Patch Notes 10.2


Patch notes for 10.2 are here!

This update is going to be pretty eventful (wink wink) as soon our Love Event will start! This time, a series of challenges will await you, aiming at reuniting some of GWENT's most known couples.

That is not the only treat this month, as the new Journey is starting tomorrow (but more about that when the Patch goes live). Of course we didn't forget about the regular balance changes and fixes.

Check all of the news in detail below and join Pawel Burza and Jean Auquier for our Developer Update, in which they go over the most important changes and explain our thoughts behind them.

New Features

New Journey! (No spoilers!)

New Love Event!

Help lovers reunite and receive unique cosmetics!

Take part in challenges to help out Eist, Calanthe, Philippa and Dijkstra. Finishing each quest grants a reward, while completing all of them will grant the player a unique new skin for Queen Calanthe.

The event starts Friday, February 11th and ends Tuesday, February 22nd.

Added a reward tree for Syndicate in the Reward Book Tutorial page.

Added a new Coin highlight that reminds players to end the turn.


Adjusted the Initiative keyword to also include Fee and Spring.


Vigo's Muzzle: Provision cost changed from 11 to 10.

Seize cap changed from 5 to 6.


Gedyneith: Provision cost changed from 13 to 14.

Knut the Callous: Ability changed to:

Zeal. Order: Damage an allied unit by half of its current power, then damage an enemy unit by the same amount.

Berserk 5: At the end of your turn, refresh this ability.

Restore: Provision cost changed from 6 to 5.

Sigvald: Power changed from 6 to 7.

Provision cost changed from 8 to 7.

Ability changed to:

Whenever this unit is damaged by other abilities, gain Bleeding for the same duration instead.

Order: Damage a unit by the duration of Bleeding on self, then Purify self. If it was an enemy, damage self by the same amount. If it was an ally, boost self by the same amount.

An Craite Warrior: Power changed from 3 to 4.

Tuirseach Axeman: Ability changed to:

Deploy (Melee): Damage a unit by how much it is already damaged.

Northern Realms

Resupply: Ability changed to:

Whenever you play a Warfare card, reduce this card's Cooldown by 1.

Foltest's Pride: Added Resupply.

Keldar: Ability changed to:

Whenever you play a special card, Spawn a Witcher Student in this row.

Adrenaline 4: At the end of your turn, Spawn a Witcher Student in this row.

Odrin: Provision cost changed from 6 to 5.

Ability changed to:

Odrin is a one man Crew.

Trollololo: Armor changed from 2 to 0.

Ability changed to:

Zeal. Order. Lose all Armor, then boost self by that amount.

Whenever an allied unit uses its Order, gain 1 Armor.

War Chariot: Added Resupply.

Battering Ram: Ability changed to:


Order (Melee): Move self to the Ranged row.

Order (Ranged): Move self to the Melee row, then damage the highest enemy unit by 3.

Crew: Choose an enemy unit to damage.

Cooldown: 2

Carroballista: Ability changed to:


Order (Ranged): Damage an enemy unit by 2.

Cooldown: 3

Crew: At the end of your turn, gain 1 Armor.

Kerack Frigate: Ability changed to:


Order: Spawn a Volunteer in this row.

Cooldown: 2

Crew: Set Cooldown to 1.

Reinforced Ballista: Adjusted the tooltip to fit with the change to Resupply.

Rivian Pikeman: Ability changed to:

Order: Damage an enemy unit by 2.

Deathblow: Reduce Cooldown of all units in this row by 1.

Inspired: Always trigger Deathblow.

Siege Ladder: Deploy replaced with Zeal; Order.

Siege Master: Power changed from 3 to 2.

Armor changed from 1 to 0.

Ability changed to:

When you play a Siege Engine, Summon self from your hand to the right of it, then draw a card.

Siege Tower: Ability changed to:

Zeal. Order: Gain Vitality (2).

Crew: Boost self by 2 instead.

Cooldown: 2


Etriel and Muirlega: Provision cost changed from 8 to 6.

Francesca Findabair: Counter changed from 3 to 2.

Saov Ainmhi'dh: Unity: Counter changed from 3 to 2.

The Great Oak: Power changed from 8 to 9.

Provision cost changed from 13 to 12.


No changes.


Emhyr var Emreis: Provision cost changed from 11 to 10.

