Fallout 4 Announced For PS4, Xbox One, PC

Danny Dwyer talks about the war of 2077 in this video:


Was this an established date in the Fallout series since the beginning? Kind of a crazy coincidence.
Was this an established date in the Fallout series since the beginning? Kind of a crazy coincidence.

Fallout Timeline

I would assume it was a deliberate choice, that of the year 2077 I mean, and probably so due to it's connection to Fallout. I assume a lot of the people who work at CDPR, especially the writes and lead developers, are probably fans of Fallout in one way or another (and I would not be surprised if Mike Pondsmith him self might be a fan of Fallout). But who knows, it might just be a crazy coincidence as you say.

2077 is a well established year for Fallout though. It was mentioned as early as in Fallout 1. It was first (as far as I know) mentioned as part of "Captain Maxson's diary", a series of Holodisk notes that you could find at a military base somewhere in the game. Captain Maxson, Roger Maxson, was the founder of the Brotherhood of Steel.

So the most important date in Fallout, as a world, is probably that of October 23, 2077... because that was the day when "The Great War" started... and ended. Due to the launch of the nuclear weapons that basically ended the world as they knew it.

Captain Maxon's diary entry for October 23, 2077:
Oct. 23 2077:

I can't believe those bastards finally did it. Damn them all to Hell. They finally let the A-Bombs fly. We were right in the middle of trying to pry the real story out of von Felden when we completely lost contact. I have a feeling the research center was hit hard. I don't know why, just call it a gut feeling. It seems inconceivable that we were not targeted. I'm sure China will make up for that oversight real soon. Luckily, we had moved our families from outside into the facility the day before yesterday. We do not yet know if the fallout has reached this area.

But the most important date in Fallout, as a game series, would probably be that of:

2161, December 5, at 07:21 in the morning; Fallout 1 begins.

Other dates of note (in some of these certain aspects of the game, like a prologue or something, started/happened before these dates):

2197, January 1, 06:29 in the morning; Fallout Tactics begins.
2241, July 25, 08:24 in the morning; Fallout 2 begins.
2253, Van Buren (the code name for the original Fallout 3) was supposed to have begun.
2277, August 17, 09:04 in the morning; Fallout 3 begins.
2281, October 19, 08:00 in the morning; Fallout: New Vegas begins.
2***, date unknown, at unknown time; Fallout 4 begins.
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Fallout Timeline

I would assume it was a deliberate choice, that of the year 2077 I mean, and probably so due to it's connection to Fallout. I assume a lot of the people who work at CDPR, especially the writes and lead developers, are probably fans of Fallout in one way or another (and I would not be surprised if Mike Pondsmith him self might be a fan of Fallout). But who knows, it might just be a crazy coincidence as you say.

i never thought of this, but now that you say it, it could be indeed a reference to the Fallout series. The guys from CD are fans of Fallout, they even said that Fallout 2 is an inspiration for CP77

a quote about Fallout 2 from the Cyberchef:

[...]major features of these games that have guided us to what we want Cyberpunk 2077 to become [...]
A character’s development could determine the available dialog options he/she would encounter
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I want to be excited. But I just can't get excited for Bethesda games anymore, maybe if Obsidian did this instead I would be singing a different tune. But Bethesda don't make the kind of games I enjoy anymore.

But I want to be excited for Fallout.
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I want to be excited. But I just can't get excited for Bethesda games anymore, maybe if Obsidian did this instead I would be singing a different tune. But Bethesda don't make the kind of games I enjoy anymore.

But I want to be excited for Fallout.

Me, too, brother. Me, too.

Ah, well.
I think I am lucky.

In the sence that when it comes to certain styles and types of games (like RPG's), and also if they are in a certain kind of genre (Fantasy or Sci-Fi usually), if they are in specific IP's (Final Fantasy, Suikoden, Dragon Age, Fallout, Mass Effect, XCOM, etc) with possibly other factors as well (like the kind of look and artstyle they have gone for)... then the hight of the bar, that I have to jump over to find the game atleast "acceptable", is pretty low.

And even when a game is not as good as previous games, in those certain IP's, I will usually find them atleast acceptable... as long as the game stayed in roughly the same style of game. I can accept certain levels of change after all.

