I found a way to fix broken Achievements for the GOG version of the Game!

Now that they know what's causing the issue, I guess they'll fix it themselves soon... yet there's still no response from CD Projekt, as far as I know.
Wow I feel honoured :D

Maybe you should also mention, that sometimes you always have to delete it before starting the game, because the file gets "bad" again for some reason.

Nonsense, it is my pleasure to merely collate all of the tweaks and fixes that thoughtful and dedicated players such as yourself kindly share with the rest of us! ;)

I will make the addendum to the section right away, of course! :p

Now that they know what's causing the issue, I guess they'll fix it themselves soon... yet there's still no response from CD Projekt, as far as I know.

There really isn't and I'm surprised something as silly as this is taking so long to get fixed. Just last night I completed a certain story mission for which GOG Galaxy should have awarded me an achievement and I didn't get anything at all. I have so many achievements broken because of this annoying bug... :dry:
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sorry but i can´t find an adddata folder. Using Win 7 Home Premium 64 Bit, Installed game on my hdd, gog on my ssd.

I´ve solved the problem. Hidden folders was the problem.

I have another question. How can i see my timestemps ?

How Can i open DB. files ?

For me new achivements do not unlock, even with this method. Using Gog 1.12 , witcher ver. 1.08.4 with achivemtens plop up fuchtion beta. Only an old achivement , which i unlocked long time ago plopped up in game, with the new gog feature, but like i said, this achivement was unlock with gog client long time ago.
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I have another question. How can i see my timestemps ?

How Can i open DB. files ?

E.g. with this Firefox Addon https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/sqlite-manager/

For me new achivements do not unlock, even with this method. Using Gog 1.12 , witcher ver. 1.08.4 with achivemtens plop up fuchtion beta. Only an old achivement , which i unlocked long time ago plopped up in game, with the new gog feature, but like i said, this achivement was unlock with gog client long time ago.

Which Achievement did you test? I have the feeling you are doing something wrong. Otherwise you are the first one out of 20-30 people who has problems with this fix.
Just as a reminder this fix doesn't unlock achievements you previously should have unlocked. It only makes the bugged ones unlockable again -> you have to reach the unlock conditions again.
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First thanks for your reply. Stupid questions, but how do i open db. files now with the firefox addon?

I tried to unlock achivements like Even Odds, Master Marksman, Humpty Dumpy or Overkill. But i tried to unlock this achivement after 1.07 patch where the big issue with achivements started. Then i didn´t play for a while. Maybe thats the reason. So if i understand you correct this fix works only for achivements which were unlocked before/ with the newest patch, but don´t for those ones afterwards?

So i have to reach the requirements for the achivemetns with 1.08.4 agian ?

And if i reach them , then if they don´t plopped up i have to delete the db file?

I have also the felling that the counter for crossbow headshots and aard kills is bugged.

Sorry for my bad english, i´m from germany. Maybe is just my fault due to wrong translations^^

Thanks for your time.
Even Odds, Master Marksman, Humpty Dumpy or Overkill.
Even Odds: Maybe you are doing something wrong? People say you even have to unequip mutagenes.

Master Marksman: A really stupid Achievement, the hit detection is really off and I counted every shaky cam controller vibration kill I got and I still had to kill about 70 Bandits with (what I assumed to be headshots )

Overkill: Also a very strange Achievement I easily killed 20 people and it didn't pop. I loaded an older safe and suddenly I had the achievement.

Humpty Dumpy: Also kinda weird I probably did more like 15 kills, but eventually I got it.

Da anscheinend des deutschen mächtiger bist, hier mal auf Deutsch (Hab angefangen zu schreiben, bevor ich deinen post komplett gelesen hatte):
Also du musst vor jedem Spielstart die Datei löschen.
Hast du die Datei gelöscht ist es wieder möglich verbuggte Achievements freizuschalten. Dennoch musst du erneut die Bedingung für das Achievement erfüllen.
Manchmal reicht es nur ein weiteres mal die Bedingung zu erfüllen. Bücherwurm war bei mir zum Beispiel verbugged. Hatte schon über 70 Bücher gelesen. Hab die Datei gelöscht, Spiel gestartet und ein weiteres Buch gelesen (Nr 71) und das Achievement wurde freigeschaltet.
Mit viel Glück heißt das, dass du zb. nur einen weiteren Crossbow HEadshot für den Marksnman Erfolg brauchst. Vielleicht musst du jedoch wieder 50 schaffen.

So i have to reach the requirements for the achivemetns with 1.08.4 agian ?

And if i reach them , then if they don´t plopped up i have to delete the db file?

Genau du musst die Bedingung erneut erfüllen, lösche aber einfach vor jedem Start die gameplay.db datei und nicht erst anchdem dir aufgefallen ist, dass das Achievement nicht funktioniert.
Zur sicherheit kannst du ja vor jedem Löschen die Datei irgendwo auserhalb des Ordners sichern. Habe die Datei seit 80 Speilstunden kein einziges mal gesichert und immer gelöscht und hatte bisher keine Probleme. Dafür hab ich aber jetzt alle Erfolge freischalten können.
I have a hard time understanding this bug. So the sqlite database contains dates from the future (I presume?), which I guess could happen if there's a disagreement on the timezone or some such issue (very common). If that's the case the timestamps will be off by even hours (or half-hour possibly) so that should be easy to check.

But that date should only have been recorded AFTER the achievement fired to begin with. Unless for GOG this db is the 'ground truth' and achievements from the future are treated as invalid... but then it wouldn't be regenerated...

Oh, well.
Well today i was able to unlock an new achivement ( Overkill) without deleting the DB file before starting the game. In the time i played with deleting the DB file everytime before i started the game i wasn´t able to unlock new achivements.

Also randomly the gog achivement adive plopps in for old achivemetns i already got long time before ( eg. Global trotter, Lets cook etc. )

Even Odds was still not unlocked. Only thing i used during the contracts is water or bread.

Maybe when accepting the contracts and using forbidden things during other quests is the reason?

Even odds did work now. But Return to Sender not. The counter for this things and achivements seems to be bugged.

Hopefully it will be fixed in the next patch.
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Does anyone know if this fix is still necessary, or if the achievement problem has been fixed as of 1.10/HoS? I couldn't find anything about it in the changelog for the patch. I would find out for myself, but there isn't any achievement I'm close to obtaining, and I haven't started playing HoS yet.
Does anyone know if this fix is still necessary, or if the achievement problem has been fixed as of 1.10/HoS? I couldn't find anything about it in the changelog for the patch. I would find out for myself, but there isn't any achievement I'm close to obtaining, and I haven't started playing HoS yet.

Witch patch 1.10 i could finally unlock every Achivement of the base game ( except Master Marksman cause i didn´t reach the requirements until now) and also from the Addon Hos, BUT TWO Achivements from the expansion are bugged : The Opheri thing and the enthorned one ( sry don´t know the correct names )
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