Tripping on Cat

Tripping on Cat

Been taking Cat at night while exploring. Abusing it non stop. The way the world looks on Cat is like "totally out of this world man", But in all seriousness, take Cat at night and wonder around the game world and look at stuff. It's pretty neat to see some of the area's you've visited while altered by Cat at night. I think its cool. For awhile I was only using it in cave's and in area's where its ridiculously dark; a very under appreciated potion for what it is truly worth. My Geralt is a Cat addict, at least it's better than Fistech.
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Forum veteran
i just wish they gave it same effect it had in W2 automatically detecting monsters etc.. right now, its just way to bright to be used outside even at nights..
I preferred the cat effect from Witcher ii. This is too bright and grey. I'd have preferred some emphasis on monsters (like them being red) and perhaps the potion adjusting in other areas of light
Not to chime in as one of the thousands of mindless opinions being hurled in no particular direction, but I absolutely loved TW1's cat potion, hated TW2's black and white, but appreciated the pseudo-x-ray red renderings of enemies it offered. If there were some way to ditch the black/white effect for TW1's shadowless visuals while maintaining the "red," well, that would be super fucking amazingly awesome.

Therefore CDPR should heed my request with eagerly nodding heads (simultaneously) and immediately begin work patching this feature in with all due haste. Otherwise I will explode like a child and declare my experience has been ruined, and promptly make my own video game.

Five years of stand-up comedy in real life and I still marvel at the misinterpretations text-based humor will always trigger, but I felt the need to troll myself after reading some of the serious versions of the previous sentence. The whole "When in Rome shriek at the Romans to do as I do" mentality far too many forum-goers here exhibit forces a sort of disgusted comedy from people like me. People like me can be summarized as "When in Rome, get naked and frighten the adolescent Romans. Then flee screaming nonsense about bats or something."

In conclusion, trip on that Cat, peak with Fisstech, come down joyously with White Honey.
Drinking cat during the daytime also simulates the light-sensitivity of a hangover, especially if you drink some alcohol for the blurring effect to top it off.
Monsters *are* red.

Not on my game. I thought that was normal. Everything is grey except from red vibrations from monsters that dies out when taking finger off the witcher sense...,hmmm. Maybe a bug.

In Witcher 2 wasn't it that you could take Cat and it would show you the shape of creatures even beyond walls, so you knew what you were heading for? It bugs me that all I see are vibration circles. You usually have to guess what's there judging by the numbers. More than four and nine times out of ten it's wolves and dogs.
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