Oversexualizaton in Cyberpunk

On the topic of sex
I'm wondering if there will be brothels/prostitution like in Witcher 2

If they include it, It'll be some dark TAKEN type shit . Girls would be kidnapped and drugged up and the "bussiness" was conducted in some dingy construction site. It'd be weird if it was done the same way as the Witcher where it's just a profession.

What do you think they're going to do with prostitution if something like that is ever included?

They should have upscale call girls as well as drug addled, malnourished women roaming the streets. The problem with TW2 is all the hookers were prime examples of sexuality and womanhood. They need to make it ugly in spots.
My question would be is if she went psycho before or after she had those sickles installed in her arms? Bullets bouncing off her like it nothing to me to means a trained assassin seducing someone but lost control.
I'm starting to be very concerned that the guys at Projekt RED will actually listen to the asinine community, and ruin Cyberpunk for everyone. There seem to be a lot of people who haven't gotten the point of Cyberpunk at all.

None of this political correctness and prudishness has any place in Cyberpunk. All of this talk about social responsibility and equality and balance is exactly what will destroy the world, and make it yet another watered down kiddie game.

This is exactly why I said in that other thread over there that if the game hadn't been made in the 80's, and they tried to make it now, it wouldn't be Cyberpunk.

I just wish they'll ignore the community completely and make it an R-rated Cyberpunk game as it's supposed to be.

Also, that's how people dress in Cyberpunk. That's Style. That's Attitude. She's not dressed in a sexy attire because of. She's dressed in a sexy attire just because.
This may have been mentioned before, so apologies if I'm repeating it - the sexualisation of this girl is nothing compared to the sexualisation of Zhora in Blade Runner, and in that film Zhora runs in fairly skimpy clothes with a transparent rain coat and no one really gives her a second glance.
This may have been mentioned before, so apologies if I'm repeating it - the sexualisation of this girl is nothing compared to the sexualisation of Zhora in Blade Runner, and in that film Zhora runs in fairly skimpy clothes with a transparent rain coat and no one bats really gives her a second glance.

1982 > 2013 in that regard. People in the 80's didn't have a huge stick up their asses.
As someone who knows little about Cyberpunk, what you're saying is that in this world, sex is meaningless and boring? The perfect setting for CD Project than, lol.
Lol CP is world full of sex, violence, drugs and rock&roll. U don't like to see naked women - that's fine go to corporate plaza and do not go to the clubs. Political correctness does not exist in Cyberpunk.
The point is not that sex is meaningless and boring, but more that style and look is more risqué and is more accepted as such, as an example, imagine being on a beach 100 years ago, wearing beach clothes from today.... It's a similar societal change in attitudes, nothing more.
I'm starting to be very concerned that the guys at Projekt RED will actually listen to the asinine community, and ruin Cyberpunk for everyone. There seem to be a lot of people who haven't gotten the point of Cyberpunk at all.

None of this political correctness and prudishness has any place in Cyberpunk. All of this talk about social responsibility and equality and balance is exactly what will destroy the world, and make it yet another watered down kiddie game.

This is exactly why I said in that other thread over there that if the game hadn't been made in the 80's, and they tried to make it now, it wouldn't be Cyberpunk.

I just wish they'll ignore the community completely and make it an R-rated Cyberpunk game as it's supposed to be.

Also, that's how people dress in Cyberpunk. That's Style. That's Attitude. She's not dressed in a sexy attire because of. She's dressed in a sexy attire just because.

No one's trying to take your toys away just because they're a bit critical of the teaser. I've seen practically no one on this thread suggesting a reduction of sexual content, or compromising one of the (smaller) themes of the p&p game and the genre as a whole. Wails of 'censorship' and 'sticks up asses' are disingenuous. No one wants the game to be anything other than the best that CDPR can make and the majority on this forum probably know quite well what that means.

That said, CDPR chose to release this teaser rather than the million others they could have made. And they released it into the real world of 2013, not the imaginary one of CP2077. It was very nice but definitely slanted towards the male audience. The key scene? A beautiful young woman (regardless of what some choose to imagine), in a submissive position, which is a callback to Alt's seductive pose on a bed from the original rulebooks. Aver made an interesting comment when he said he doesn't mind the sexualisation but didn't want to see guys in revealing outfits because it would just look ridiculous. Well, after well over 30 years of watching women specifically used this way in marketing, forgive me if I joined a huge number of others in a collective eye-roll.

I want sex and sexuality to be a present and contextually realistic part of the setting as much as you do. I'm certainly happy to look at lots of beautiful women if that's where it ends up. But I also want those women to have lives and purpose outside of pleasing [real world] men.

And yeah, some guys in thongs - why the hell not ;)
I really lost focus here.
People what are we talking about here when TV series like Game of Thrones or Spartacus are more popular then ever, (and in them you can see a lot of naked bodies from both sexes practically every 5 minute - and not only in sex scenes) where commercials about women tampons or drugs for man erection are every 5 seconds on any channel?
Sex is everywhere, it sells anything.
Welcome to the sex revolution.
I wonder what's worse, putting a good looking female in a trailer or patronizing female gender under the cover of defending it from the comfortable backs of white horses of "progression" againts evil forces of CDPR's marketing.

