High mountain climbing

New map is indeed frustrating as hell.

First thing I've done after reaching Toussaint, was going towards that great looking mountian near Beauclair... and then...

Why, CDP, WHY?

Waiting for new version of Explore Everywhere mod to find out if that mountain is really there...
(Some Toussaint spoilers if you are not far in the main quest)

You can actually explore all the Toussaint map using this cool glitch (spoiler video) to get out of
the fairy tale area

My observations after exploring all the map for 3h yesterday:

  • the fairy tale locked area is actually on the Toussaint map. You can see the fairy tale mountains from the main game zone, and you can climb them.
  • the full map of Toussaint is *huge*. Unlike Velen, Kaer Morhen, etc... if you see terrain you can walk to it. There are no terrain holes
  • the full map area size is several times that of the game area. It is absolutely massive with some huge valleys that cannot be seen from the game area
  • Syanna is your sidekick all along, as well as unicorns if you hustle them. I think you can do side quests with her.
  • time is frozen, you cannot meditate nor fast travel (this is actually locked by the game thinking you are in the fairy tale area). There is no map available
  • if you go back to Beauclair, you'll see it under attack by vampires and bruxae that you can fight with Syanna. Even guards fight them.
    There's blood everywhere and the building are in flames. It's cool to see.
  • you can of course climb mount Gorgon. It is not difficult but this peak is huge
  • you can actually go to the borders of the world (which are very far from the game area). It is so huge that I expect that if you want to fully explore it, it will take a while

I really recommend trying this for explorers and mountain climbers as this is a lot of fun!
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Thanks for the info :) Can't wait to check this out. It's a pity, they didn't put some nice quest on mount Gorgon. What a wasted opportunity...
Thanks for the info :) Can't wait to check this out. It's a pity, they didn't put some nice quest on mount Gorgon. What a wasted opportunity...

I must say I was amazed when
I got back to the normal game area and saw NPCs outside of Beauclair doing their usual thing, and Beauclair in air attack mode with random vampires spawning in the ravaged city that you can fight normally with Syanna. I was expecting glitches or just the world halted with no NPCs instead. Must experiment some more to check if you can start/continue side quests with Syanna as side-kick, and other cool ways to break the game :)

Also it's amazing how much walkable terrain there is (although most of it is not very detailed) compared to the much smaller restricted game area.
Well, that looks very nice indeed (I'll check Beauclair soon), but the mountain is disappointing. It's just too easy to climb, there's no satisfaction at all, like a walk in a park. I just went there, reached the summit with no trouble at all (this mountain isn't slippery like those from main game, it also doesn't look as good when we're there), look around a bit, slide down on the other side and stuck on the map's edge. At least it's possible to save game.

I'll make a trip to the rest of the peaks soon.

Must experiment some more to check if you can start/continue side quests with Syanna as side-kick, and other cool ways to break the game

Let's take Syanna to the Unseen Elder ;)
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Agreed it is nothing like the steep and more detailed Kaer Morhen mountains (I really wonder if the terrain would be solid everywhere there now with 1.21). Still pretty cool to be able to free roam in Toussaint. The other peaks are nothing special but can still offer cool views although low res in most cases. I think the scale of it all is great: if something seems far, then it will take a while to reach it.
I was able to get time updating again somehow by going back to the magic barrier (without entering) then continue exploration.

gallery of screenshots of my off map adventures (spoilers).
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