Philippe van Moorlehem: Power changed from 5 to 6.

Ability changed to:

Deploy: If you control a Vampire, gain Zeal.

Order: Give Doomed to an enemy unit.

If it already has a status, Lock it instead.

If it already has more than 1 status, Poison it instead.

Cooldown: 1

Sweers: Power changed from 3 to 4.

Vattier de Rideaux: Ability changed to:

Order: Lock an enemy unit.

Conspiracy: Seize it instead.

Mangonel: Ability changed to:

Whenever an enemy unit gains Spying, damage units adjacent to it by 1.

Van Moorlehem Servant: Ability changed to:

Deploy: Copy all statuses from an enemy unit to another enemy unit. Boost self by the number of statuses copied.


Jackpot: Provisions changed from 13 to 12.

Off the Books: Provisions changed from 16 to 15.

Charges changed from 3 to 4.

King of Beggars: Power changed from 3 to 1.

Game Fixes

Fixed a crash that was sometimes occurring on launch for Mac M1 devices

Corrected the Order icons for Wyvern Scale Shield, Mastercrafted Spear and Shani.

Old Speartip: Asleep no longer Banishes self when unable to Summon Old Speartip due to a lack of space.

Ardal aep Dahy now correctly updates its return-to-hand ability value when being played by the opponent (e.g. through Cantarella).

Damien de la Tour now correctly resets the Lyrian Scytheman limitation for Uprising.

Chapter of Wizards is no longer able to copy Disloyal Mages being played by your opponent.

Chapter of Wizards is no longer able to Spawn the unit that your last played Mage was transformed into (e.g. Ethereal).

King Henselt now reacts correctly to Casting Contest and Viraxas resetting the cooldowns of adjacent units.

King Henselt is now correctly boosted as a result of Stockpile, when one of the adjacent units is on Cooldown, and the other is not.

Francesca Findabair no longer ignores specials played from the opponent's side of the board, for example by using Lydia Van Bredevoort.

Milva: Sharpshooter now damages the target after being Summoned, as per the ability tooltip.
Added a new Coin highlight that reminds players to end the turn.
I know I've forgotten to end my turn way, way too many times even with the auto end turn setting enabled...

Vattier de Rideaux: Ability changed to:

Order: Lock an enemy unit.

Conspiracy: Seize it instead.
This feels like both a buff and a nerf: he won't be row-locked or need a locked target to actually do something, but without Conspiracy he's just a really clunky lock card.

Mangonel: Ability changed to:

Whenever an enemy unit gains Spying, damage units adjacent to it by 1.
This one I like. Mangonels have felt rather awkward to me with the Deploy that they currently have, and turning them into engines seems like a good change at least on paper.

Van Moorlehem Servant: Ability changed to:

Deploy: Copy all statuses from an enemy unit to another enemy unit. Boost self by the number of statuses copied.
This is an interesting rework of a currently useless ability.
Ok after reading through all this here is my statement:
The fond is terrible...

As for the balance update I am uncertain. Few good ones, few missed opportunities.

MO: Once again nothing...
SY: desperately trying to make KoB work, but ignoring Freakshow's 7 provision costs.
ST: Yeah ok.
SK: Gedyneith to 14 prov. Very good!
NG: Clog and Hyperthin still a thing... :( Illusionist still working fine :(
NR: Zeal still very strong :(

- Defenders should receive tag on deploy to counter witches sabbath imho

Excited to see the pachnotes play out though. Let's go :)
For the first time in 3.5 years, this is the first patch notes I am happy for the ST changes. Every change is really meaningful and ST getting double-buffs-for-a-card in a patch notes! That just seemed impossible. I really don't care about any other changes and even if the meta gets stale and bad quickly. Would feel really good to play Oak again!

Thanks CDPR!
These changes are way more interesting than i expected.
SK - awesome, love it! I really like complicated cards that can do some crazy shenanigans.
NR - i don't like the change to Resupply - abilities that are separated from their triggers allow more freedom when designing and balancing, but apart that i like all the changes.
ST - underwhelming, but they will probably be way more impactful than they look.
NG - awesome, love it! But at the same time i'm worried that devs went a bit too far and NG will be Tier 0.
SY - Jackpot probably needs more nerfs, that passive ability is really nuts.
All in all I am also with the patch. Thanks for your work CDPR. I am a bit afraid that the new war machines with resupply get too strong but let´s wait.

