Lets talk about Smart weapons

Wait, I'm confuse. Are you agreeing with me, disagreeing with me, or making a sarcastic joke? Please clarify :ROFLMAO: I am confuse.
Perhaps not with all the details, but certainly that CP2077 shouldn't have FPS mechanics as the only option.
Unless something has changed that I missed your weapon has a magazine capacity and you need to reload when it's empty. BUT you apparently have an infinite supply of spare magazines. So I don't think ammo is an issue. You just have it.

Weapon mods will determine if your rounds are armor piercing or incendiary or whatever NOT ammo types.
Wait so, infinite ammo is in, as long as you reload? If true, Interesting. I kind of like this.

We have plenty of games out there where the "I'm good/skilled enough to play this game well and you not!" crowd can bask in their self-proclaimed glory.
Even with your new post, I still struggle a little bit to understand what you mean.

Perhaps not with all the details, but certainly that CP2077 shouldn't have FPS mechanics as the only option.
I mean sure, of course. I LOVE good FPS mechanics, (but I consider good FPS mechanics to be rare, in a world full of very common but bad FPS mechanics) But of course, I love that Cyberpunk2077 is a very special mix and blend between many different styles of gameplay. I love having lots of good options so I can change how I handle any situation, or even decide that I want to change my playstyle and just do things a certain way intentionally. I like that I can use all kinds of weapons too.
Even with your new post, I still struggle a little bit to understand what you mean.
I've found that a significant fraction of the FPS fanbase are rather elitist.
While I applaud the skills, and reaction times, necessary to be a good FPS player ... just like I applaud these same traits in a good fighter pilot, I don't think we need games only those with the needed skills/reactions can play. Particularly not games that are supposedly RPGs first, since "real" RPGs are by their very nature character, not player, centric.
I've found that a significant fraction of the FPS fanbase are rather elitist.
While I applaud the skills, and reaction times, necessary to be a good FPS player ... just like I applaud these same traits in a good fighter pilot, I don't think we need games only those with the needed skills/reactions can play. Particularly not games that are supposedly RPGs first, since "real" RPGs are by their very nature character, not player, centric.
I suppose I can say that I have at some times definitely experienced this, like while playing halo multiplayer years back or counter strike. Their skills are TOP NOTCH, or they are hacking. (or both) but their abilities are pretty much just top notch.
Only a few ways to go from there.
1. Ask them how they did that, Ask them to teach you. Simply be met with "Git Gud".... throw my computer into the trash...
2. Call them a hacker as they jokingly squat on my defeated character for the 1000th time in the defeat screen
3. say gg (good game).... but it wasn't gg....

Oh boy... so many times I have been playing a game and did well in one round (because there were just average to somewhat decent, normal good skilled players on both teams, including myself) I guess I "got gudder" than before and the game match-made me with different players the next round.... with ranks 1 million times higher than mine, because forget having fun right, gotta run those algorithms!!! Lol.
>Enter match
>Get my behind kicked so hard that I get turned into a toilet, and be flushed down myself.
>quite game and find something else more enjoyable to play for the sake of my well being... lol

Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of nice players as well, and I'm not talking bad about anybody. I'm just saying, it was a funny experience.... while I was screaming at my computer screen... lol.

All that being said, I agree with you that it's really good to have multiple different ways to play a game. I am excited to use normal weapons, smart weapons, then swords, and so on, stealth tactics, maybe even just running around in the shadows hacking everything, or a variety of other creative or sneaky or even silly methods. I might even dress up as a clown and create a silly skill tree selection that maximizes my potential to goof off so hard that I defeat all the enemies around me. Maybe I'll do some deadpool type stuff, or some terminator stuff, or some batman stuff, or neo matrix stuff. Maybe I will have lots of changes of clothing and different vehicles for V and just try a different play style every day just for fun. I hope my closet and garage can fit all my weapons, gear, and vehicles.

Since wall running has been removed, we still have that double jump thing which is VERY cool, but could we have a grappling hook as a smart weapon? That would be amazing. Just imagine using the grapple hook and then double jumping upwards while the line reels in! V could go UP sooooooooooooo fast. That would be cool. I dunno.

I hope that smart weapons are not ONLY "self guided projectiles" I hope that the smart weapons contain other weird and interesting "smart" things that aren't all about projectiles. I like the projectiles too, but I hope that there are more things than only that. With good mod support, this might be easily possible. I'm probably going to use handguns and katana a lot, and maybe occasionally sniper rifles. Although I'm really interested in the non-lethal options like shock batons and various other ways to temporarily knock out and disable enemies, hopefully some funny options as well like the hinted at "electric breasts" cyberware that was in one of those cyberpunk news videos. I don't know if that's a real thing though, or just an in-game advertisement.

