[Spoiler Alert] About the endings


Do you want more RPGs with happy endings?

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Everyone talking how Ctrl+V (see what I did there?) is not the real V... That'd be fine. Usually RPG's with actual branching stories don't have just a "Yay! The Reapers are dead, Ciri decided to become a Witcher and the Commonwealth is safe" and a "Damn! The Reapers killed everyone, Ciri is dead and the Commonwealth is ruled by the Brotherhood of Steel" options. They have grey options in the middle. Having V survive as Ctrl+V is a grey ending, as it allows you to enjoy the post-game, live your life as you decide, and develop and enjoy the relationships you built over the game, while still leaving that bitter taste in your mouth reminding you the only reason you are living is because there is, somewhere out there, your parent copy, dying.

IMHO, it is a valid option as a "And they lived happy ever after" ending...

On a side note. Am I just emotionally scarred enough that I cried when V woke up at the Arasaka station, and cried once again when I was told I was going to die, or did someone else was as affected as I was?

Didn't pick that ending but nah you weren't the only one. Thought it was only fair to give Johnny a second chance at life in a new body since V would've only gotten 6 months so that decision was a tough one to make.
The Witcher 3 arc was done in a way where you could get a good outcome for most involved. Even though it was sad that the journey came to an end, that was alleviated with Blood and Wine with a nice post-game arc.

I'm telling myself over and over that this is what they aim to do with Cyberpunk, but there's that lingering doubt given where we're at. They mentioned they learned a lot with the Witcher's post game content but did they really? How did we get this kind of arc and where do we go at this point?
Right? What exactly did they learn? The Witcher 1 was a better RPG than this! If anything all they did was forget.
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Didn't pick that ending but nah you weren't the only one. Thought it was only fair to give Johnny a second chance at life in a new body since V would've only gotten 6 months so that decision was a tough one to make.

SCREW Johnny! Seriously! I am not going to be manipulated by cdpr into picking their desired ending. That dude doesn't deserve a second chance of life! It's not even JOHNNY! Real V dying for A COPY of Johnny Silverhand! It's insane!
SCREW Johnny! Seriously! I am not going to be manipulated by cdpr into picking their desired ending. That dude doesn't deserve a second chance of life! It's not even JOHNNY! Real V dying for A COPY of Johnny Silverhand! It's insane!

Just because Johnny is a copy doesn't mean he isn't alive. Johnny is just as much a living person as V and V's copy. You keep bringing the copy issue up as though the copies are not as valuable as the original. Why is one twin more valuable than the other, simply because she was born later?
Just because Johnny is a copy doesn't mean he isn't alive. Johnny is just as much a living person as V and V's copy. You keep bringing the copy issue up as though the copies are not as valuable as the original. Why is one twin more valuable than the other, simply because she was born later?
No form of Johnny, copy or not deserves V's body, after the abuse V suffered by him. Might as well nip it in the bud. He is a terrorist, and made irredeemable after that horrific scene.

Frankly, no form of Johnny matters to me. His original self lived a full life, and went out with a bang. V is like 26 or so, mid-20s (I know Jackie was 26). their whole life ahead of them. I only brought up the copy thing, as the icing on the cake. V suffers Johnny the whole game, only to surrender their body to him, and he is not even actually Johnny! Johnny Silverhand is dead.. V gets shafted. I will say it yet again, I would rather shoot myself than EVER give Johnny my body. Everytime.

"Yeah, but Johnny as a chance at a full life in your body, and you only have 6 months left!" Right, because cdpr decided to railroad you into that choice, you seem to not realize you are being manipulated. I'd rather have my copy live a happy 6 months than have V's consciousness live in cyberhell for eternity, while Silverhand is sunshine and rainbows in his stolen body. How many innocent lives did his original self snuff out? Why does this man deserve a second life? HE DOESN'T. That's the answer. Are we supposed to just forget all his crimes, just because "yay, we are friends now!". He ruined countless lives. He should have stayed dead.

