DarthRaver8686;n9081730 said:
I just hope that however they do the skill/progession system, i hope it differes greatly from the witcher 3's progression system.
Right? "So I'm a 100 yrs old super-trained man and my ENTIRE SKILLS PACKAGE is how to stab people to death, how to zap them to death, how to Force Persuade them in rare dialogue schemes...and how to make neato potions. I may have mis-spent some of my life..."
I mean, it was okay, but it wasn't skills-skills. And the upgrades were occasionally useless or just weird (so now my magic powers source regenerates when I stab people? Odd.) as well as being not-really-adjusted for your level.
To this day I'm not sure how strong or dextrous Geralt is compared to, say, Yen - and I have no idea what skills outside of stab/zap and boil either one of them has. Ride horse, I guess?
I might have liked a skill -relating- to Witcher Sight, that I could improve or at least measure. I mean, Outdoors Tracking is an actual skill. As well as using a crossbow, swimming, running, climbing, lying to people, seduction, etc.
All those things we generally equate to role-playing. So yeah, a lot of us are hoping for a more skills-based system for Cyberpunk. After all, we here in the Near-Cyberpunk Age now, have a battery of skills ourselves. Be weird to have characters without them.
I still give the fiction and the choice greater importance in terms of role-playing, since I need to be able to role-play as a character, not a stats-package. But yeah, without some kind of structure to build the house of my character upon, it's really a lot harder - and way easier to fall back into playing myself - usually with Sooper Dooper combat skills and this -odd- take damage system where instead of organs, I have.. a single red bar? Wha?