Light doesn't pass through windows into interiors

Light doesn't pass through windows into interiors

Here's something I noticed: the windows in buildings are acting as solid objects. I don't know if this was a bug that went unnoticed (since I've actually seen some light coming through some of the windows during cutscenes, if only briefly so. I didn't manage to get a screenshot of it) or if it was ultimately something cut from the game in order to keep performance stable. Nevertheless, I do think it contributes to the issue that some seem to have with the game looking overly sterile.

As you can see from the screenshot here (spoiler free), the open door lets the sunlight in, where as the windows to the right of it give in none.
I went through a few more buildings. It seems that light does pass through those windows after all, but the light is only visible from afar.

The light fades as you approach or look at the direction of the windows, which seems like a bug to me. You'd think the behaviour to be the opposite if it was about sparing resources.
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For me it's the exact opposite. I've just tested this in a house. From a few meters away I cannot see the light from the window in the house. But when I get a bit closer I can see it. So it is working correctly for me in this house. ---------- Updated at 10:53 PM ---------- Here are the images that show it is working correctly for me in this house: First image is very far away from the second window in the house. Second image is a bit closer and you can see part of the light already. Third image is just a bit closer again and now you can see all the light. The system may be bugged in some houses, but certainly not everywhere.
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Maybe your Light Shaft/Bloom ar turned off. Might be a good idea to check them both. Personally I turn them off. The glare hurts my eyes.
I have just noticed this as well, it is definitely an issue. The light coming through windows into interiors seems to vanish when you get near to it. If you walk to the other side of the room and turn around, you can see it again. If you then slowly walk towards the window, it will gradually disappear once more.

This is taking away A LOT of ambience from interiors at the moment I think, what's worse, most people probably wont even have noticed it, assuming that all interiors are drab, dark places :)

Please fix!
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