My comments below:


Vigo's Muzzle: Provision cost changed from 11 to 10.

Seize cap changed from 5 to 6.

Completely reasonable. Is now a max 12 for 10 with the potential to destroy an opponent engine. Own purifiying units also synergize with that card.


Gedyneith: Provision cost changed from 13 to 14.

Completely reasonable nerf. Would also appreciate a nerf to Crow Clan Preachers.

Knut the Callous: Ability changed to:

Zeal. Order: Damage an allied unit by half of its current power, then damage an enemy unit by the same amount.

Berserk 5: At the end of your turn, refresh this ability.

Definitely a big buff to an underused card. Thumb up.

Restore: Provision cost changed from 6 to 5.

Not sure about this one. That card can have intense value (sometimes + 20 depending on the target)

Sigvald: Power changed from 6 to 7.

Provision cost changed from 8 to 7.

Ability changed to:

Whenever this unit is damaged by other abilities, gain Bleeding for the same duration instead.

Order: Damage a unit by the duration of Bleeding on self, then Purify self. If it was an enemy, damage self by the same amount. If it was an ally, boost self by the same amount.

Nice flexible tool in self wound decks.

An Craite Warrior: Power changed from 3 to 4.

Completely reasonable. Now in line with conditional 7 for 4.

Tuirseach Axeman: Ability changed to:

Deploy (Melee): Damage a unit by how much it is already damaged.

Very nice buff.

Northern Realms

Foltest's Pride: Added Resupply.

Strong buff combined with crew the ability can be used every turn. Maybe this card will receive some nerf soon again.

Keldar: Ability changed to:

Whenever you play a special card, Spawn a Witcher Student in this row.

Adrenaline 4: At the end of your turn, Spawn a Witcher Student in this row.

Also a buff for Keldar...appears okish.

Odrin: Provision cost changed from 6 to 5.

Ability changed to:

Odrin is a one man Crew.

After the reworked Resupply, reworking him is also necessary. Like the idea of the one man crew but ask myself whether he will see much play.

Trollololo: Armor changed from 2 to 0.

Ability changed to:

Zeal. Order. Lose all Armor, then boost self by that amount.

Whenever an allied unit uses its Order, gain 1 Armor.

Reminds me somehow on old Dandelion ( Will be definitely a strong engine in order focused decks.

War Chariot: Added Resupply.

Not so scary than Resupply on Foltet´s Pride.

Battering Ram: Ability changed to:


Order (Melee): Move self to the Ranged row.

Order (Ranged): Move self to the Melee row, then damage the highest enemy unit by 3.

Crew: Choose an enemy unit to damage.

Cooldown: 2

Not so scary than Resupply on Foltet´s Pride.

Carroballista: Ability changed to:


Order (Ranged): Damage an enemy unit by 2.

Cooldown: 3

Crew: At the end of your turn, gain 1 Armor.

Also strong buff, but not so scary than Resupply on Foltet´s Pride.

Kerack Frigate: Ability changed to:


Order: Spawn a Volunteer in this row.

Cooldown: 2

Crew: Set Cooldown to 1.

That´s also a huge buff. After MM Kerack Frigate was considered to be one of the strongest bronzes. Now you have a guaranteed volunteer at least after 2 turns if not stopped. Would appreciate some nerf in return for this card. Maybe Cooldown 6. Crew: Set Cooldown to 1.

Rivian Pikeman: Ability changed to:

Order: Damage an enemy unit by 2.

Deathblow: Reduce Cooldown of all units in this row by 1.

Inspired: Always trigger Deathblow.

His resupply also needed to be reworked. Also like this change. He will be a strong cooldown reducer.

Siege Ladder: Deploy replaced with Zeal; Order.

Makes this card more flexible

Siege Master: Power changed from 3 to 2.

Armor changed from 1 to 0.

Ability changed to:

When you play a Siege Engine, Summon self from your hand to the right of it, then draw a card.

Not sure about this one. Are we talking about a 4 provision card which can give you card advantage very easy? Of course one can argue that you get card advantage but have a than a garbage card in your hand and you can be unlucky drawing him as your right-most card which makes mulliganing more risky. Nevertheless, I see tons of cards manipulating him. Card drawers for instance means that he can be used multiple times which means multiple card advantage.

Siege Tower: Ability changed to:

Zeal. Order: Gain Vitality (2).

