TW2 Arena Videos&Tactics

I made a few breaktroughs on the skill tree itself, il show it next time i get to 35 lvl.

Using bombs is easy. Do not aim them or hold R. Just press R to throw it. It works the same as targeting system when attacking with a sword. It will throw a bomb to the enemy on which the target circle is. No need to lock on. For 14x nekkers or more for example, i first roll so i can gather them tight, then i throw 3 or more bombs on no matter what enemy. U can strafe camera a bit left or right to throw bombs one in middle and others bit sideways.

Well concerning runes i do not buy them, i wait until they get as rewards, and that is about far into 30s waves. When i get my final swords, zerikanin and caerme or vran, i just wait for or if i have orens buy yisght runes for +7% dmg. Acctualy the best steal sword for arena is Operators Staff, since it got 80% incineration LOOL. U hit any human and is instant fire on him and all surrounding enemies. No runes can be put on Operator.

As far as my opinion goes, do not waste money on runes to put on sword that will last 2-3 fights. Better learn how to use bombs (dancing star) and stack them for easy wins in many matches.
This is my new Arena build. I went for extra oil damage and bombe damage, which is imo better than improved mutagens and 20 extra HP. I use Quen as a life saver, not to deal damage, so I didn't get the extra hits. And I love instant death and I don't see any point in 5% more critical effects.

I would like to get 2 Points in feet work, which makes some fights easier, but I don't know where to get that Point from.
Tough decisions. But you need to setup your skill set up to best serve the game you want to play. That alone should guide your choices. Try to find another setup that includes 2 Footwork points. In my opinion, skill choices are an entire mini-game, ever changing and very challenging. Can make or break your game.
Yes, it was actualy my mistake there Costin to put quen deflection xD
I did change my build a bit. Went for that instant kill. My sword path is almost the same as Flausch's but without the last talent. Went for that 5% insta kill too and without that second talent point after +15% sword damage.

In the alchemy, ofc almost the same but no bomb dmg stuff. Mutagen are only 1 point in to +15% effect and i add 2 points to insta kill in alchemy too...thats +3% for a total of 8% insta kill...thats insane. Plus with a sword that gives +1 or 2...

So if ur poisoned, u get

+35% pots effect -80% negative. oil dmg +35% Thunder, rook, tawny

+25% dmg when poisend, +3% insta kill when poisoned. +5% insta = 8%

Found out that instant kill i so good. Many times insta kill on sorcerer, it can even happen on elite kingslayers, very nice overall and its not happening rare in fights.

So i substracted that +5% crit, i saw that only as means to get to next talent skill ;p

Put full on insta kill both in alchemy and sword, and just -1 talent on mutagen part.

And what u need +10 vitality in traning. Better go for the rederected arrow, very nice when fight scoiatel. U start fight and just put block and u parry all arrows ;p It also has a mutagen slot.
Finally managed to get to wave 55 without fucking dying or my game crashing.

Sadly as soon as I got there my sound died so I went down on purpose to be able to post my score...sigh. ( Since I expected a crash ).

CD Projekt, could you please give us the option to post our scores WITHOUT having to bloody die?
Here are some tips/tactics for arena:

- Do not spend more than 26 gold(best to get rook to speed things up at the beginning i think) for the first 2 fights so you can afford to get the dwarf mercenary already for the third fight. If you take good care of him He should easily last up until the group of wraiths if not farther.

- When fighting monsters that are good at catching up to get you, get behind a bonfire before using quen so they won't be able to charge/jump at you.

- Go for the talents that help you survive at the beginning as you can always reset them by siding with the sorceress.

- In most fights you have enough time to set one trap and quen+dodge away right at the beginning of a fight before enemies reach you. Conflagration and Talgar's Winter traps are often relatively cheap openers which can go a long way in helping you survive and kill enemies faster.

- You can play dice poker with the dwarf to make a few easy orens which might allow you to purchase a few much needed potions if you're short on cash.

- Dancing star bombs create a fire which can incinerate foes multiple times in a row resulting in massive damage to large groups of weak enemies. Use one dancing star bomb and finish them with grapeshot bombs to save money(a very effective tactic is to have a dwarf/human mercenary "tank" melee enemies while you are fighting the ranged ones, all the while assisting him by throwing bombs on the enemies he's tanking).