Now, aside from Johnny Silverhand. You do not seem to grasp soulkiller. It kills V. V fights the entire game for survival, and in the end their supposed greatest chance of survival isn't survival at all. Being soulkilled isn't salvation, as I said earlier. Being soulkilled means a seperate entity with the same memories as you may live on in your body. It is not you, you are dead. I am not debating whether the copy's life is worth nothing or not. I am saying the copy's life shouldn't supplant the original.

In Johnny's case, again, he is a monster, and doesn't deserve V's body. Simple as that.

Also, one twin wasn't "born" later one twin killed the other to be born. If you want to use that analogy.

I'll let you in on a little secret/ Let's say they fix the story, and you can find Johnny a new body on top of it. You know what I would do? I would kill him if given the chance. Yep. Even if you could separate and live happily ever after, I would still try to find a way to get rid of him forever.

I'm honestly sick and tired of hearing about Johnny. I can barely play the game because of him.

Sorry, a lot of edits. I had to get my thoughts out. Vent.
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The game plot is very interesting and the ending is also of course excellent, but I agree with the majority opinion, V is trying to survive the whole game with this is the whole story as he tries to save his life, and not to give the hero a chance, it just devalues the story, so many people filled with love for the main character, he's very interesting, but leave only 1 ending where V has 6 months of life he was so anxious to get with people who are dear to him and with a ghostly hint of what he can still help in the form of 1 phrase in the dialogue and Tarot card misty, given that you before this "almighty ai" said that there is no chance, very cruel
Some people will not be able to accept such an ending, so I think it's worth reworking at least this, giving V a better chance of survival, or continuing this branch in the dlc because it seems the most interesting.
And so all the endings deserve to be seen, but still not enough of the good old happy ending
Sorry my english, Its translater
I don't mean to sound like I'm dismissing people wanting a happy ending, but have you never consumed Cyberpunk stories before?

Cyberpunk doesn't have happy endings.
Sad ending does not just mean MC die, but also mean MC death is insignificant, meaningless, lack of satisfaction.

I mean, that's kinda the point of Cyberpunk right there. It's written all over the game, and games, or other media just like it: NO FUTURE. The MC either dies, or becomes obsessed, or becomes consumed by the very thing he sought out to rid himself of.
I mean, that's kinda the point of Cyberpunk right there. It's written all over the game, and games, or other media just like it: NO FUTURE. The MC either dies, or becomes obsessed, or becomes consumed by the very thing he sought out to rid himself of.
So deep. :coolstory:
There are guides already.


V dies in every ending. It's only a matter if you die before final mission, during final mission or few months after final mission.

That's it. Rest is cosmetic choices, but basically your choices doesn't matter- you die anyway.

Actually, there's no proof that he dies in the 6 months later ending.
Yes, and you are true in a sense when you talk about the cyberpunk genre.

But think about this : In my (2 cents) opinion, there are stories good for reading / watching (non-interactive), and there are stories good for playing as the major protagonist (interactive). To me, the scenario of Cyberpunk 2077 suited for a book or a movie story, not a game where you put all your implication for dozens of hours, making your avatar progress, growing some affection for the avatar progress, etc.

NOW Imagine in a FANTASTIC world ingenuously called "The Legend of Zelda 2077" : you play as Link, sooo bad news you've been diagnosed a cancer from the beginnings but you must save the Kingdom, so you make Link grow in power so he can search for a fairy that can cure him, and/or do the main quest and become the legend of the kingdom, whatever pleases you... So you play the game for about 50-100 hours... and in the final sequence, Ganon kills your friends, says that the Kingdom is doomed forever, then he makes bad things to Zelda in front of your eyes, she's broken, then finally, your character feels like a worthless piece of crap and commits suicide. THE END :howdy:

Would you accept that ending... really :ROFLMAO:
I think that some stories are more suited to non-interactive medias.

Yes, I understand how frustrating it is to play a 70 hour game to have a "bad ending", no matter what.

But as the main mission progresses V was already dying during the game.

With the "good" ending, at least V stop having these chips failures and can live for 6 months. In nomad path, with Panam you started your journey to find a cure, so there is a little ray of hope in the end.

It's a very dark ending, but being cyberpunk, and from what I expected from the genre itself, I was pleased.

