Season of the Elves has started!

Pruny;n10743071 said:
balanced is not, when only broken arhetypes like alchemy, spoters , elfswarm are played, they killed spies and monster swarm , and weather Omg.
Ps. Henselt with winches is an abomination not arhetype.

You were complaining about spies when it was still around.
Lol maybe when enforcers were OP, before i had good winrate with eredin.

PS. i remember complaining about 12point Cantarela, because she was abused like thaler now.
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EternalJxx;n10740361 said:
If you need the avatar to feel impressive then the problem is wth you. The other borders are reserved for top 100 and top 1000 players.
I is no problem with him. There must be a way to separate good players from bad players in every good CCG. People who say otherwise are just being being hypocritical.
Good point mentioning borders for top 100 and 1000, except - they suck, because there is almost no difference between top 10k and top100 borders.
I personnaly do not mind to issue avatars for rank 15, but not in the way they are doing it now, simply spitting on all the effort people put into getting them.
It is not so hard to pring dozens of avatars for rank 15 and same amount for rank 20 or higher.
Both categories of players will get their avatar. But in this case weaker players will always have a goal to get better and reach more exclusive rewards.
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Maybe they should release 2 avatars each season. One for rank 15 and one for top 1k. Then after a few months (not too many) the ones for top 1k gets recycled as rank 15 rewards. This way players top players would always have something exclusive but then avatars won't become an elitist thing as if you did not get it this time you will get it in a few months.

Voyagers;n10744561 said:
Then after a few months (not too many) the ones for top 1k gets recycled as rank 15 rewards.
So you propose to reward mediocrity? Why? Where is competitivity in this?
There must be a line separating strong players from weak ones.
Otherwise weak players will not be stimulated to become better since they will have to just wait a bit longer to get top reward for free.
Pretty sure "competitivity" isn't a word...but anyway I'm failing to see how avatars are any more or less a distinction of good/bad than titles and borders, homeslice.
partci;n10743961 said:
And what game were you playing back than?

ok the ones that did damage with all spies on enemy board were really op but otherwise enforcers have always been quite easy to deal with with just a little control elements in your deck
Wait, did i hear correct on twitch that since no changes in gwent till big patch we will get prmium kegs weekend any soon? Hope so
psysteel;n10744591 said:
So you propose to reward mediocrity? Why? Where is competitivity in this?
There must be a line separating strong players from weak ones.
Otherwise weak players will not be stimulated to become better since they will have to just wait a bit longer to get top reward for free.

Rewarding mediocrity? It's giving all players the chance to get the avatar they want.

As people have said a million times before, you can just go ahead and brag with your border or title, because that's literally what borders and titles are for, to represent your achievements.

Why do you need the avatars for that? Because you can already use both borders and titles for it, I think people will know that you are not a 1k MMR player when you are using the Clan-Elder title or some other topX border or title. Those already seperate top players from casual players.
I dont think borders show something about skill, i find them useless. Havent changed it since closed beta.
I feel Rank 15 is a sweet spot for Avatars. It makes you invest sufficiently in the game, but not so much that you feel like you're grinding. Avatars have way more utility than Borders, so it actually makes sense if more people get them. There's no point in giving a top player an Avatar, who's too arrogant or competitive to use its dialogues. Avatars are more for players who also wish to have fun while playing the game. Why you rotten little cu--
G4merY;n10755021 said:
I feel Rank 15 is a sweet spot for Avatars. It makes you invest sufficiently in the game, but not so much that you feel like you're grinding. Avatars have way more utility than Borders, so it actually makes sense if more people get them. There's no point in giving a top player an Avatar, who's too arrogant or competitive to use its dialogues. Avatars are more for players who also wish to have fun while playing the game. Why you rotten little cu--
Agreed :yes:
Pruny;n10754861 said:
I dont think borders show something about skill, i find them useless. Havent changed it since closed beta.

Dude. They literally show what rank you've gotten to during what season/meta. They are THE biggest indicator the game has.
Eilsgreat;n10816191 said:
[h=2]Can anyone tell me season end rewards is based on highest MMR I reached or Final MMR?[/h]

Both, some rewards are based on your rank (highest MMR) while others on your position (final MMR) on the leader boards.
Eilsgreat;n10816191 said:
[h=2]Can anyone tell me season end rewards is based on highest MMR I reached or Final MMR?[/h]
Rank rewards are high water mark, 1-X rewards are based on last position
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