Is Radovid V actually the child from Falka's curse? (theory)

Is Radovid V actually the child from Falka's curse? (theory)

Initially, I did not like what CDP RED did with Radovid in the final game (another mad king...), but after some thoughts, I changed my mind.

First of all, we should remember that Radovid the Stern is not the first member of Redanian royal dynasty to succumb into madness. More than a hundred years ago, Falka, the disinherited daughter of King Vridank, initiated a revolt which went down to history as the Falka's Rebellion. Initially perceived by Temerian and Koviri nobles as the fight of the legitimate firstborn for the throne rightfully belonging to her the rebellion turned into the bloodiest peasant war the Northern Kingdoms had ever seen.

Over time, Falka was falling deeper and deeper into insanity. She ordered to burn Mirthe (the Brotherhood of Mages' first seat of power) and personally murdered her own father, half-brothers and Vridank's second wife. She left her child to Riannon, wife of Temerian prince and carrier of Elder Blood, announcing that only queens were worthy of the privilege of being wet nurses to her children, and that such fate would await all the crowned chicks in her New Order.

Let's find some parallels.
  • Both Falka and Radovid were legal members of Redanian royal family.
  • Both were being harmed, insulted and humiliated in their youths. After his father's death, Radovid suffered ignorance from Redanian nobility and aristocracy and was tutored by a dominatrix sorceress who was behind the assassination of his own father. Falka, when she was one year old, was banished with her mother to Kovir after her father had found younger and prettier wife.
  • Both took revenge on their persecutors. The horribly revenge, in both cases.
  • Both wanted to create a New Order. Though the details are different, both strived for it with fire and sword.
  • Both hated mages. Falka raided and burned Mirthe, the ancient city of mages in Gelibol, and commanded to flay Radmir of Tor Carnedd alive. What Radovid did, we know all too well.
  • Both fell into a madness.
  • Both were associated with fire in some way. During Falka's Rebellion the countless number of cities, castles, mage towers, temples and manors were burned down, Falka herself ended up being burned at the stake in Novigrad, cursing all the people who witnessed her death. Radovid used Church of Eternal Fire to achieve his own goals.

Thus, when we considered such similarities, time to to recall Falka's curse.
When the fire was lit at the foot of the criminal's pyre and the flames began to engulf her, she began to hurl abuse at the knights, barons, sorcerers and lord councillors gathered in the square; using such words that terror seized them all. Although at first only damp logs were placed on the pyre, in order that the she-devil would not perish quickly and would know the full agony of fire, now came the order to throw on more dry sticks and put an end to the torture as quickly as possible. However, a veritable demon had entered the accursed one; for although she was already sizzling well, she uttered no cries of anguish, but instead began to hurl even more awful abuse. 'An avenger will be born of my blood,' she cried. 'From my tainted Elder Blood will be born the avenger of the nations and of the world! He will avenge my torment! Death, death and vengeance to all of you and your kin!' Only this much was she able to cry out before the flame consumed her. Thus perished Falka; such was her punishment for spilling innocent blood.
Roderick de Novembre, The History of the World, Volume II

Most of Nordlings combined the person of Avenger with the Destroyer of Words and Reviveress from Ithlinne's Prophecy and assumed that it'd be one and the same person - in "our" times, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon or her child. And here we have a mismatch.

It's rather certain that Ciri is not Falka's descendant. Though Codringher and Fenn discovered some ancient elven documents which might suggest that Fiona was actually daughter of Falka, it is strongly suggested to be a mistake - poetic variant of Elder Speech is hard to understand even by Aen Seidhe and it is rather unlikely that Francesca could conceal such revelations from the rest of the research team. Though she could play her own game even a century ago...

The point is - not a single one drop of Falka's blood flows in Ciri's veins. In such case, who will be this "Avenger" from Falka's curse?

The answer is simple. Falka's blood is the blood of Redanian dynasty. The blood of Sambuk, Dambor the Black and Vestibor the Proud. The blood of Radovids and Vizimirs.
The blood of Radovid the Stern. The blood of the man who is actually an ultimate Avenger from her curse. The man who brought death and vengeance to offspring of Falka's persecutors - mages and Redanian aristocracy. The man who spreaded fire and blood in Northern Kingdoms as Falka did hundred years ago.
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Well written and researched! I'm inclined to believe your theory about Radovid's bloodline and it certainly helps to explain his madness in Wild Hunt.
One of the best explanations of Radovid's insanity . It was clearly becoming present in Loc Muine(spelling I know ) .