If this kind of story was applied for Zelda or Final Fantasy people would lose it, and probably Nintendo and Square would be burnt. But it's a totally different genre, world and are made for a different public.

Maybe this tragic stories are too depressive to be popular in gaming, movies and books, that's why it's a niche thing.

If you think about Blade Runner, it wasn't a happy ending too (as people were commenting that to opose the fact that Cyberpunk is a tragedy).

Deckard stayed with Rachel, but she will die, just like Roy Batty, and Tyrell corp will probably hunt him after the movie because Rachel is the only one that can reproduce.

That's why Deckard's daughter is a prisioner in 2049, working to make fake memories and experiences, so the replicants have some kind or mental estability (and be a better slave), Rachel is dead, and Deckard is hidden, old, alone and scared in Las Vegas abandoned desert. How is this a "happy ending"? Thinking about it, it may be worst than Cyberpunk 2077 ending.
Ironically, the game is missing the one profoundly obvious ending choice that often defines cyberpunk as a genre.

It is missing the Ghost In the Shell (original) movie ending - the classic outcome where V and Johnny's consciousnesses merge into a new combined being that is simultaneously neither and both of them.

I mean - I agree it's ALSO missing a happy ending where V manages to eradicate Johnny and live a full happy life afterwards, but more importantly its missing the merge/evolution ending that is usually the staple of cyberpunk. Such endings are the logical conclusion or punchline to the genre, fulfilling the post-human potential of 'digital souls'. I'm staggered that the writing team didn't include this ending, it's so obvious as a story branch I have no idea how they missed it.

To be honest, it kinda makes me wonder how much they even understand the cyberpunk genre or what gives it artistic significance.

No, there's no Ghost in The Shell merge ending per se, but that really isn't a staple in Cyberpunk as a whole. Cyberpunk, as a genre has endings that vary wildly, but mostly are akin to "Dividing by Zero/Slim Pickens Does The Right Thing and Rides The Bomb to Hell" by Offspring. Most Cyberpunk is just "They died, and the world keeps on turning," or, "he did his thing, but got screwed out of everything" Or the most common "They sacrificed everything for this one singular moment...." End. Nothing. Just End.

Cyberpunk worlds are always, uncaring, unoffended by your presence, and unyielding. One guy, isn't going to change that.

I can't really think of a whole lot of Cyberpunk novels, games, or media that I've consumed that has a positive ending aside from Sound & Fury by Sturgil Simpson (look it up on Netflix, it's a fantastic hour or so long music video).
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Yeah, I guess everyone saying V has 6 months is not enough of a proof, only actual graveyard is :coolstory:

I think one thing people are missing is that Cyberpunk is a genre that rarely has a happy ending as almost a defining feature due to the setting and its heavy Nior influences. A great defining line I've seen about it is that the protagonist doesn't get ahead in life, at best they get back to where they started at the beginning of the story. I think if CDPR had made a "best" ending, it would have felt pretty phony.
That's basically what I meant when I said, "live to fight another day." I'd be perfectly fine with that kind of ending.

Maybe one of the simplest solutions for CDPR would be to add a Sandbox Mode, where you start in V's apartment, the main story is 'deactivated' and you can roam the city freely to do all the side content.
There is another thing.

I did the Arasaka ending first. They kept your mind into your body, treated you in space, but after removing the shard, the damage is so high, that you'll die soon (6 months).

They offer to keep your body in an engram after your death, which you can refuse or not.

It's the only ending that V is actually V, not a copy made by Alt.

Saburo Arasaka transfered his body and became immortal.
It's cyberpunk, it's supposed to be a bleak and dark future where you're just a speck in the gears of the corporate machine.
I get that.
I've read my share and was a fan of the setting since the release of Syndicate in 1993.
You wanna write a tragic story where the hero ends up dead, dying or miserable?
Fine, write a novella and sell that.

Don't sell me a 60€$ game and give it a handful of bleak endings.
I'm playing games for fun, having a good time and escape the daily grind.

A second time through, the story simply loses all appeal and the struggle V goes through feels pointless.
But hey, guess that's the point of life and if that's what they wanted to get that across... they succeeded.
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