Crew: Boost self by 2 instead.

Cooldown: 2

Reasonable buff


Etriel and Muirlega: Provision cost changed from 8 to 6.

Long needed and long asked for buff.

Francesca Findabair: Counter changed from 3 to 2.

Not sure about this buff. Replaying a strong gold special is very valuable and should be connected to more constraints to my mind.

Saov Ainmhi'dh: Unity: Counter changed from 3 to 2.

Great buff.

The Great Oak: Power changed from 8 to 9.

Provision cost changed from 13 to 12.

Now Oak is at max a 17 for 12. Appears to be reasonable at the current power level.


No changes.


Emhyr var Emreis: Provision cost changed from 11 to 10.

Reasonable buff

Philippe van Moorlehem: Power changed from 5 to 6.

Ability changed to:

Deploy: If you control a Vampire, gain Zeal.

Order: Give Doomed to an enemy unit.

If it already has a status, Lock it instead.

If it already has more than 1 status, Poison it instead.

Cooldown: 1

Really love this buff. Perfectly fits into NG playing with statuses. Great synergies with Thirsty Dames.

Sweers: Power changed from 3 to 4.

Nice buff.

Vattier de Rideaux: Ability changed to:

Order: Lock an enemy unit.

Conspiracy: Seize it instead.

Also like this buff. Seizing illoyal unit makes so much more fun than seizing locked units. Playing him will still be mostly require a defender. But you can at least reuse his target.

Mangonel: Ability changed to:

Whenever an enemy unit gains Spying, damage units adjacent to it by 1.

He will be Vigilantes of Spies. Very strong as you can give spying much more easily than bounty.

Van Moorlehem Servant: Ability changed to:

Deploy: Copy all statuses from an enemy unit to another enemy unit. Boost self by the number of statuses copied.

Also great buff. She has awesome synergies with Thirsty Dames and can be used to move a defender for instance.


Jackpot: Provisions changed from 13 to 12.

Needed and reasonable nerf.

Off the Books: Provisions changed from 16 to 15.

Charges changed from 3 to 4.

Also good buff

King of Beggars: Power changed from 3 to 1.

Not sure about this one. Would prefer nerfing the amount of coins he can reduce a tribute. So that he should only be used in tribute heavy decks.


Forum regular
At least there are some actual changes. Crew and NR changes especially will be worth checking out. On the other hand, that buff to Vigo's Muzzle just can't be a good idea in the long run.

A bit of a sad patch otherwise considering that the new META cards are two months away.

Vigo's Muzzle: Provision cost changed from 11 to 10.

Seize cap changed from 5 to 6.
Kinda...whatever? An okay meme at best, an overpriced Decoction Deluxe at worst

Gedyneith: Provision cost changed from 13 to 14.
Entirely unwarranted. Gedy doesn't even play for that many points, Mushy Truffle does. "Viy is op, let's nerf OH" energy here.
Knut the Callous: Ability changed to:

Zeal. Order: Damage an allied unit by half of its current power, then damage an enemy unit by the same amount.

Berserk 5: At the end of your turn, refresh this ability.

Restore: Provision cost changed from 6 to 5.

Sigvald: Power changed from 6 to 7.

Provision cost changed from 8 to 7.

Ability changed to:

Whenever this unit is damaged by other abilities, gain Bleeding for the same duration instead.

Order: Damage a unit by the duration of Bleeding on self, then Purify self. If it was an enemy, damage self by the same amount. If it was an ally, boost self by the same amount.
Cool. Still not enough due to how incoherent self-wound is, but the general idea is right and maybe we're getting there.

Northern Realms
Siege boardwipes are back and better than ever. Adorable. As if we needed more of that. At least the cards in question involve more meaningful steps now, so that's something.

No a single nerf to the Patience ensemble, though, which means another season of that. Quite disheartening.


Etriel and Muirlega: Provision cost changed from 8 to 6.
Alright? The change is fine, but Harmony is dead, so...whatever? These aren't exactly the optimal multi-purpose control tools outside of it. Maybe someday.

Francesca Findabair: Counter changed from 3 to 2.
The only thing it does is helping your opponent be extra trigger-happy with Korathi, ridding them of any delusions about the amount of time they have.
Saov Ainmhi'dh: Unity: Counter changed from 3 to 2.
Very slightly relevant? Still just a bad Flying Redanian.
The Great Oak: Power changed from 8 to 9.

