Even more worldwide photos!

Even more worldwide photos!

The Witcher is everywhere.... can't stand the feeling, you have already heard that? Sure you did! It’s a catchword of our Worldwide Photo Project gallery. Despite the fact that Witcher boxes are probably a little scratched after last summer trips, we are still hungry for more of your photos! You can send them from any place on the planet! Please don’t forget to visit the gallery!
Yay, jump onboard, peoples :) It's a whole lotta fun seeing Witcher infiltration (Witchfiltration?) from all around the world, and there's some really interesting shots there already :)My Witcher box nearly went into the drink with each little gust of wind whilst I was precariously balancing the box on a bannister over the harbour :D
We have none of the following: parachute - Witcher, submarine - Witcher and bungee jumping - Witcher ;) Feel free to add some of these! ;)


Forum veteran
I sent 1 in. YAY... can't wait to see the look on my friends face when he sees the game in the trash heep in front of his house. Wonder if he runs out to look? :evil: HAHAHA
My Witcher boxes aren't in an especially well-known place in the US, but I couldn't resist....
Yeees... this is true and I'm sure it's the same in Germany.Nevertheless... my fave is now as before the meaningful picture from Italy
PetraSilie said:
Nevertheless... my fave is now as before the meaningful picture from Italy
I like the one from Canada with the horses. Other pictures have more impressive scenery or more interesting cultural artifacts, but I just like the one with the horses.Oh. Animals. Me. How predictable. :D
PetraSilie said:
Yes, this pic is great as well. What a pity guinea pigs aren't characteristic for Germany
I don't think anyone will complain if you decide to present non-characteristic pets! :D I bet you could get a really cute picture of your guinea pigs investigating your Witcher box ... or looking at Geralt on screen ... or trying to make a nest out of the manual. ;D
Corylea said:
Corylea said:
Nevertheless... my fave is now as before the meaningful picture from Italy
I like the one from Canada with the horses. Other pictures have more impressive scenery or more interesting cultural artifacts, but I just like the one with the horses.Oh. Animals. Me. How predictable. :D
Just so you know the horses name is Magic and he just tuned Seven in the early spring He is a bit of a show off as you can see ;)
I like the one from Canada with the horses. Other pictures have more impressive scenery or more interesting cultural artifacts, but I just like the one with the horses.[MOD]Ad link removed
Daerdin said:
Or, where almost every witcher wants to be ;)
*smile* If Geralt is unavailable, feel free to send Vesemir. Or Eskel. If Lambert is lonely, I'll mail him my teddy bear, but he doesn't get the bed. ;D
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