in.
Crashes at startup are normally a result of:

1.) Mods. If you are using any now, or have ever used any in the past, they can and will leave reference data in your overally installation and/or save state of your game. Even if the mod itself is removed, that reference data will remain. (This is true of all games, not just CP2077.) If you encounter an issue (crashing or otherwise) you may need to wait for an update to some/all of your mods to be compatible with the latest version of the game. Worst case scenario is always that you'll have to uninstall and reinstall the game to get it working again.

2.) Microsoft Redistributables. DirectX, Visual C++, Visual Studio, XNA Framework, etc. If these are not correctly configured, it can prevent games from launching correctly. Running the installation packages manually from the Microsoft website is always a good idea if seeing a CTD or black-screen hang with any game. (Also, versions of Visual C++ and Studio install side-by-side. Ensuring you have legacy versions installed for the original release dates of the games you like to play can created much smoother sailing in the future. Just be sure to install them in order, and to install both the x86 and x64 versions of each for Windows 10 or Windows 7 64-bit.)

3.) Games being installed to protected directories. It is always best to avoid installing any games to Program Files or Program Files(x86). Always install to the root of your drive or a folder of your own creation on the root. If using any level of default Windows Security, it may interfere with the calls being made by games to other parts of your system, degrading performance, or creating instability. The following installation paths are much more game-friendly, for example:
C:\Cyberpunk 2077\...
My hardware is admittedly old, but the game runs smooth even on high settings with no evidence of difficulty until I hit those points, at which point it crashes like clockwork every time. I've spoilered the most recent crash report below in case that helps identify my problem.

It looks like we have similar problems. I'm also able to use a fairly old PC configuration, but it pulls Cyberpunk on almost all high settings. Played from the new year until the release of patch 1.3 hundreds of hours. But now I can only play the prologue for the Nomad, after the iguana and the Night City videos, 100% crash to the desktop. For others, they immediately crash to the desktop, where the Night City immediately appears in the game. Believe me, I've tried everything, and the result is nothing.
In short, until the next patch, I can replay the beginning of the game for the Nomad for hundreds of hours, until in the next patch the prologue for the Nomad is also turned off. )))
(google translate, I don't know english)

P..S. Even my very first save in the game loads and works well, it was also for the Nomad, in winter. But it works exactly until Night City, after the "iguana", of course, it will fly to the desktop.
I have the issue where game crash to desktop in the mission "Knockin on Heaven's door" right after you crash land in Arasaka tower and finish talking with Rogue about saving/leaving Weyland. This is my second playthrough. I already finished game once but chose the Nomad ending and it was ok I had no trouble finishing it wihout crashes. All in all 127 hours of gameplay with no CTD. Started another playthrough as I can't finish the second one and for now it works just fine, no crashes. But that one still does crash, and still in the same exact spot. Any thoughts? I have already done everything I could that is posted on official website (veryfing file integrity, updating drivers etc.).
I have the issue where game crash to desktop in the mission "Knockin on Heaven's door" right after you crash land in Arasaka tower and finish talking with Rogue about saving/leaving Weyland. This is my second playthrough. I already finished game once but chose the Nomad ending and it was ok I had no trouble finishing it wihout crashes. All in all 127 hours of gameplay with no CTD. Started another playthrough as I can't finish the second one and for now it works just fine, no crashes. But that one still does crash, and still in the same exact spot. Any thoughts? I have already done everything I could that is posted on official website (veryfing file integrity, updating drivers etc.).
It's only during this quest ?
Weird, at first view, I would think to verifying your game files. But if you already did it :(
If you have a good net connexion, you can try a "clean" reinstall the game (by keeping your saves in another folder).

You haven't use any mods in the past ?
Mod datas could remains in a save file or game files :(
I have only one thought, the reason for these crashes - new jackets for V. (indeed, not because of Keanu Reeves' new look) :p
It's only during this quest ?
As far as I know yes. Right now I'm clockin on 236 hours of gameplay. 127 hours on first playthrough on patch 1.23, as well as about 88 hours of second one, and this is the only instance it crashes. The last couple of hours of second playthrough is on 1.3 sooooo...
If you have a good net connexion, you can try a "clean" reinstall the game (by keeping your saves in another folder).
I'm afraid this can be the only option.
You haven't use any mods in the past ?
Only two mods for better car handling. But those are not related to any other game mechanic. You think this might be the issue?
Mod datas could remains in a save file or game files :(
So worst case scenario this savegame is corrupted.
Only two mods for better car handling. But those are not related to any other game mechanic. You think this might be the issue?
I can't said it's the problem for sure, but some mod datas/modifications could remains in game save and/or in game files. So even with removed them, bugs could still appear (even not really "related" to the mod function iteself).
So worst case scenario this savegame is corrupted.
I hope not, fingers crossed :)
I you have a good connexion (like 30 min to download the game), honestly, In your place, I would delete completly the game and reinstall it to be sure.
(But without good connexion, like me 1 day... it's the last thing that you want to do...)
I hope not, fingers crossed :)
I you have a good connexion (like 30 min to download the game), honestly, In your place, I would delete completly the game and reinstall it to be sure.
(But without good connexion, like me 1 day... it's the last thing that you want to do...)
So, after more than a week of exchanging e-mails with CDPR Support, this is the recommendation. What's funny is that this will not give me guarantee that problem will be fixed, as I need to start new playthrough and go through all the main story to check out if the problem stil persisst. If it's ok I can then copy my old saves back. In conclusion, there is no other option, if anyone has similar or the same problem only thing you can do is reinstall the game, cross your fingers and hope for the best. As for me I will finish my current playthrough and check if the issue is still there. If it is I will reinstall and let you know if this fixes things.