Provision cost changed from 13 to 12.
Meh. Maybe as a tempo option in some weird Nature's Gift list. Still unlikely. 12 provision cards are supposed to do much more nowadays.

No changes.
Triple Gerni replay, Kelly and Fleders all day again. I see. Cool.


Emhyr var Emreis: Provision cost changed from 11 to 10.
Yeah, they tried to make Artis viable this way too, at first. Didn't work too well. Won't work this time either. Decks heavily built around a single card will never be meta while tall removal is as abundant and easy as it is.

also, a reminder: Korathi et YenInvo delenda est
Philippe van Moorlehem: Power changed from 5 to 6.

Ability changed to:

Deploy: If you control a Vampire, gain Zeal.

Order: Give Doomed to an enemy unit.

If it already has a status, Lock it instead.

If it already has more than 1 status, Poison it instead.

Cooldown: 1
This...could be interesting. Or incredibly toxic. At least he has a graveyard hate aspect and can nuke Donimir in 2 turns, and I can respect that.
Sweers: Power changed from 3 to 4.
Poor point evaluation. Amnesty Deluxe for non-devo. Not worth it.
Vattier de Rideaux: Ability changed to:

Order: Lock an enemy unit.

Conspiracy: Seize it instead.
A complete meme remade into a generally harder to pull off meme. Vattier might as well get a conditional Zeal at this point. You opponent has three Gernichoras anyway.
Mangonel: Ability changed to:

Whenever an enemy unit gains Spying, damage units adjacent to it by 1.
Fergus liked that. Mango is the NG Scribe now, in a way.
Van Moorlehem Servant: Ability changed to:

Deploy: Copy all statuses from an enemy unit to another enemy unit. Boost self by the number of statuses copied.
That's cool. Also my Masquerade Ball sense is tingling increasingly stronger. Between the Moorlegem guy and her, maybe Rot Tossers can become a viable option.

Jackpot: Provisions changed from 13 to 12.

King of Beggars: Power changed from 3 to 1.
With all due respect, Jackpot easily wins by dozens (or hundreds, if you have no way of countering Salamander), not by ~5 points. Please, CDPR. Please. KoB is a bad design that has no place in the game. He's a Sigi you don't have to play from hand, which is miles above the similar cards like Cerys or Rejk. This is stupid.
Off the Books: Provisions changed from 16 to 15.

Charges changed from 3 to 4.
Maybe this could be fun. But it won't be, because Jackpot is still around and is barely nerfed.

Overall, this patch could be really cool. It has a bunch of genuinely fun ideas which won't amount to anything because stupidly broken archetypes weren't addressed properly and will dominate the game once again.
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No changes.
I really hope this means they are guaranteed to get some proper attention next patch, especially the Wild Hunt could use some love.
ST - underwhelming
I wonder if you will say that after Nature's Gift decks Simlas into triple bountiful harvest in their nauseating round two bleeds, or just basic things like oneiro into double heatwave, or perhaps the new Vigo's Muzzle. Yes, you can answer Francesca, but she's 7 power and veiled, so not so easily. Compare her to something like Damien who is one provision more, no veil, and 6 power where people who use him are almost guaranteed to invest in a defender.
ST changes are [too] few, as usual, but what's there is actually good. The Oak and Etriel/Muriega are going to get played again. Fran change is OK, but I'm still just kind of skeptical of her potential. She's probably going to be most used with Alzur, and I'm not really a fan of that cheese. Saov is whatever.


Not crazy about the muzzle buff, because seize is toxic, but at least it's neutral.

Happy to see SK getting some buffs finally, after that "no changes" last patch. :D

Not a fan of Resupply change/siege buffs. It was already the most played archtype for NR. Did we need more of it?

