Updating failed. Connection refused. Retrying in 10 secs.

Updating failed. Connection refused. Retrying in 10 secs.

Hi. It's been awhile i haven't been to the boards. I previously had v1.30 if not mistaken. I saw 2.0 launched but i can't update it. I'm given an 'Connection refused. Retrying in 10 seconds.'.

What can i do? Please help.
It tries to contact dlc.thewitcher.com. "Connection refused" would mean the site is (temporarily) down, or DNS is sending you to the wrong address. Or you have a firewall that returns a TCP Reset when it doesn't permit access to that site.
What can i do then? Is there an offline patch for 1.30 -> 1.35? If so appreciate to point out where i could download it. Thanks for the help though.
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