Game won't start at all

Game won't start at all

I bought The Witcher 2 the other day on steam and have not been able to play the game at all. When I try launch the game all steam tries to do is install the c++ distributables and then it keeps on trying to reinstall the .Net 4 framework. After the .NET framework has been installed, nothing happens. My steam status goes back to "Online". Theres no spash screen or any loading of any sort, just nothing!

I've looked through google and all the witcher forums to look for a solution but none of them work (Changing the redist folder name, editing the registry, checked tool bars etc). I am fairly competent with computers and have not been able to find any solutions on my own, including editing the startup scripts (these just get over ridden with new files). I know my computer can deffinately run it (i7-2600k (standard clock), EVGA Gtx 580, 8gb ram, 80 gb SSD, 1Tb HDD).

One thing that could affect it is I have steam installed on my SSD and a hard link to my game files on my HDD. This hasnt caused a problem yet with any of my previous steam games (I have alot) so I don't see why this would cause any problems along these lines and it would be good if I don't have to change this. I would also really like to avoid downloading the game again as my internet has an 80gb data cap and the 18gb for the game is quite alot.

Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated. It's really frustrating because all I have heard about this game is good things and I really want to play.
Ok done the verification again and it downloaded a small file, all it does is first time setup of only the Microsoft VC Redist package then nothing.
so renaming the redist folder yields what? just the game crashing?

mycomputer>manage>eventviewer>application>search for the witcher2 crash> paste here
Cheers for the suggestions, I've tried running it as admin and when I start the game through Steam the game itself doesn't actually start so it doesn't crash and so there are no crash reports. I will tr the GOG version when my datacap resets in a few days, only got 8gb to last 6 days! (Witcher took quite a large chunk out of this months allowance)
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