Patch 1.07 coming soon to all platforms!

I had to dowload patch manually but GOG Galaxy still shows 1.06 version of the game. Is there a way to resolve this problem or I have to wait and let Galaxy update game automatically when it'll finally be able to do this?
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I downloaded to my first SSD where I keep my OS, but I keep the actual game on a separate SSD.... So I started and it actually began installation, but then it stopped responding at about 90% and I had to exit the installation via Task Manager.
So then I moved the installation files over to the SSD where the game is at, tried installing from there and that's when I get this error.

That's freaking strange as f*ck...


  • 2015-07-18 19_11_56-.png
    2015-07-18 19_11_56-.png
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I think you should not have killed the patch program. It took a while on my system to complete. Killing it might have left your install in an inconsistent state...
I downloaded to my first SSD where I keep my OS, but I keep the actual game on a separate SSD.... So I started and it actually began installation, but then it stopped responding at about 90% and I had to exit the installation via Task Manager.
So then I moved the installation files over to the SSD where the game is at, tried installing from there and that's when I get this error.

If you closed the installer before it was finished it has most likely corrupted your game.

When the servers behave try to do a repair through Galaxy.

---------- Updated at 06:16 PM ----------

How to install the patch manually from GOG website? .exe tells to insert disc 1...

You need to download two files - the .exe and the .bin file which is the actual patch.
1.07 patch :)

At first glance hairworks seems to have so much better performance. I don't lose as much fps anymore. The new movement is more responsive and should probably satisfy a lot of people even though i prefer the normal one. Overall the game seems to run better as well. so far so good. Thumbs up!

Is the inventory order saved now? - I used to spend a lot of time manually sorting my inventory only to have it revert to some random order whenever I loaded a save file (or sometimes just randomly walking around)....was probably the thing that annoyed me the most.

Can't say for sure but I opened it a couple of times, stored some items in stash and it retained the order.
Gotta investigate further... After all I gave my word in another thread that I will buy the expansions and post a screenshot as proof the moment the rain gets fixed so I gotta make sure.
Strange things happen in gog galaxy: the changelog update gives error "Not accessible"
Should I update the game manually, or better wait till gog galaxy starts to update the game himself?
Strange things happen in gog galaxy: the changelog update gives error "Not accessible"
Should I update the game manually, or better wait till gog galaxy starts to update the game himself?

You can update the game manually for sure. My fear, however, is that until Galaxy gets its act together you won't get any (more) achievements.
What is happening? I installed the patch and when I start this error message appears:

0 != 1 H%\$

HELP ... Now I can not play with me .... Does anyone know what to do?
Ok, for those having problems with the 1.07 installer freezing at around 90%, I just left mine at that stage and after a while it actually does finish installing. Do not Ctrl+Alt+Del to close it down, let it run.

I also re-installed Witcher 3 using the now updated files from then patched, so if the above still does not work, might be an idea to do the same.
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