[suggestion] to 1.07

[suggestion] to 1.07


-The hero eats and drinks during fights. Is that so hard to give more regeneration to the swallow potion? Or make that regeneration ability work during fights?
-Looted rune stones cannot be upgraded to bigger stones.
-Relic swords are mostly useless. It was an epic move when my Geralt got Winterbreath, meant to be a famous and probably powerful sword which I sold immediately because it was weak compared to my superior feline sword. :D
-You may buy diagrams in shops you already have! Known diagrams should disappear from the shops.
-You don't see the required level of diagrams in the shops.
-You should label items as junk and sell them automatically starting with the heaviest items. Like in Dragon Age.
-You can make superior feline clothing and realize you cannot actually wear them and become naked.
-A lot of enemies don't attack you just wait during fights.
-Monsters patiently wait while you recover from shaken state.
-Dijkstra's final scene was way too easy. He deserves more! It should have been one of the toughest fights in the game.
-Sometimes you can repair your weapons and armor using kits sometimes you can't. No idea about the requirements. You must carry two silver swords to surely have a sharp one.
-Buying a runestone is far cheaper than creating them! Any reason?
-You should quit from dialogs with shopkeepers pressing Esc.
-It's annoying you cannot pause dialogs.

-Triss's hair color is too red. It should have been more natural.
I would like the symbol for my weapon being damaged to appear alot later than slightly more than 50% durability. unless my weapon is doing less damage from being at 50% durability which i don't think it is it is pointless for the weapon damaged icon to appear until alot later.
You can apply repair kits by activating the kit and then selecting the weapon (or armour as appropriate). This always works (on PC), while dragging the kit onto the desired sword only works if the damaged icon is shown. This is fine for 'correct' use of the Journeyman and Master repair kits adding 40% and 90% of condition, but not ideal for the Amateur kits (which are also much lighter) which add 15% condition, and can be used to keep the weapon above the 75% threshold for impairment... it rejects the attempt to apply it when it has the most impact, unless you do it the clumsier way.

Ideally you don't ever want to see impairment on the weapon, certainly there is already a large penalty to 'maximum' damage when the "damaged" icon appears. The ideal is to have the weapon at as close to 100% as possible, and to also have the +20% boost from the grindstone active, with an appropriate oil applied.
I think that I once destroyed a good sword by neglecting maintenance, I certainly was wielding a "blunt sword" - which I'm fairly certain I didn't equip... once the weapon is impaired you also need to use more attacks to obtain the same total of damage (above the target's armour threshold). Against protected targets this can be significantly more hits required for relatively minor reductions in attack power. The more blows you need, the more damage the sword will take, and the faster the oils will run out, further reducing damage potential.
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