Question about Modding Game

Question about Modding Game

Hi Guys/Gals,

So I installed the Immersive Cam by making a folder called "mods" and placing that in the main game folder and placing the Immersive Cam files into this "Mods" folder. However when I go in game and check for the mod tab in the options page, there is nothing showing under the Mods tab. I can tell the Immersive Cam is kind of working as the view is a bit different, but I can't get the keybindings to work for the mod.

What did I miss? I assume the game can't see my "mods" folder, so I must have not have installed the mods folder correctly...or something to that effect.

I modded my game a long time prior to the 1.22 release without issue, but can't remember what I did it was so long ago.

Thanks in advance and good day!


---------- Updated at 04:15 PM ----------

Figured it out - all is well.

I hadn't installed the keybindings and gui files, which is done separately.

Good day!
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