And what's with this whole "submissive position". Why do some people want so badly to see it this way, huh? What would Freud say about it? I wonder...
Quoting some fine gentlemen comment from digitallydownloaded.net
Thank you CD Projekt for existing and thank you Eastern Europe for existing. You are the last bastions of a close to "civilized" world where people aren't oversensitive sissies and easily offended.

Please keep making games as you wish without bowing down to these oversensitive spoiled "pseudo politically correct" children that are trying to politicize a medium of entertainment that should NEVER EVER be politicized. Football has been ruined by politics enough, the movie industry has contrary to the words of this article, not bowed down to the control freak traits of radical feminism, the third wave of feminism, control freak nazism.

You may be a poor world Eastern Europe, but that is what makes you mentally sane, it makes you hardened.

Yes, there is sexism that matters in this world, it finds itself in the midst of the Middle East and Africa and India for example. The places where feminism is needed. Sexism in form of women having no opportunities and females being physically harassed.

And then there is "sexism" in the 1st world. I like to call it a part of "1st world problems" because only in the midst of the spoiled, spoon fed and easy going "1st world" can you find individuals who live such a good life that the vastness of their "problems" are reduced to crying about irrelevant, pointless and weak details like this one here, "sexism" in an imaginary world. Or "mommy didn't buy me an iPhone for Christmas, i hate her".

Even the definition of "sexism", as people throw that word so eagerly at every possible whim, is now scrambled and reduced to a buzzword.

Yes, this is the level of silliness of people who label a naked woman in a video game "sexist" and seek sexist interpretations in games.

I bet the women with actual problems in the problematic areas of the world are laughing at this bunch of people crying about supposed "sexism" in imaginary entertainment,
laughing at how insignificant and weak this is. I bet they don't even consider anything like this as "sexist" because of how insignificant it is.

Devs, you have no obligation towards these people or the writer of this article. You have no obligation to pander towards a "wider audience". No.

You should make games the way you love to make them, make the characters and stories the way you love and imagine, this is the definition of entertainment. So it is said and so it should be.
Deflecting arguments is deflection.

If you disagree about the framing of the scene and the attitude of the characters in it that's fine. That's called critical thinking and it's a good thing. Still the attempts to turn the argument around to the critics having dirty minds or whatever that is, is the most hilarious tactic I've seen so far in this discussion.

Are you sure you're referencing Freud's clinical method accurately here? Have you read any of Freud's works on psychoanalysis?
So is there really that much feminist rage over the teaser? I must have missed it. To be fair, I don't think the requests in this thread fall under the femi-nazi category. I understand where people like KOP are coming from, but I disagree and feel the issue to be a slippery slope.

edit-Okay I just found the article...jesus christ. Now I'm mad. Maybe the guy's just trying to get attention.
Sainsbury strikes me as an incredibly desperate man, looking for attention by crying fire, when there is none to begin with.
edit-Okay I just found the article...jesus christ. Now I'm mad. Maybe the guy's just trying to get attention.

Why are u ? :) The teaser was watched 1.8mln times so far on youtube only on the CyberPunkGame Channel, 31,605 people liked it 979 people did not. So it's being liked by 97% of people so far. Still there are people that will not like it for different reasons and some of them will write an article on the web.

Obviously the article you mentioned was written by someone that does not have any clue about CP2020 nor Cyberpunk genre. He do not see any little details that we see in the teaser, in fact the only thing that he can see in the trailer is half naked women :) Well maybe he have some problems like in the joke where doctor shows the patient all different paintings asking what he is seeing and the guy responds "naked women" all the time :)

And this is cyberpunk world! U can choose how u look like, u can choose what gender u are, u can change it if you want. U can be homo, bi or hetero sexual and in fact any other sexual. U have braindance so lets say u are a woman and want to feel how it is to have a sex like a man get the braindance session in the body of a man making sex with a woman... Or u want to have penis stick from your hand again this is not a problem.

This is a world of decadence and freaks. But what trailer shows us? A woman that had her looks tuned up, but at the same time being deadly dangerous - maybe she was an assasin? and while doing her last mission after seducing her target she snapped because of putting to much augmentations? And started the massacre. And the scene we are seeying is likely only the end of it. Why she is not moving? Maybe the coprocessor stoped working or she was fried with microwaves before the psycho squad start the shooting.

The trailer is showing that in 2077 it does not matter what gender u are born and how u looked like before tuning up. Obviously there still will be a lot of beautiful (and beauty standards will be even more created by media and corporations than they are now) but artificial women on the streets and in media. And this is because that for most of men the look of the woman is very important and not necessary vice versa. More over the woman are doing makeups etc men do not and its for thousands years like this. And it will not change - so how the hell the trailer should be different from the world that have surrounded us since ever.
As an aside, a quip, if you will, if the woman had been replaced by a man in just his shorts, but still with the bigripps coming out if his arms, the discussion would be about too much game violence
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