SY: 1 provision nerf and 2 points off KoB are not going to matter. The passive ability is just broken
Ok, here are my takes on the changes:

-Neutral: so happy to see Vigo's Muzzle becoming a card again, it is not overpowered, fair but playable, with the tactic tag it would have been really good as tactic decks are lacking good tactics.
-Skellige: cool for the Gedy nerf, it was deserved as it was the cheapest scenario and the more played atm. Cool to see self-damage getting buffs with Knut, Restore, and Sigvald, the deck was lacking good cards and was really difficult to make it work, maybe this will make it viable.
-Northern Realms: I don't play NR, at all. But I think an engine deck can take some shape. Good to have something else rather than just Alumni.
-Scoia'tel: Etriel and Muirlega are finally playable. Francesca seems playable too now, she might be a bit too easy to trigger, spella'tel will probably be a very strong deck after that and the buff to Saov. The Great Oak seems like a good card again.
-Nilfgaard: Cool to see Emyr getting a buff, I'll definitely play him. But as a whole, I'm not sure about the whole spying package, I don't quite get the changes and maybe we'll understand it better in action. Sweers to 4 makes him playable again. As for Vattier, it seems really weird because the locking part is useless, 11 prov for 3 power lock is beyond ridiculous, and changes his synergy from locks to spying. Imposter just lost one of its best cards.
Syndicate: Jackpot nerfed is great, getting to 12 prov is insane, shows you how powerful the leader is. Off the books getting a buff is cool as it may incentivize people to try more a tribute deck in its appropriate leader, one that is not degenerate but forces you to play with coin management. Kob nerf is normal, but this is like, they just lost 2p on their combo, it won't really change a thing. What I would've done is give his refund ability the devotion tag, that way if you wanna play him, you have to play with the inconsistency that devotion SY has, meaning Vivaldi instead of Decree.

As a part note, I'm happy that CDPR's today philosophy is bringing on par old archetypes with the actual ones and getting them to the actual power level. It gives more deck diversity, allows top meta decks to shine but give other off-meta decks a chance to contest, I think this is really necessary, otherwise, the game gets boring. Also, I'm surprised and disappointed NG assimilate doges the nerf hammer. It is a 16 provision leader with some of the best cards NG has to offer. I fear it will remain the top dog this patch, while it could still be a good deck but fairer with a nerf.
As a new player who doesn't really care for NG (neither playing it or playing against it) and missing bascially all the cards for the new meta dominating deck NG Assimilate, this is going to be a hard month. I'm alreading encountering NG a lot more then any other faction. I don't quite understand why they want to make them top of the meta. I mean sure, SY needed a nerf, but making NG the king isn't going to make the meta more interesting.

By design NG are toxic and not fun to play against. Making them into the top dog can't be good for the game.
ST changes are [too] few, as usual, but what's there is actually good. The Oak and Etriel/Muriega are going to get played again. Fran change is OK, but I'm still just kind of skeptical of her potential. She's probably going to be most used with Alzur, and I'm not really a fan of that cheese. Saov is whatever.
Well, I was sure Simlas was going to be made 15P after seeing 3 meaningful buffs in a row for ST. Francesca counter from 3->2 is actually huge. Don't know how much she would be viable, but I am already thinking Francesa + Double Muzzle. But Oak is one of my favourite cards and seeing it had got a much deserving double buff, I am just very happy.
These changes are way more interesting than i expected.
SK - awesome, love it! I really like complicated cards that can do some crazy shenanigans.
NR - i don't like the change to Resupply - abilities that are separated from their triggers allow more freedom when designing and balancing, but apart that i like all the changes.
ST - underwhelming, but they will probably be way more impactful than they look.
NG - awesome, love it! But at the same time i'm worried that devs went a bit too far and NG will be Tier 0.
SY - Jackpot probably needs more nerfs, that passive ability is really nuts.
How will NG be Tier 0?
How will NG be Tier 0?
He means that top tier Assimilate didn't get a touch, so another 2 months of Arthaud/Braathens/Bribery circus
Post automatically merged:

Overall the whole "patch" for me looks like a hotfix. So little changes are made.
MO - didn't even got anything (plenty of archetypes are just dead for months/even years now).
SK - ok buffs, but I don't get the Gedy nerf, why would I play it now when we have Truffle for 10p (!) that with Dwims plays for the same amount of points. Self-wound changes are interesting on the other hand.
NG - got some buffs to unused useless cards. Only Phillip seems interesting, considering he can give Doom to everything, which is good.
NR - Alumni nonsense didn't change, so the rest seems not that important.
SY - 1 provision is not even a nerf, you simply change Salamander Mage for whatever and here you go. Also KoB not getting a rework means another 2 months of unanswerable "last-play 30 points wins the game KEKW" meta.
ST - slight changes that mean almost nothing, at least worth experimenting with newly buffed cards, I don't really expect anything good though
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