Missing QTE in main game and BaW (Spoilers)

Missing QTE in main game and BaW (Spoilers)

Anyone experiencing some missing "quick time decision" during dialogs? I think i do a few: one is during White Orchard quest during last conversation with nilfgaardian captain after you slain a griffon (i remember when i played early i had a chance to safe a kid from beating, but now that QTE scale is gone i cannot and game seems doing decision for me).

I read also that there is one similar QTE scale at the end of BaW during last conversation between duchess and her sister, right at very moment when duchess is about to be killed there is supposed to be QTE to stop it, but i had none and game was again doing decision for me.

My only clue is that i noticed it happens only on highest difficulty. So, do i missing something or is this supposed to be? If so, it seems i cannot get good ending at BaW if to believed instructions on internet.
Didn't get a QTE during the scene with the Duchess about to die, and I was playing in the medium difficulty option.

Not that I'd had pressed it either.
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