Even though Bethesdas Fallout game is not the same as how they used to be, and not as good as how they used to be, it now sort of being Elder Scrolls with guns, I still find FO3 to be acceptable (and Obsidian's FONV to be more then acceptable). I still sank well over 100, if not close to 200, hours into FO3 (and the same for FONV). I had fun in Fo3 and NV, and actually thought they where pretty good... not as good as FO1/2/T of course (yes, even Tactics... Tactics is actually the Fallout game I have gone back to and played again the most times... I fire that one up again every to every 3rd year... I have also finished it more times then either FO1, 2, 3 or NV), but fun enough for me to spend that much time in them.

So... due to that... I have a feeling that I will at the very least find Fallout 4 to be acceptable, and I will probably sink well over 100+ hours into it as well.

One thing I am a bit uncertain about with FO4 though, is the Dog. In all of Bethesdas games, which have a kind of companion system in them (FO3, Skyrim... and FONV to, even though that is not Bethesda... did Oblivion have companions?)... I have found that system to be a bit... annoying. Mostly because I do not like the fact that my control over those companions in combat is very limited, and the control I do have over them does not feel like it is enough. I don't think that the 1st/3rd person style of game, that these games are, really fits with the use of a companion system in them. Especially not in the manner of which Bethestda have implimented them in their games. I do really like to have companions, to have a team of characters, in a game... but only if I have full control over them in combat, to the level as you do in games like Final Fantasy, Suikoden, Fallout Tactics, Dragon Age, and in new oldschool games like Shadowrun Returns, Wasteland 2 and Pillars of Eternity... that is the kind of control I want.

Now I do still use the companions in Bethesdas games, and at times it can be nice to have them with me (mostly as mules, or if I come up against a foe that is really powerful), which is the only reasons as to why I do not leave them at home. But often I am just annoyed with them due to various reasons... getting in the way, getting stuck somewhere so I have to come back and find them and get them loose, charging into combat and drawing more enemies then I want (melee companions are the ones I tend to be the most annoyed with), amongst several other things. But, I don't feel I can leave them at home, so I have to endure... and if you have a dog in FO4 as a companion, then I guess I will have to endure that as well... but I would much rather that they did not have companions in those games, due to the type of games they are.

The only (as far as I remember) 1st/3rd person style of game I have played where companions where implimented in a fairly good way, is Mass Effect. Now, your companions in ME can be as dumb as they are in Bethesdas games (and Obsidians FONV). But the thing that makes all the difference is the fact that I can essentially pause the game and give orders to my companions, "attack that guy", "use that skill on that robot", "go to that location", "do as you wish", etc... then how well they execute those orders can vary... But the sheer fact that it's there, that I can controll them fairly easy to some degree, and that I can do it during a pause, makes... as I said... all the difference.

So... if FO4 had such a system, or even the exact same kind of system, with the same level of controll (I do not think it would be quick enough if they made it more advanced with more levels of controll then ME, it still needs to be a fairly quick and easy system to use after all... especially in the kind of game that the new Fallouts are)... then I would be happy... then I would not be as annoyed with companions in FO4, as I tend to be with them in FO3/FONV/Skyrim.

I don't see a problem with introducing a pause system for companion controll in FO4 either... because that is after all what the VATS system was in FO3 an FONV, a pause system where you set up a string of orders for shooting that your character did once you accepted them. Now I know a lot of people did not use the VATS, and that's fine... I how ever used it a lot. I always built my characters in such a way that I would get the most out of the VATS system for ranged combat (so max Agility was always a must for me... even back in the day with FO1/2/T).

I really hope they still have the VATS system in FO4... I mean I could live without it, it's not like I am bad at FPS games or anything (I think I am pretty good at FPS games, and I do play a fair bit of them, Crysis and Far Cry has been the gameseries I have liked the most over the years)... but I really liked the VATS system in FO3/NV. I found it to be the one of the best ways to impliment the VATS from FO1/2/T into a 1st/3rd person type of a game like FO3/NV. I could accept changes and tweeks to it though, to make it easier to use and all that... and of course in some way add a level of control over your companions in either the VATS system, or in a separate pause system for companions.

Actually... what I think they should have, for FO4, is a pause system where you have access to both your characters VATS system, AND the controls over your companions. In that way you do not have to have two different keyboard keys that you would have to press to access the VATS and companion controlls. Maybe they could also add the usage of stims, etc, to this pause thing as well. More then these things in the pause thingy might become to much though.
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I want to be excited. But I just can't get excited for Bethesda games anymore, maybe if Obsidian did this instead I would be singing a different tune.

