Hottest TW2 girls?

You have forgotten about Elton! Just take one look at those sexy feathers...can't say no to that, can you?
Unless you like it rough, of course, then you can just take your broom/pickaxe and go give Malena some spanking near the haunted mansion. Oh yeah baby, scream just a little harder...

I voted Triss because she is sweet and she is pretty in her own way. She is very photogenic her red hair gives an opportunity to play with eye color and i gotta say brownish color suited her very well :)

Triss with brownish eyes

This is the end result of Triss
End result of Triss

Second came Philipa she is pretty too i think she is the original mean girl that every one loves to hate... I wonder what she would look like with out the braids
Elves4me2 said:
I voted Triss because she is sweet and she is pretty in her own way. She is very photogenic her red hair gives an opportunity to play with eye color and i gotta say brownish color suited her very well :)

Triss with brownish eyes

Second came Philipa she is pretty too i think she is the original mean girl that every one loves to hate... I wonder what she would look like with out the braids

Shame about the lack of effect of refraction of water ....
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