Thanks for the help Chooms.
i hade some odd crashes too in 1.3. Was disarming mines @ the car im supposed too take back to dakota in badlands. Game would allways crash at the exact same spot. Sent in the crash reports so hopefully it will get solved. now im getting the memory access crash every time i exit the game, not 100% sure if it could be mod related tho since i use em so havent reported it other then crash reports.
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xC0000005) errors might be related to RAM speed / XMP.

I could stabilize the game by lowering the ram clock to 3000Mhz from (3200) by changing settings in the BIOS.
Before this change I had crashes to desktop every 20-30 minutes in game.

I couldn't reproduce memory errors outside of Cyberpunk by using >12 hours test with MemTest Pro nor with Karhu RAM Test and didn't have any issues with other games.
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xC0000005) errors might be related to RAM speed / XMP.

I could stabilize the game by lowering the ram clock to 3000Mhz from (3200) by changing settings in the BIOS.
Before this change I had crashes to desktop every 20-30 minutes in game.

I couldn't reproduce memory errors outside of Cyberpunk by using >12 hours test with MemTest Pro nor with Karhu RAM Test and didn't have any issues with other games.
While this might be a workaround that works, overclocking or underclocking any part of your system is never a valid solution for any technical issue. If your system experiences instability at default clock and voltage settings, but those issues are rectified by OC/UC, that's indicative of a problem at the hardware level. Could be an issue with the type of RAM being used, the motheboard, something not being seated correctly, etc. Also might be a good idea to flash the BIOS/UEFI and ensure it's the latest version.

Also, its very possible for even stress tests or benchmarking to fail to trigger an issue, whereas a game might do it every time. (Here, I think it means the problem is most likely not the RAM. It can still be caused by the mo-bo, CPU, GPU, etc.)
Hey guys, i'm experiencing some frequent crashes since a few days (usually after around 30min/1h of playing). I have a solid laptop (i5 10300H, RTX 3060 Laptop, 16gb of RAM) and i've installed some mods. Could someone help me identifying the source of my problem ?

My error message is :

Error Reason: Assert
Message: ArchiveAsyncSource: Unknown file segment for read at offset 17834, size 2823
File: e:\r6.release\dev\src\common\resource\src\serializationasyncsourceimpl.cpp
Line: 742

Thanks in advance for your responses.
Hey guys, i'm experiencing some frequent crashes since a few days (usually after around 30min/1h of playing). I have a solid laptop (i5 10300H, RTX 3060 Laptop, 16gb of RAM) and i've installed some mods. Could someone help me identifying the source of my problem ?

My error message is :

Error Reason: Assert
Message: ArchiveAsyncSource: Unknown file segment for read at offset 17834, size 2823
File: e:\r6.release\dev\src\common\resource\src\serializationasyncsourceimpl.cpp
Line: 742

Thanks in advance for your responses.

I don‘t know what mods you are using but that could be the reason. If the game worked normal before: did you change anything after that? Did you add any particular mod or install any new software on your PC ?

In general, in terms of crashes please check out this info from support:
(I‘d start with verify/repair)

It‘s also possible to reach out to cdpr support by clicking on „Contact Us!“
I don‘t know what mods you are using but that could be the reason. If the game worked normal before: did you change anything after that? Did you add any particular mod or install any new software on your PC ?

In general, in terms of crashes please check out this info from support:
(I‘d start with verify/repair)

It‘s also possible to reach out to cdpr support by clicking on „Contact Us!“
Ok thank you. I mainly use appearance mods (that modify the texture or appearance of props, etc) and i have CET, AMM, redscript and few other mods that modify the game truly.
But thank you for the link, i'm going to check it out.
Getting frequent in game menu crashes (dissassembling items, switching weapons, etc), with the windows error 'Application has been blocked from accessing graphics hardware' popping up. This only happens in Cyberpunk, no other games. The GPU is brand new. I'm in Windows 11 if that makes any difference. Stumped here, as I've tried redoing my graphics driver, debug mode, and a few other fixes short of reinstalling the game. Anyone else getting these?
Getting frequent in game menu crashes (dissassembling items, switching weapons, etc), with the windows error 'Application has been blocked from accessing graphics hardware' popping up. This only happens in Cyberpunk, no other games. The GPU is brand new. I'm in Windows 11 if that makes any difference. Stumped here, as I've tried redoing my graphics driver, debug mode, and a few other fixes short of reinstalling the game. Anyone else getting these?
Sounds like a security issue within Windows, or it could be a result of antivirus software you have running. Definitely add the entire Steam installation directory to the exceptions list of Windows Firewall and any antivirus/antimalware programs you have.

