PvP: yay or nay?

PvP ? I guess it's preferential to coop under the condition that it's small scale and detached from the main game. Something like an arena where players can pitch their characters against each other.

...as long as it takes up as little resources as possible and I'm free to completely ignore it.

Of course it would be even more preferential to have no mp of *any* (including coop) form.
I voted for PvP, but I don't view PvP in the same way most other people seem to.

Its interesting reading this thread, where people clearly view PVP as the type of environment which finds itself in games such as CoD, MoH, Battlefield and other games of that nature. The name, player vs player, seems to define an arena style, 'pick up and play' atmosphere.

That being the case, I agree with the general consensus that it would not suite the ethos of PnP Cyberpunk and would not fit into its world.

Having said that, I would whole heartedly support a MMORPG, correctly done of course (I believe Eve Online has the best formula, and boasts the highest average player age of all, mid 30's).

Although I love deep single player story driven games (Witcher, Deus Ex 1 and 3, Mass effect series), I feel that Cyberpunk 2077 might miss out on a whole depth of game play which can only be experienced though a multiplayer environment.

In most MMORPG's we often hear the countless stories of children talking crap in the public channels, griefing and pointless killing. The stories you don't often hear are the creation and disbanding of groups, gangs, corporations and alliances and the history associated with them.

Think of what a MMORPG could offer;

1) Depth of involvement. Operations with people around the world, planning, scheming and ultimately actioning the same plots at the same time.

2) History. Everything you do will be remembered by someone, somewhere. That bar room scrap, that arse kicking in a side alley, that operation which felled a multi million dollar corporation. Years later people may still talk about that 'one off con' you pulled off.

3) Teamwork. No worth while task should be achievable by just one man, argumented or not. Dragging friends and gang mates into your op makes it more fun. And that is one of the biggest memories I had of the PnP version.

4) Game world depth. Eventually the game designers will not need to spend so much time a effort into NPC social dynamics. You would walk into a club and actual people will be in there, some pubs would be friendlier than others. Streets would have actual people walking down them, busy completing their own tasks.


I know the risks of MMORPG's, random killing, children talking bollocks and the possibility that some smart arse will con you out of all your money. But think of the benefits, playing with friends and maybe, just maybe, the chance to one day look down on other players from your penthouse suite.
To Risen From The Ashes: wouldn't you rather have co-op than MMO? I disagree that this game will lack in SP due to its form- if the AI is intelligent and challenging, I don't see why SP won't be just as fun as playing with others.

I'll again bring up the example of Transformers: War for Cybertron- it had an option where players can join another player's story campaign. That's a really good way to do co-op.
@ Risen:

You paint a compelling picture for PvP, and not in the "FPS / arena" vein. I'd be on board with your proposals, provided:

1. it doesn't detract from a rich single-player experience, and

2. it wouldn't adversely impact the development schedule.
@ Risen:

You paint a compelling picture for PvP, and not in the "FPS / arena" vein. I'd be on board with your proposals, provided:

1. it doesn't detract from a rich single-player experience, and

2. it wouldn't adversely impact the development schedule.

Add : is not mandatory to enjoy fully the game (unlike ME3).
While this is a tangent of the main issue of multiplayer, I've seen this pop up in a few places, so I think it merits its own discussion.

So, PvP: yay or nay? If so, how should it be implemented?

Should CDPR follow the "separate server" model, where some are designated PvP, and some designated Care Bear? =p

Should it be one big server, and everyone goes in the grinder? Everyone fair game?

Should there be a toggle, where you can't be affected by another player, or are otherwise "invisible" to someone out for PvP?

PvP is fine ...

As long as each player can decide if they want to participate.
And that doesn't mean a "I will PvP" tag/toggle on your character. I've been in to many games where the PvP crowd runs around harassing everyone that isn't interested in PvP.

Separate Server will work, assuming the game is MMO capable in the first place.
To answer some queries or points raised;

I would prefer to see the game as a fully functioning MMORPG as its primary role. The game would run on one server, so that everyone is playing in the same universe and although there would be safe districts, where killing would result in swift action (arrest, death etc by the police), the game would ultimately be open.

Having said that, I would also be equally happy with a single player only game.

I think that my personal experience of the game, considering the close tie to the PnP version, would suffer without the chance to game with my friends.

Would I like a co-op addition to the game? Sure, but you then risk making the game environment too static, unless your willing to only play when everyone else is around, which experience tells me most wouldn't.

I'm not trying to force one view over the other, hell, wars have started for the very same reason ;) I'm just trying to provide choices, options and views which can be accepted or rejected.

To cap this off, I feel its a bit of a mute point as CD Projekt have only ever created single player games, and they have stated that they wish the graphics to be top end (limiting MMORPG options dramatically).
It's not a moot point, I think CDPR may be open to trying new things.

Regarding co-op: It's certainly possible to do co-op with strangers, not just friends- the system just involves starting a game, and then waiting for others to join you. For a game like CP 2077 it could work like this: whoever joins you may not necessarily be an ally, but work to foil you and your allies' progress. It may also be possible to allow people to join your SP campaign.
WILDLY AGAINST the idea of MMO. I want a single player client that runs off of my local machine, that doesn't require me to be online to play.
Make it optional. I commented about the whole "Gaming troll" problem that ended up many other online multiplayer games. Now, don't get me wrong, I have no problem with sharing a game world with others. What I DO have a problem with is asshats attacking other players for the purpose of killing them and taking their stuff. And the thing is, this usually happens when some jerk with a jacked up character decided to "cyberbully" a beginner or someone who is just out exploring the game world. That's my two cents worth on that.
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