Glitch in Act 2 wont let me play

Glitch in Act 2 wont let me play


I've been having a great time playing the Witcher 2--what a great game! However, while I am playing it is common that some of the graphics in the game do not show. For example, plants and flowers frequently show up as jagged black blobs. Also, in certain regions of the map some of the camera angles will cause the screen to white-out.

I am running a vanilla version--no mods.

All things considered, I have been more than willing to put up with these problems just so that I could play the game! The problem is this: now there is a glitch that's preventing me from continuing the game. I just started act 2, and I'm stuck doing the first quest because the king's tent is entirely blacked-out. I can't talk to the king so I can't progress in the game. Is there some way I can fix this? I'm so early in the game and I'm eager to continue!

Thank you for your help,
If you're playing with the Steam version, try checking game cache. I've never seen such problem in GoG version.
I tried turning down the graphics and resolution; that didn't work. I'm playing on my MacBook. I downloaded the game from the app store. Is there something else I can do to get past the glitch? Better yet, is there a way to make the game run entirely without blackouts and black blobs?
This is a screenshot of the glitchy graphics I'm talking about. That black shape in the background is King Henselt's tent. To the left of it is another tent--also blacked out. Most of the tents in the camp are like this. When I enter the tents I just get engulfed by the blackness and I can't see or talk to many people inside.
You have game resources (textures, meshes) missing. I've seen three causes of this:

* Your graphics card is deficient (usually, not enough memory). It's unlikely you would get this far with such a card.
* You are missing files. This can be the consequence of a bad download.
* Your antivirus or some other program is interfering with reading files.

My guess is a bad download. The game is huge, and using a downloader that can pause and resume and determine how much has already been correctly downloaded is a big help.

That's one reason for using the GOG edition. GOG provides a more or less foolproof downloader.

I have a new MacBook Pro I just purchased, I was hoping the graphics card would be good enough considering it is one of the best Macs on the market and supposedly this game works on Macs. I am having the same problems. I have had some glitches, the tree/plants are black and sometimes the screen goes entirely white. These glitches has been annoying but not enough to disrupt the plot of the game. Now I am at act 2 and all of the tents are blacks and I can't talk to the king even when I try to enter the black tent. It is not the graphics resolution because I have turned it to low. I also turned of my anti-virus software.

If we are both experiencing the same issue I imagine it is not a download issue.

Any other suggestions??

Help! I want to keep playing.
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