Yeah I have to agree.

I played thru FO3 once, and the last 20 hours or so felt more like a chore in order to get to the end of the game and see what happened. I much preferred FONV.
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i actually like Beth, albeit I didn't really like FO3 or FNV.

I do hope they will go back to more of a morrowind phikosophy where they simply let you screw up at will.


Forum veteran
No joke—I thought that was a parody video using a Sims game at first. I'll admit to laughing when she goes "my turn, big guy" after the person changed him to be black, though. The timing was perfect.

Why the cheers when he mentioned that you can play as a woman? Haven't you been able to do that since Fallout 1?
I had no high hopes but looking at this is still pretty fucking depressing. First person Sims and tower defense features, no skills just perks, streamlined four way dialog options, slow-fucking-mo VATS gimmick, full on FPS combat...

There's nothing "Fallout" there, nothing. It doesn't even look an RPG anymore, just a simulation game filled with a shit ton of random features.



Abandon ship...
Yep. It looks like a sims game. I really could care less about building my own house and garden. And they've apparently adopted the Mass Effect dialog scheme.
I'm excited now!

Another post-apoc landscape to explore!

Better than not having it. Not as good as a great FO game, but still should be fun.
I saw the entire Bethesda E3 conferance thingy live last night (it was night when it starteed for me)... and from everything I heard and saw, on the Fallout 4 portion of it, this sounds like it is going to be a pretty good game. I was feeling pretty damn exited about it as I was watching it... and I still feel that way really. I did not dislike FO3, I thought it was pretty good, NV was better then 3 though. Was 3 like the previous Fallouts? No... but that's ok, it was still good for what it is.

Would I like to eventually see an oldschool version of the Fallout IP come out? Definitely yes! I would love to get to play another Fallout in the style of FO1/2/T. And not to long ago we did get to play a new version of the game-series that inspired Fallout, Wasteland 2, and I really liked it... and it did very well to as far as I remember. Also... we might get something like that in the future, inXile, the guys who made Wasteland 2, trademarked "Van Buren" last year. And people are speculating that maybe Chris Avellone left Obsidian Entertainment to go work on that, as I said speculations of course... him leaving Obsidian, and inXile trademarking Van Buren, might not be connected at all.


I am also SO glad that VATS is still in in FO4... since I loved using that part of FO3/NV in combat... every single character I made, was built to utilize the VATS system to the fullest. Which is actually not something new for me since Fallout 3 came out... because I close to always had Agility 10 on close to every single Fallout character I have ever played, in every single Fallout game I have played... be it Fallout 1, 2, Tactics, 3, or New Vegas. And the times I did not have Agility 10, I would pretty quickly restart and get 10 in it... I think Fallout 3 is the only one where I at times "only" got 9, but then I would as soon as possible try and get the +1 Agility Booblehead.

Do not thing there was anything that I saw about Fallout 4, on the conferance, that I disliked.

Also... "What a year... oh what a lovely year!"... that 2015 has been, and is going to be...

Upcoming PC games for this year: Fallout 4, XCOM 2, Blood Bowl 2, and possibly one or three others. And then PC games that have already come out in 2015: GTAV, Witcher 3, Pillars of Eternity, Cities - Skylines, and probably a few more. On top of that the continued development of RimWorld in 2015 is very exiting as well (they are on Alpha 11 right now, and the game feels more compleat then most finished and released games! XD ).

Not to mention all the TV-stuff so far. And the really awesome movies that came out, and is going to come out this year. Avengers 2 and Mad Max was awesome, Kingsman was also awesome (although that is a 2014 movie, I did not get to see it untill early 2015 though, so I count it XD )... and several more movies to come might be really good (Jurassic World, Terminator, Ant-Man, Mission Impossible, Fantastic Four, Inside Out), AND not to mention the two movies I am looking forward to the most right now... Spectre and Star Wars VII!

2015 is shaping up to become one of the best years in entertainment! :w00t:
How ever Fallout 4 turns out, a massive megahit or a flop, I do hope CDPR keeps their integrity and their heads straight, and doesn't go with the similiar route of rule of cool and systemic streamlining with Cyberpunk. Outside of Kickstarters and certain indies, CP is the last bastion of hope for at least a decent cRPG experience that doesn't want to merely impress kids with kewl shit.
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