More random encounters please

More random encounters please

I liked the random encounters with NPC's in distress and I feel like the world is rid of them after you beat the game. Sure, I've ran into a handful once the game was over that I missed during my main quest, but damn, now the world feels desolate, like there isnt anything happening at all, anywhere... My favorite one was the little boy luring you off the beaten path, just have a group of raiders come out of the woods and surround you. I miss that. I need more of it.
Events you stumble upon while exploring. Some of them are good, with follow-up quest, but I found only one of each type (rescue a deserter from a mob, helping a man attacked by Drowners, the merchants attacked by their own guards etc). Should be more, and random spawning in lvl and time. Don't need dialogue on all of them, it's enough that someone in the scenario turn hostile to you.
There was another random encounter that come's to mind that I wish was implemented more too. I remember I was in Skellige, coming over the top of a rock crag and in the distance you could see a sheep herder and his sheep being attacked by harpies. As soon as you get close enough, a cut scene take's place and the sheep herder screams and yells for you to help him save his sheep. That was another iconic random encounter I wish was implemented more. I think after Geralt kills them all, you have the option in a cut scene to tell the herder to pay you or to go off on his merry way.
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