Ithlinne's Prophecy would now take on new meaning or context as Radovid would cover part of it and Ciri preceding the White frost would be covered .

It would make Geralts reservations about the prophecy more appropriate, not believing in it fully .

I think you found the missing link good job . :nice:
@OptoNick The point is, Falka in her curse did not state that the avenger will be her offspring - she said that he will be born "of her blood". And we have to decide, which half of her blood she had in mind. If she talked about her maternal (elven) blood, then it could be Ciri if Falka really had Elder Blood in her veins. But her paternal blood is clearly the blood of Redanian dynasty - and Radovid V is great-great-grandson of her paternal uncle, Vizimir I.

As for family trees - genealogical descriptions had been written originally by Sapkowski, family trees were designed on the basis of it. I've worked on transfer some info from the notes to wiki, but it's a lot of work though. I even do not think about translating it in the aggregate...
@SMiki55, yeah, from this perspective theory about paternal blood seems a lot more plausible. Because this mention of Elder Blood in Roderick de Novembre's quote looks like a frivolous addition from a spooky legend.
Now that's really interesting.

Ok, thanks for the information, then I'll look more closely into this compendium :)


Forum veteran
Falka didnt had Elder Blood Gene.. plus her kid (Adela) died. If Fiona was Falka's daughter, then Ciri would not have the elder blood gene as well.. Both Fiona and Amavet had elder blood gene, (Amavet's gene was activator,therefore he didnt had any powers.) Elder blood only gave powers to women with the gene, not men.

Falka was just ordinary madman, without any magic power, therefore her curse didnt materialized. Yet, you have a point with Radovid, he is her blood, and became almost as mad as her, yet Radovid's hatred towards mages came from his hatred towards Philippa.
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Falka was just ordinary madman, without any magic power, therefore her curse didnt materialized.
Curses have different nature than magic charms. Do you remember Ostrit? He was an ordinary courtier, but his words spoken in anger resulted in transformation of Foltest's daughter into a strigga. The nature of curses is still inscrutable.
"Radovid is a stern king, but a just one." -Random peasant.

Your argument is invalid.

In seriousness though, you're argument revolves around the (completely false and frankly treasonous) assumption that Radovid is a tyrant. When in fact he is the last true king, saving the North from the tyranny of mages and degeneracy of non-humans.
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Personally, i consider Radovid to be a main villain of the trilogy.. He was behind the Salamanders and was supporting the Order (of Flaming Rose), while in W2 he seized power and started wiping mages all around (no matter what ending you got, as you can see in W3)..
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Those beautiful videos of good King Radovid saving the people of the North from mage abuse brings a tear to my eye.
Thinking about all those innocent dwarves, halflings, gnomes, elves, mages, healers, dreamers and alchemists brings a tear to my eye.
A lot of tears.
Wiping out the Mages was actually quite stupid thing to do.. They saved Northern Kingdoms over and over several times (Sodden Hill anybody?), while Emhyr recognized them as the biggest threat for his invasion, so he practically killed two (or more) flies with one hit, when he sent Letho to kill Northern Kings while framing Lodge of it... Radovid because of his hatred towards Phillipa weakened North by the witchhunt to a degree it would be unable to resist the Nilfgaard...

First war with Nilfgaard ended because of sacrifice of Mages at the Sodden Hill, Second war ended thanks to sacrifice of Mahakam Volunteer regiment and Wizimian volunteers at Brenna... both Mages and Nonhumans were prosecuted, therefore Northern Kingdoms were stripped of this effective defense.... so to me, Radovid is just a stupid hate obsessed man that ultimately caused the defeat of the North... (even Phillipa lol)

Oh, and one more thing - per Sapkowski timeline, witchhunt ended in 1276, while later, Sorceresses of the Lodge were worshiped as saints...
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Wiping out the Mages was actually quite stupid thing to do.. They saved Northern Kingdoms over and over several times (Sodden Hill anybody?), while Emhyr recognized them as the biggest threat for his invasion, so he practically killed two (or more) flies with one hit, when he sent Letho to kill Northern Kings while framing Lodge of it...
Radovid wins the war easily without the mages.
Radovid wins the war easily without the mages.

no he doesnt. He only survives (Temeria and Aedirn stays under Nilfgaard), he doesnt defeats the NIlfgaard so they wont come back again. Besides, killing Emhyr only makes Voorhis to take the throne, and i doubt he wouldnt continue the conquest...
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