"The Tower Outta Nowheres"-sidequest bugged

"The Tower Outta Nowheres"-sidequest bugged

Just another name on the list of bugs to be corrected. The Tower Outta Nowheres gets stuck for me after I find the GOG-book and bring it to the mage. He opens the seal on his own door, but after that he simply stands still and can no longer be spoken to. Since the quest marker tells me to break the tower's defences with his aid, it's pretty plain that the quest has bugged out and I'll be stuck inside the tower for good. Fortunately I have a save from before I entered, but it'd be good to have this quest fixed some time soon.
This side quest is bugged for me just in the entrance of the tower. I enter in the portal, and I get stucked there. The elemental monster is freezed and everthing arround him,, I cant go out from the tower either.
Dunno what you're playing on, but I also had this bug playing on the PS4. I tried talking to him, walking around, and nothing worked. Then I just stood in the center of the room while browsing the web for a solution. Spent a couple of minutes browsing, couldn't find the solution, and then finally went back to the game (which was running the whole time - never paused it). Right before I was about to reload the mage started moving and the quest fixed itself. I managed to complete the whole thing.

So basically, the only thing I can recommend is leaving it running for about 2-5 minutes. Dunno if anyone's solved it another way, but for me he just woke up eventually.
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