I am so excited and hype about Cyberpunk2077 and the freedom it will give players to just do so many different things. I can't contain myself, and I find myself trembling with anticipation and anxiety at times. I'm going to be spending so many hours, JUST on the customization at the start. I'm probably going to respectfully and politely and passionately make a very beautiful and inspired character with both sets of equipment downstairs if the game allows me to do so. I'm heavily debating if I will choose nomad or corporate. Street seems cool too, but I will wait to see more on it probably.

It's gonna be really interesting using the smart shotgun and having every projectile hit a different enemy and clear a room in one shot. I hope there is non-lethal options for the smart shotgun so I can knock everyone out, but not actually put them to sleep too much, in case I don't want to be too cruel in a certain situation.

I hope that there will be a mission where V hacks an enemies smart sniper rifle that is about to snipe a target that V must protect and programs the smart sniper rifle to fire a projectile the turns around and snipes the enemy in their own head with their own weapon. That would be hilarious.
Is it just me or are some weapons OP? I crafted an SMG and mods and the dam is over 1300 on a SMART GUN! Also, my armour mods are OP too with a rating over 2500.


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I just wish there were more smart weapon skills. There is a full tree for tech weapons. Smart weapons get zero buffs.
Ironically, that's basically what Smartguns are in the source TTRPG. The Smartgun Link aids in aiming, it doesn't curve bullets around corners.
In the CP2020 sourcebook Smartguns are a +2 to hit (basically +20%) and that's it. NO shooting around stuff, just a "to hit" bonus.
The damage difference would make litterally no sense. They could determine the accuracy of the gun but not damage
I'm going to be frank. I don't like smart guns and consider them anti-fun.
OK Hello Frank, the smart weapons are used by enemies, and the damage is reduced compared to other such weapons. I do not use them because, in my opinion they are way underpowered.
So, with smart weapons, I understand it's appeal, for people who lack skill or don't care for combat in RPGs. But that doesn't mean it should require 0 skill to use.

I disagree that is exactly what it should require. personally speaking as far as "combat & balanceing" is concerned its the one part of the game I don't want to change as its fine where it is and think there are far more important , relevant and core aspects of the game ( story, romances , taking stats off clothes or giving us a way to override them , endings etc ) and hope they prioritize dev time to improves stuff like that.
smart weapons would be great for a run and gun build, if and only if, you painted targets and they stayed painted, that way no matter how fast you are moving your bullets will his A painted target, combine that with speed demon and you just might have a monster of a build
Don`t see any point in smart weapons if i can shoot enemy thru concrete walls and floors with windowmaker
without putting myself in danger.
Enemy should have something like jammer that make smart bullets stray from their target.
Some Tyger Claws do have this, read the dermal ink smart weapon link you get as a reward.
That's why I always make sure I have plenty of grenades when I'm running around with my smart weapons build and I'm against Tygers. The tattoo does nothing against homing grenades.
In my experience so far, smart weapons are next to useless. Most don't sport silencers.. so stealth isn't an option. Unless I've missed every single one. They don't pack enough damage to really value it's "100%" accuracy.. and aren't as appealing as let's say a legendary Archangel with at least a blue silencer and a few key perks in the pistols tree.

Unless you focus on them, and even then, they just don't bring that tailored "smart" bullet aspect of "I need this..".
Personally, i like my smart rifle...and thats after i used several other kinds of the available rifles in the game. I consider myself a pretty experienced first shooter, but after fixing up this smart rifle...its made my game a much more fun experience. Hell, lets bring in Judge Dredd's pistol and take this to the next step. Even better....lets have our own version of the Mandalorian's wrist armor and its "whistling birds." :)

I dont agree with the "if you use guns like these then you must be inexperienced or dont care" mentality. That just sounds like elitist talk to me and is highly inaccuarate in many cases. Frankly, it really doesnt take that much skill to play this game after a small bit of work on your character anyway.....no matter the weapon youre using.

i mean really...how many of the folks here are still using that arm launcher with tranq rounds....arent you bored yet?

Ill be a smart weapon user for the long haul, at least on this run im in currently. No matter what may happen to them, it makes the game a much more interesting past time for me...and im sure many others.
In my experience so far, smart weapons are next to useless. Most don't sport silencers.. so stealth isn't an option. Unless I've missed every single one. They don't pack enough damage to really value it's "100%" accuracy.. and aren't as appealing as let's say a legendary Archangel with at least a blue silencer and a few key perks in the pistols tree.

Unless you focus on them, and even then, they just don't bring that tailored "smart" bullet aspect of "I need this..".
Did you even try them? They're far from useless and they show lower damage unless you have the smart link hand cyberware installed. The iconic ones are monsters, Skippy with stone cold killer engaged is a headshot machine, Genjiroh just wipes multiple targets at once and the Prototype Shingen sets everything ablaze. I wouldn't be so fast to dismiss them.
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