Death March Difficulty

Death March Difficulty

I need survival advice for this difficulty. Should I focus my points on Alchemy? Magic?
Quen is your Best Friend!!:victory:

You could go on Igni build but it will gets boring in late game like most thread being posted here that ability is OP:facepalm: Personally most signs in the game can be OP if you tried investing them.

Suggestion learn the controller 1st and some magic signs in the game.

Early game alchemy seems not important due the diagrams and herbs are expensive. Mid and late game there quite useful unless your too reliant w/ quen and the other signs.

Also get sun and stars ability so that you regenerate your health after combat. Be warned this ability only work at Day time but useful in night time due to stamina regen. Don't worry w/ supply and crafting material. The loot in the game is abundant. Also you can get free random crafting mat just playing gwent.
If you check all bags, chests and so on and gather all loot you don't need Sun and stars skill, cause you have basically infinite amount of alcohol. And alcohol lets you brew swallow aka health potion. So nah, instead of S&S I'd take skill which actuallly helps you in fight. But that's me ;)
Sun and Stars ability mentioned above is useless when you are farther into the game, because you have so much health that it takes a long time to heal. I have not wasted points on it in my death march game.

Against strong foes I use a combination of Yrden, Axii and Igni. For Yrden, put some points into the ability that makes Yrden deal damage, use Axii to stun enemies while they are in the Yrden area and then set them on fire and start whacking away at them. Yrden is also useful against many other foes like wraiths and because it slows enemies reactions down so that you can hit them better before they can turn around to attack you. I also use Quen, but don't have a lot of points in it, still it is very useful against enemies that deal a lot of damage... keep casting it every time it breaks. The burning ability for Igni is very useful, it makes many foes stop attacking for a second so that you can attack them with your sword.

Above all, learn to use the evasion abilities... rolling especially. Getting hit by most things will take a significant chunk of your HP even if you are ridiculously overleveled for them. Always keep moving fast to avoid getting hit by projectiles. At level 36, with mastercrafted griffin armor, an arrow from a bandit still takes a significant chunk of my health.

Learn to anticipate the enemy melee attacks and roll away just before they can hit you. And if you are not running away at the moment, make sure that Geralt always has the sword in defensive stance, this will mitigate many attacks.

Use all the potions, bombs and oils that you can, and I have found the ability that restores health by up to 25% instantly when using a potion very useful. Keep your armor and weapons updated with your levels, and use runes with them. Put abilities with the same color together in ability slots and upgrade your mutagens to use the best ones that you can.

In Death March, you have to use a lot more tactics to win battles, but that is how I like it.
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Ye the igni spell is too OP vs targets that get burned and does way too much dmg which is why i faceroll DT.
i suggest you invest on alchemy skills as well.. 3 maxed skills really helped.. forgot it but it is the first and second.. then my third skill is on either the first's next skill or the 2nd's next skill.. it is the one that heals a portion of your life when you consume any potions..

on signs just go with max delusion..
on general go for focus and whichever armor skill what evrr type of armor you use.. on the combat get both fast and strong attacks til 2nd tier.. then fill up the skills to have the last strong attacks skill which is sunder i think..

this is what i used in death march
im killing them with the starting armor and i'm level 25 now, you don't even need Quen, just Igni.
Death March is a joke, hard at the start buy after a few hours its easy

Congratulations, you can kill drowners, that must mean that all of death march is really easy.
Im dissapointed, i mean it's called "Death March" it's way to easy. Death march feels more like normal/hard ! We need a better AI, more balancing or nerf mutagens and casts ! I can kill red skull enemies way to easy and fast. I handicap myself with not using quen and some skills, but it's still to easy.
Say that to the damned Novigrad champion with that fucking short jab that it's impossible to counter.

Hop backwards and then smack him when he's open. Counter the strong attacks, dodge the jabs, win all the fights.

Also it is possible to counter the jabs, just hard to pull off. I manage to counter jabs by mistake while trying to dodge backwards while my guard is up. Don't know why this happens it just does.
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Death march = fight without getting hit, it's actually that simple. With heavy armor you have more leeway, but still the less you get hit the better the performance. There are no real tips for this, just don't make stupid mistakes in combat that's all. Many fights above your level will test your patience as you only can take a few hits and you have to hit the bosses like 100 times to down them.

For the fist fighting, the rule is even more important as most enemies flatten you with about 4-5 hits and you need to hit like 20 times. But the AI can be tricked by moving away from them then hitting a combo, dodge back to avoid the stagger, repeat... Once you find that out the fist fights are easy going, just be careful when the game artficially limits the fighting zone.
Fistfights can be cheezed pretty easily..wait til the guy starts charging, hit him with two quick jab and step back. Just do that over and over and you can knock much higher lvl enemies without being hit once. Only fight that gave me a hard time is when you fight more than one brawler.
lol I did all fist fighting quests 10+ levels under, so easy, step back wait for heavy slow blow > counter > 2 strong attacks > step back > counter... pretty disappointing tbh, I though some skill would have been needed.

Keep quen up on deathmarch, mod it so it pushes back when breaks, learn to dodge like a pro, dodge > 2 fast attacks > dodge. 2 alchemy skills are a must have, the one that heals per pot you take and the one that raises your toxicity. Game is super easy, after you hit level 15 or so you will be god mode with the right build and once you master dodging. I find I die more to fall damage than to anything else now.
you can actually kill enemies +5 level up, but you need a weapon with some special effects like poison or bleeding.. if you have weapon like that, increase that effect with a rune for higher chance, and you are golden... i managed to kill multiple +5level enemies with such weapons. (Viper school steel and silver swords poison effects) Sometimes, its better to keep a bit weaker sword with some good special effect, and increase it up a bit with a rune, than going for a weapon with higher base damage and no effects..
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