Also, expect weirdness from Windows 11. It seems to me that it launched very abruptly and quietly compared to most OS releases. Not sure what's up there, but I'm waiting for myself. (For probably about 3 years or so -- but that's just me! :p )
Crush on startup
Error reason: Assert
Expression: <Unknown>
Message: Watchdog timeout! (120 seconds)
File: e:\r6.release\dev\src\common\engine\src\enginewatchdog.cpp(198)

Its not funny. I was play a game on start and i finished it, but then i try to play it again it **** me. people discuss 147 pages of ways to avoid crushes and problems. im not interest to read all this thread to find a cure. I just want to enjoy the game i loved. This is very ugly

ps i start it on steam with lastest patch
Crush on startup
Error reason: Assert
Expression: <Unknown>
Message: Watchdog timeout! (120 seconds)
File: e:\r6.release\dev\src\common\engine\src\enginewatchdog.cpp(198)

Its not funny. I was play a game on start and i finished it, but then i try to play it again it **** me. people discuss 147 pages of ways to avoid crushes and problems. im not interest to read all this thread to find a cure. I just want to enjoy the game i loved. This is very ugly

ps i start it on steam with lastest patch

the typical steps for crashes are explained here:

I‘d start with verify/repair first (step 5).

Also, if you are using mods, that can cause issues like that too...
the typical steps for crashes are explained here:

I‘d start with verify/repair first (step 5).

Also, if you are using mods, that can cause issues like that too...
CDPR have my bug reports and logs, i dont have a mods, i twice deleted game and reinstall it. Аfter almost a 1 year, game should start at least.
"the typical steps for crashes are explained here:" i do not want to dig, i want to play, its not my problem.
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CDPR have my bug reports and logs, i dont have a mods, i twice deleted game and reinstall it. After almost a 1 year, game should start at least.
"the typical steps for crashes are explained here:" i do not want to dig, i want to play, its not my problem.
"dancing with a tambourine" its not what i expecting after alot of mounth and patches after release.
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i have just installed this game on steam. i am having trouble with the ripperdoc mission. everytime it varies...i can get into a car, and then drive to the ripperdoc, but before i even turn to go down the alley way it CTD. idk what to do.....its upsetting. just moved my cyberpunk game to my C harddrive...and still crashes.

Error reason: Unhandled exception
Message: The thread attempted to write to an inaccessible address at 0x23851334BA8.
File: <Unknown>(0)

this is what i am crashed this last time when i tried to get into V's car with Jackie...soooo. idk what to do.
I've been getting both these write access and read access violations for a while now. Moving your install location is unfortunately not going to do anything to curb this issue. These types of crashes are almost always caused by a program referring to a memory address they have no access to. What this is means is that the game is allocated by Windows areas in memory it can use to do what it needs to do to run, but it goes into protected areas anyway. Currently I'm not sure if it is either GPU or System memory it's trying to access because I don't have any developer tools that will let me dive more into this game's engine than at a relatively surface level but I'm currently quite positive this is the underlying issue for many CTD's during active gameplay based on the rudimentary testing I've done so far.

These crashes tend to happen during gameplay in very graphically dense areas of Night City, as you mention in your post I too was getting them heavily in Watson. Especially when driving fast and then having to quickly adjust my camera or taking a corner hard. It appears doing so causes the game to need more access to memory threads than it already does and when it goes to grab them, Windows catches it and then terminates the process, which in turn notifies CDPR's crash reporter and so on and so forth. This function overall is the result of an internal service in Windows called "data execution prevention", which specifically looks for this sort of issue and CTDs programs it's happening under the auspices its malicious code running at a rather deep level of your system and memory.

Initially, I wanted to just add Cyberpunk2077.exe to its exception list, only to find out through much trial and error Microsoft apparently disabled any and abilities to add 64bit executable programs to this list. No workaround actually does anything, however all 32bit programs play ball with it just fine. Thus, it would appear turning this service off entirely would've remedied it, despite being a bit risky since this service does actually help malicious code from utterly screwing your system to death. Oddly enough, disabling this system wide to test if it would change anything or even be just a temporary hotfix did nothing after a while. There is still some underlying service that is catching the Cyberpunk runtime accessing somewhere in memory it shouldn't and then force shutting it down.

Clean reinstall of windows, the game, and all mods uninstalled changed nothing, these errors were still happening at a consistent rate in the same areas. I changed graphics settings to regular settings and then both to extreme high and low settings to see if it was hardware overload leading to the game and system running inconsistent from one another, which can happen. Wasn't the issue. Shutting off DEP entirely (which I really don't recommend you do, I only did this for the purposes of testing) didn't change anything. This is appears to an internal issue with the game and its memory and graphics handling. The only way to fix this, from what I can tell with my sadly limited resources and testing would be a rewrite of these systems, and that could take some time.
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