- You can save your adrenaline for a more difficult fight

- Having a mercenary plus an enemy controlled with the axii sign can make some otherwise difficult fights a cakewalk(4th fight comes to mind)

- There are armors and gloves which increase bomb/trap damage. save them for fights where bombs and/or traps are essential.

- Engraving your silver sword with 1-3 earth runes can really help you survive early on. They're relatively cheap as well.

- Kingslayers can be thrown off the ledge. Elite kingslayers can also be thrown off the ledge when they're health is lower than about 70%. Likewise, trolls and golems can be stunned by aard and killed with a finishing move.

- Draugirs seem to get stunned by aard much more often than other enemies - use that to your advantage.

- Never use the last bomb for each bomb type that you have - it's bugged and will not cause any damage. Poisoned harpy claw and Sting throwing daggers are also bugged and will never poison/freeze enemies.
I don't understand the alchemy tree at all. I mean half the points are for "When poisoned". But only very few enemies can actually poison you, and it lasts for only 5 seconds. On dark mode you will probably die if you let them poison you anyway. I never upgraded alchemy tree, and never understood what's up with useless "When poisoned" talents.
Megakoresh said:
I don't understand the alchemy tree at all. I mean half the points are for "When poisoned". But only very few enemies can actually poison you, and it lasts for only 5 seconds. On dark mode you will probably die if you let them poison you anyway. I never upgraded alchemy tree, and never understood what's up with useless "When poisoned" talents.

Because u don't understand what "when poisoned" means. means when u drink potions or better say have any potion in effect at the moment. Or even better when ur toxicity level, shown in the top right corner is not zero. So to get poisoned u need to drink a potion or more, and then all those effects +25% dmg and others get in effect in alchemy tree. It's not when you actualy get poisoned with a DoT from the enemy
Holy crap... I mean... HOLY CRAP! WHY would they choose such a silly word to describe it then?!?!?! I mean this doesn't make ANY sense!!! Well, I am off to play the storyline one more time with Alchemy tree upgrades then. Cheers!
I welcome tips from anyone using a Quen-free approach...but I'm fast losing faith in this. It seems Quen is simply required on certain occasions.
slimgrin said:
I welcome tips from anyone using a Quen-free approach...but I'm fast losing faith in this. It seems Quen is simply required on certain occasions.

All monsters waves you use Quen or you die, it's simple as that.
slimgrin said:
If true, they've nerfed every build but a Quen-based one. I'm rather annoyed the devs won't comment on this. We've bought your game CDPR; in my case, I've bought it twice. Why the hell do they remain so aloof with the International community?

I hope they are too busy taking the game apart and redesigning it for the console po... err, I mean TW3 ;)
Forgive my vitriolic comments. Arena has reduced me to a babbling idiot, huddling in the corner, clutching my keyboard..."keep the Nekkers away, keep them away.."

I'm calling in sick tomorrow. I'm going to master this shit if it kills me.
Thank you very much for some useful tips and tactic. I usually build on Magic + Sword tree which have both group finisher and Heliotrope sign. I love the silver sword that have some nice option and + 2 to adrenaline. When using that sword I can press "X" more often, some wave I can use it twice or three time because adrenaline bar fill up so quick.

The problem is that (I think it's a bug) if I use Yrden sign to trap enemies I can't use "X" in that wave (and may be in following wave I think) because It's disable. So I must avoid to use Yrden. The longest run I have passed fight 88 (with die sometimes :( ). Fight 89 is 7 Gargoy and 3 fire golems very hard to beat.

Sorry if my English not very good :)
CostinMoroianu said:
Get the swordsman for that particular wave. He can eat a lot of damage from Gargoyles and Golems.
Yeah, thank you Costin. I've learnt alot from your video tactic at the beginning. I't very nice. Now I have my own strategy and I have a lot of fun :)
Someone needs to do an arena run with The Prodigy as a soundtrack.

Can someone give me advice on killing the first round of Wriaths? I'm getting my ass handed to me by those bastards. Even if I use Quen which isn't strong enough to repel their attacks.
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