Slave Driver can create more Slave Drivers infinitely


Guest 4226291

Slave Driver can create more Slave Drivers infinitely

In a Nilfgaard mirror match, if a player plays a slave driver and the opponent had only 3 different bronze units or less including a Slave Driver, then the opponent can create a copy of your Slave Driver and repeat the process until their turn runs out of time.

I’ve experienced this now in over five different games.

In my game, the opponent also utilized Ointments to revive his Slave Drivers and repeat the process. In a memorable game my opponent had over 15 Slave Drivers total and at least 11 in one round.

I’m disappointed to see an oversight of such an obvious exploit. I’ve messaged support with no response yet.

I would provide pictures with evidence for my post but for some reason I can’t upload photos from my phone (I provided photos when I contacted support)
EternalJxx;n10166692 said:
I’ve messaged support with no response yet.

I would provide pictures with evidence for my post but for some reason I can’t upload photos from my phone

Support answers might take few working days, so weekends and holidays won't count. Sometimes it can take even longer, if Support is flooding with reports. So please be patient :)

My phone usually takes pictures that are way larger than 1MB, so that might be the problem in your case too? Try making the picture a bit smaller, or use normal screenshots taken with PC/PS4 (not sure how Xbox handles these?). That usually works.
It also depends on if the enemy has a platinum or standard slave-driver. Don't run platinum Slave-Drivers and you won't see that happen to you.
BornBoring;n10217222 said:
The Slave driver still shows you the same card twice sometimes.

It's a very risky card right now. Sometimes you get 15+ points and several units. Sometimes 2+2, 2+3 or 2+4 points.
This is an absolutely stupid bug in the game. Same happens with Avallach: Sage if you run a premium one in your deck. Simply remove all premium slave drivers from deck and you should be fine. This bug's been there since quite long, probably since midwinter patch. It will surely get fixed with the start of the next season, sometime in first week Feb!

Guest 4226291

boneflayerr;n10192962 said:
It also depends on if the enemy has a platinum or standard slave-driver. Don't run platinum Slave-Drivers and you won't see that happen to you.

AVK1995;n10226662 said:
This is an absolutely stupid bug in the game. Same happens with Avallach: Sage if you run a premium one in your deck. Simply remove all premium slave drivers from deck and you should be fine. This bug's been there since quite long, probably since midwinter patch. It will surely get fixed with the start of the next season, sometime in first week Feb!

Can you guys explain this to me? I have two standards and one premium. So the premium one is the cause? I’m confused how that works


Forum veteran
Im sure they will fix it soon, since ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE is using it, on all NG decks, and so there will be tons of complaints.


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EternalJxx;n10232102 said:
Can you guys explain this to me? I have two standards and one premium. So the premium one is the cause? I’m confused how that works

It's the premium, it seems


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There are so many visual bugs in the game right now that it's sad. CDPR know about all this but there's no word on if they know how to fix it. I mean they just made a silver card a leader...I think they have bit off more then they can chew. #gwentsstillinbeta...beta forever?
EternalJxx;n10232102 said:
Can you guys explain this to me? I have two standards and one premium. So the premium one is the cause? I’m confused how that works

I imagine the issue is because the game is registering them as two different cards. So if you had all standards, the game sees it's a slave driver and won't let you keep spawning it infinitely, however if you have a standard and a premium, the game is counting it as two separate cards and so it'll just let you bounce between one another and spawn infinitely. So it might see you spawning lots of standard slave drivers and stop giving it as a create option to prevent infinite spawn, but it'll still offer premium as it's not considering it as the same thing.

I'm not sure if this happens if ALL your slave drivers are premium. All I know is it doesn't happen if you have all normal slave drivers, and it does happen if you have a variety of standard and premium.
Bondonkadonk;n10239902 said:
I'm not sure if this happens if ALL your slave drivers are premium. All I know is it doesn't happen if you have all normal slave drivers, and it does happen if you have a variety of standard and premium.

If you've got 3 premium slave drivers and you opponent uses a standard slave driver, they can discover it on the create screen and get infinite slave drivers. Safest is to run all 3 standard!
Please stay on topic. Besides, CDPR already said that the NG leader issue will be fixed next week.

Also please let CDPR know if you have ideas for how a certain bug works ->

They might already know it in this particular case but it's still not a bad idea to make sure.
This is not okay....I mean I just lost 3 games in a row to this cheat. People who exploit this have no honour, or sportsmanship at all. Absolutely fuming right now.
Crazyfisting;n10241372 said:
This is not okay....I mean I just lost 3 games in a row to this cheat. People who exploit this have no honour, or sportsmanship at all. Absolutely fuming right now.

I mean, it's not really cheating when they're given the option by the game. It's not even an exploit when you're literally just playing a card as it's meant to be played. Be honest, if you played a slave driver and it created a slave driver, would you truly avoid picking that if you knew it would give you the highest value? I've still not personally encountered the infinite bug but I've definitely managed to spawn 2 or 3 extra slave drivers onto the board, and between the choice of three in a create, of course I'm gonna pick slave driver and roll the dice again when my other two options are something like a bricked medic and a bricked novice. Play a 1str card that does nothing, or pick the 2str slave driver that has a chance of creating something of higher value? The choice seems pretty simple.

People have already given an easy solution to this: stop carrying premium slave drivers and it should prevent the issue.

It's shitty that some people can spawn infinite slave drivers, yes, but it's just something we'll have to deal with until the bug is fixed.


Forum veteran
Man i wish i had faced a slave driver deck with my Neutral deck - would love to see their faces when they use Slave Driver and get nothing, pretty sure that never happened to them and would make them question what the hell was goin on.

On the other hand, when i use my own slave driver deck, all i seem to face is mirror matches, go figure...
DRK3;n10243312 said:
Man i wish i had faced a slave driver deck with my Neutral deck - would love to see their faces when they use Slave Driver and get nothing, pretty sure that never happened to them and would make them question what the hell was goin on.

On the other hand, when i use my own slave driver deck, all i seem to face is mirror matches, go figure...

What's your neutral deck? Does it carry no bronze units at all?


Forum veteran
Bondonkadonk Yes, its a fully Neutral deck, with the only faction card being the Leader. I use Emhyr because im able to play the 'central card' of the deck on multiple rounds: Germain, "the cow guy".

I use the 1 point cows to eat with roar for 11 pt bears, and plenty of potions or damaging specials. For the Golds and Silvers, i tried to choose bulky units since its hard to get points without any bronze units, and also for swarm strategies with Yennefer, specially now that there is the Peasant Militia, which made this deck way more viable (but still pretty tricky).
DRK3;n10247192 said:
Bondonkadonk Yes, its a fully Neutral deck, with the only faction card being the Leader. I use Emhyr because im able to play the 'central card' of the deck on multiple rounds: Germain, "the cow guy".

I use the 1 point cows to eat with roar for 11 pt bears, and plenty of potions or damaging specials. For the Golds and Silvers, i tried to choose bulky units since its hard to get points without any bronze units, and also for swarm strategies with Yennefer, specially now that there is the Peasant Militia, which made this deck way more viable (but still pretty tricky).

Lol, sounds mental, but I love me some weird decks. Give me memes over meta any day. xD
Slave driver mirrior

DIS. :eredinfacepalm:
seriously I think devs might want to look into this.
remember how this mechanic works flawlessly with elven scout's design so you won't chain elven scouts with elven scouts.

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